For some more insight into this problem, you may enjoy reading physicist Frank J. Tipler's book, The Physics of Immortality.
JoinedPosts by Spudinator
soulless souls
by zen nudist inmany years ago --around 1984-6-- my youngest brother asked me why i would waste my time persuing a religion which only promised that a copy of me would inhabit paradise if i died now.. at the time the full impact of his question escaped me... .
years later in a spiritual time of crisis that question reared its head and bit me hard... it suddenly made sense.. jws teach that the soul is you, all of you, alive or dead.
there is no immortal soul for the jw, only an impersonal spirit which animates the body and like electricity is cut off and symbolically returns to god who gave it.
My parents worst JW saying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by run dont walk inwell, i might have went a little too far this time, but when someone pushes me, i push back, that's just the way i am.. my parents worst saying, and was probaly one of the reasons that i left jw land was ..................."the worst person at the kingdom hall is better than the best person in the world.".
if i had a dollar for everytime i heard that growing up.. so, i asked my mom if she still felt that way, she said sort of (very carefully), i said so the jw child molesters are still better then people in the world, is that how you really feel ?
she started to cry, before it was the media just making up stories, now i think she is realizing that "some" of these stories are true.. she asked me why i hate the jw's so much.. i said i don't hate the jw's, i hate the organization and the lies.
How about this one:
"You are going to make it into the New System if I have to whip you all the way there!"
"Would You Like To Read The AWAKE Magazine?"----Today's "Preacher"
by minimus inyesterday, i took the opportunity to read a couple of newspapers outside on a beautiful day.
when i sat down on the city bench, an older black woman subtly asked me,"would you like to read the awake magazine?
" i said "no thankyou" and started to read my papers.
Those "horses" have to have a place to go to...
*** w79 7/15 17 Preaching in a Lawless World ***
Powerful instrumentalities these "horses" have been for helping with the proclamation of Jehovah's judgments! How well they compare to the millions upon millions of Bibles, books and magazines that the 'locust' band has distributed during these years in their house-to-house activity! (See "Then Is Finished the Mystery of God," chap. 17. -
Who really belives that there is a Satan
by Singing Man inis there any real evidence that there is a satan and a bunch of nasty demons?
it seems to be implanted on into our hard drives of our minds through the bible and religions litature.. it seems to me if the bible told us the moon was made of swiss cheese and religious litature said pigs could fly most humans would agree at once.
one mans opinion.
Young JW's, What would it take for you to come back?
by Spudinator inthis question is for the "younger" jw's, and ex-jw's that post here, say in their teens to mid-twenties.
please consider the main question, and try to answer the a, b, and c segments if applicable.. what would it take for you to come back into the jw fold?.
a. organizational changes?.
Young JW's, What would it take for you to come back?
by Spudinator inthis question is for the "younger" jw's, and ex-jw's that post here, say in their teens to mid-twenties.
please consider the main question, and try to answer the a, b, and c segments if applicable.. what would it take for you to come back into the jw fold?.
a. organizational changes?.
To answer your question, it is because of my own family's experiences with this issue. Just trying to understand the other side of the issues.
Young JW's, What would it take for you to come back?
by Spudinator inthis question is for the "younger" jw's, and ex-jw's that post here, say in their teens to mid-twenties.
please consider the main question, and try to answer the a, b, and c segments if applicable.. what would it take for you to come back into the jw fold?.
a. organizational changes?.
Young JW's, What would it take for you to come back?
by Spudinator inthis question is for the "younger" jw's, and ex-jw's that post here, say in their teens to mid-twenties.
please consider the main question, and try to answer the a, b, and c segments if applicable.. what would it take for you to come back into the jw fold?.
a. organizational changes?.
This question is for the "younger" JW's, and Ex-JW's that post here, say in their teens to mid-twenties. Please consider the main question, and try to answer the A, B, and C segments if applicable.
What would it take for you to come back into the JW fold?
A. Organizational changes?
B. Personal changes?
C. Family Changes?Thank you in advance for your replies.
Are there any young folks who are sincere JWs?
by Spudinator ini'm closer to middle-age so that is why the question is posed; so those that are younger or really know some younger jws very well can give an older codger some insight.. i hear a lot of grumbling among those of my generation that the new kids just don't seem to get it.
("it" being the "truth.
") is this really the case for the vast majority?
Jehovahs Witnesses News last Update
by Fiskilis inpediatrician improved the welfare of children
when friends and family of dr. robert scherz gather saturday to remember his life, they will talk about a pediatrician who was passionate about his profession, his faith and his family - but most of all about the welfare of children.
an innovative blood saving machine is being
It is so nice to see the friendly apostate greetings that some JW's evoke around here.