The more stories I hear like this, the more I shake my head. Not at you, but at JW's.
The congregation will liken you to Jezebel, or worse.
ok. i have some questions, and thought this may be a place to get some answers.. i'm going to be honest here, so please don't bash me too much, as i was never a jw.. in july i was out at a drinking establishment in my home town.
my husband and i have been having marital trouble, and we were trying a trial seperation.
guys were hitting on me left and right--which i had absolutely no interest in.
The more stories I hear like this, the more I shake my head. Not at you, but at JW's.
The congregation will liken you to Jezebel, or worse.
What do you care if we discuss these things? I think that if you have time to come on here and criticize us for discussing these things, then you should be the one getting a life.
And what of the people who were baptized when very young? Did you even know that the WTBTS did that? Many here had absolutely no idea what they were getting into.
If you don't like it, then you leave. We don't have to justify ourselves to you. If you want answers to your questions, I'm happy to answer them. If you're just here to criticize, then get lost. Be happy with your religion. We have no interest turning you away from your faith.
since you hijacked jez's thread, i borrowed her words for the title of your very own "welcome back brownboy" thread.. this can be fun.
everybody can ask you questions about bible prophecy and such, seeing as you and him are so close and all.
oh, waitsatan misled
Actually, he lied three times on this forum.
Twice he said he was not coming back ever, and did. Apperantly, he did not like all the 'blasphemy' going on here.
Once he signed up with a different name, and misled us. I guess he was too emberassed coming back a second time, and decided to lie and create a new alias.
So the preacher has lied three times on the internet.
The scripture should read "The meek internet liars will inherit the earth."
well, after a 4.5 hour long judicial meeting with my local elders i found out i'll be df'ed here in about a week and a half.
i don't think it was so much my offense (smoking ciggs and weed) but my attitude.
the elders were trying to draw out some repentance, but i was pretty straightforward about the politics and hypocrisy in the org, especially in the case of the neighboring congregations elder body, who seem to be on a witch hunt for me and my friends....when one of the elders asked my how i felt my actions affected jehovah, i brought out that example in the old testament where the boys were making fun of the bald priest or prophet, then he got pissed and called down evil on them *in the name of jehovah* and the she-bears devoured the poor kids.
Yeah, be sure that weed does not take over your life. Once a week, maybe that's okay. It's a great time-waster and life waster. Trust me, I know. Abuse of any drug, be it alcohol or THC is still abuse.
You should have lit one up right in front of the elders... they would have probably benefited from a hit.
in what ways does each of the jw meetings play a part in instilling obedience to the mother organization?
or maybe put another way, how does each weekly jw meeting contribute to the overall jw mindset?.
this thought came to me whilst drifting in and out of the watchtower study this morning.. ministry school: helps jws strengthen their speaking skills for better defending their beliefs.
The Botchtower corporation just loooves to give you simple, easy answers all in they're books that you buy, and, with the aid of 'Jehovahs' spirit, you can 'understand' it, and if you can't understand it, then you need to change your life more, so that you can get 'Jehovahs' spirit, so that you can understand it, but if you still can't understand it, then you need to really go to the BOE and secretly confess that you mastrubate... because that's probably why you don't understand the corporations simple teachings... because you don't have 'Jehovahs' spirit, because you mastrubate or touch your pee pee... once you do that, and they pray for you, you must be able to understand it... and if you can't, then you just have to rely of 'Jehovah' to give you a "Ray Of Light" so that you can understand it... but first, you need to stop touching your private parts, because on the day of Jehovahs anger, you may be concealed during his day of wrath, but probably not, because every human has mastrubated, and you're so guilty of sin.
I was just talking in "Watchtower" circles there.
The thing that you need to keep in mind, and that you've already done, is find out what the corporation really is, free your mind, then seek answers about spirituality and religion. The Watchtower always comes up with the slogan "You have teachings of everlasting life... where else would we go?". They try to shame you back into it by making you confused. Remember, they programmed you to have all the answers! Most people do not have all the answers. That's something for you to figure out.
That's right, Minimus.
How else can you cope with losing decades off your life to a religion that is utterly false? I think many would go mental if it wasn't for this place, LOL!
do you remember all the hype about the "paradise" and then the natural questions that followed that no one has answers to... like,.
"will we have cars in the new system?
" - uh, well jehovah will provide us with whatever we need.
What are we going to do all day?
Pick fruit and garden????
And have sex that we won't actually enjoy, because it will be for the purpose of pro-creating????
Pet rattlesnakes and play with rhino's?
Sounds like a complete drag to me. In the meantime, I'll just pick out neighbours houses in field service (tm) to get dibs on when they get killed at armageddon.
if i stare at this any longer i will go mad!
8 year olds homework
ll i know is there is a yuletide connection.
FMZ wins a hit on the bong....
I see where you can get that feeling from. After all, it takes no effort to criticize.
Unfortunately for Jehovahs 'Christian' (pffft....) Witnesses, time tells all things. They're false doctrines from years past, that they 'forget' to talk about... they're misleading information that they spoon-feed nearly daily to it's victims, tells a lot about how 'Christian' they truly are.
If you are a witness, just being here subjects you to disciplinary action, and probable extermination when armageddon comes 'soon' unless you confess your sin to your BOE.
But don't take anyone's word for it. Don't take my word for it. Just reading a forum about people bitching and moaning about Jehovahs Witnesses should make up your mind .01%. The other 99.99% you need to find out for yourself, independently. I don't think one person has come to the conclusion that we all have here without some serious soul-searching and research.
Why not check out watchtower quotes at:
in what ways does each of the jw meetings play a part in instilling obedience to the mother organization?
or maybe put another way, how does each weekly jw meeting contribute to the overall jw mindset?.
this thought came to me whilst drifting in and out of the watchtower study this morning.. ministry school: helps jws strengthen their speaking skills for better defending their beliefs.
Going through the motions of meetings is like mental mastrubation. NO thought process, no brains needed.... no insight other than what 'the corporation' says should be answered.
It's like chanting the same old bullshit day in, day out... until you actually believe it. But people don't think they're a cult.... mmmkay.