Of course my advice does not apply to every situation.
Posts by shamus
I'm starting to think the Witness with never give up on me-HELP
by redhotchilipepper inthey keep coming!
and coming!
and coming!
I'm starting to think the Witness with never give up on me-HELP
by redhotchilipepper inthey keep coming!
and coming!
and coming!
I always wonder why people allow them to continually call on them, hide behind the curtains... I'm not attacking anyone per se. I know how hard it must be. But I would never be afraid to answer my telephone, open my door, for fear that the high-control group is 'shepherding' me. I call it harassment. You don't have to live your life hiding behind the curtains, worried about phone calls, the like.
The thing about control is it's a two way street. End the control on your end, and they will tire of you and move on. Besides; there are plenty of goats in the territory to change.
I'm starting to think the Witness with never give up on me-HELP
by redhotchilipepper inthey keep coming!
and coming!
and coming!
It's simple.
Tell them to stop dropping by, and bothering you. You already feel bad enough as it is that you're so 'depressed'. Make sure to tell them to tell they're friends too. Be blunt, be honest, close the door on they're faces. You have to do it. They won't DF you for saying that.
Don't let them talk to you about one thing. You have the power to stop them from controlling you; the problem is you need to not let they're 'love bombing' take over your life. Dissassosiate any feelings you have toward them, the organization, everything, and tell them nicely, bluntly, and close the door.
They won't call back. Not for a while, at least.
would you go back if...
by what_Truth? ina member of the gb splits breaks away and takes a few billion with him.
he decideds to found his own church.
this church is almost exactly the same as the jehovah's witneses except for a few major changes .
Religion is a snare and a racket. The Watchtower is living proof of this theory that they brought forward. I can't understand how religion uses selective reasoning to justify that one must belong to they're church in order to gain salvation. It does make for great donations, though.
Remember when the apostles wanted to stone to death the one 'blasphemer', and Jesus told them to leave him alone, because anyone who was not against them was for them? Guess religion forgot about that scripture.
Your favorite JW made-up word
by dorothy in.
ok, they have lots of "witnessy" sayings.
but the best is the words they keep making up.. mine is "super-fine apostles" (from an awake a few months ago).
Fleshly brothers and sisters still makes me giggle.
I got my new TV today
by redhotchilipepper inguess what guys i got my new tv today.
it's a 42" plasma.
i was literally jumping up and down like a freakin lunatic when it arrived.
good point, pope.
To pee on the party more, plasma TV's are supposed to be just as affordable as regular TV's were a few years ago, before plasma's came out. A dramatic price difference!
All that money flushed down the toilet... erum... into someone else's hands.
Regular television sets and monitors are going the way of the dinosaur. Remember digital cameras, and how expensive they once were? When they stopped making my HP camera, it was down to $250... a big difference from the $550 that I paid for it years before. Now you can get the same technology for only about $125-175.00 and dropping. What a waste!
Worldwide Growth At 2% - the new service report
by slimboyfat ini have the feb magazine with the new report in it.
if anyone is interested to know any of the figures then let me know and i will post it over the next half hour or so....
I'd wait for a scan. Not one other source has come forward, and judging by some nonsense on this board lately, it's hard to know what to believe. For all we know it could be up 5%.
Anyone watching Survivor this time?
by Mulan inthe finale is this coming sunday, already.
i am pretty surprised how fast it seems to have gone this time.. anyone have a guess as to who will win?.
i think twyla.............but last week i thought ami had it all wrapped up and she got voted off.
Yeah, to hijack this thread about the Apprentice...
Kelley is what I would expect a C.E.O. of a company to act like. Some of those people on that show... OMG. But when you're in the spotlight 24/7, you're going to make mistakes, and every character flaw you have is shown.
When you're broke! Tricks (legal) to make quick cash.
by formerout inthis is not just a curiosity question.
this a real-life scenario... unfortunately mine.
i have not pulled a brownboy thing, but i used to be on as outbutnotdown (lost password and was registered on expired email account).
One word: MANHO!
I don't know... sorry about your problem.
Does dying scare you?
by JH in.
as jw dubs, we were sure we would live forever.
when we left the organization, probably we all started to accept that paradise wouldn't be around the corner, and that we would probably die like everyone else around us.. how do you deal with the fact that you will one day die?
I think of it often.
When it does happen, it will be when you least expect it, or you can just grow old and slowly die... I prefer the former.
When I die you can scatter my ashes on JWD.