"Would You Like To Read The AWAKE Magazine?"----Today's "Preacher"

by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Yesterday, I took the opportunity to read a couple of newspapers outside on a beautiful day. When I sat down on the city bench, an older black woman subtly asked me,"Would you like to read the Awake magazine?" I said "No thankyou" and started to read my papers. 10 minutes later, another black woman walked by and the Witness asked her the same question. The lady politely declined the offer. 10 minutes later, the sister's son came by to check on his mother. They chatted for about 25 minutes. Then while they were talking, the son noticed another sister that they hadn't seen in quite a while. They talked about how EVERYTHING was going, who got married, died and was born. That went on for about 25 minutes. Then the son saw a friend from the neighborhood and he introduced him to his mom who quickly asked if he would like to read the AWAKE. He took one. She smiled and then she left as well as the friend and her son said he had to go somewhere and would see her at home. After everyone left, she saw another black woman walk by her and asked, "Would you like to read the AWAKE magazine?".....This woman thanked her, said "God bless you" and took her magazine. After sitting down for another 10 minutes, she grabbed her cane and gingerly left the area, seemingly satisfied with her "preaching".

  • blondie

    Notice not once did "good news of the Kingdom" pass her lips.

  • minimus

    I had a whole bunch of questions that I wanted to ask her but I didn't go there. She was a sweet lady that simply was satisfied doing the "Lord's work."

  • blondie


  • Joker10


  • blondie

    Doing not the Lord's but actually the WTS' work---handing out Awakes.

    When the Bible said Jesus sent them out by twos, the Watchtower and Awake wasn't meant.


  • Spudinator

    Those "horses" have to have a place to go to...

    *** w79 7/15 17 Preaching in a Lawless World ***
    Powerful instrumentalities these "horses" have been for helping with the proclamation of Jehovah's judgments! How well they compare to the millions upon millions of Bibles, books and magazines that the 'locust' band has distributed during these years in their house-to-house activity! (See "Then Is Finished the Mystery of God," chap. 17.

  • minimus

    They meant "horse-sh*t"----I think.

  • minimus

    What I thought was interesting was that the AWAKE was the only mag. this woman had. What happened to the Watchtower???

  • stillajwexelder

    minimus - -I know of a number of witnesses who are embarrassed offering the Watchtower -- as it makes it obvious they are witnesses but they are less embarrassed by offering the Awake which is a little more neutral and does not have Jehovahs name on the front -- so somebody offering just the awake does not surprise me

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