Do you think there is a lot of hope for people who get caught up in fanaticism?
Sure. Weren't we all fanatics about the WTS at some point?
this is the main question really for any religious org.
according to them do it gods way and close your mind to your own logic and reason and that of the worlds (given to us by the very god they believe in).
or be an independent thinker and reason stuff out according to the watchtower satan influences independent thinkers and they warn against it as this is the devils way of doing it.
Do you think there is a lot of hope for people who get caught up in fanaticism?
Sure. Weren't we all fanatics about the WTS at some point?
it was the accepted practice in babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink.
mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month we know today as the honeymoon.
Ah, even more hypocrisy in the watchtower organization.
And why are wedding anniversaries ok but not birthdays? Bringing too much attention to yourself? That is the lamest excuse I have ever heard. Any celebration for a person will bring them attention. Wedding anniversaries are celebrating the marriage arrangement that god instituted? Well didn't god also institute the BIRTH arrangement?
As a JW I always hated trying to explain why we didn't celebrate birthdays. None of the WTS explanations convinced me so how could I even try to convince someone else.
hello, just wanted to introduce myself.
was raised as one from about 4 to 16. mother jw and still in, father and 2 brothers never were.
just within the past 6 months or so realizing the effects of being raised jw has had on me.
Welcome! I'm sure you will enjoy it here.
found this in the briefing room, see how close we are to the end:.
Could be a hoot if a bunch of XJWs joined up and subtly wreaked havoc.
lol. But of course it would be perceived as additional proof that the JWs are the only true religion. Wolves will rise up inside the group to try and mislead.
Boy, how the bible has prepared christians for any possible attack on its beliefs!
im leaning more and more towards a fully gifted creation.
i think god is so wise that when he first began "this" universe that he endowed it with tremendous organization potentiality, that would not require him to step in and guide it or help it along to produce intelligent life.. look at how scientist tell us all the elements are made in the stars, though nuclear fusion suns not only give us light and heat but also produce more complicated elements.
physicists tell us of wonderful self organization on the atomic and subatomic level.
I don't think science will ever be used to prove there is or isn't a God. So your use of "scientific understanding" to disprove God is something science can not do.
Correct. Science will never be able to disprove the existence of god as he is defined in the bible. However, neither will anyone ever be able to provide concrete, objective, repeatable evidence that he does exist. (It hasn't been done yet, anyway.)
If something is defined as untestable by science, does that mean it is more likely to exist? No. It isn't a good line of reasoning at all.
Think about this: does it seem more reasonable that "at the very beginning" there was only the most primitive forms of matter, or that there was some supernatural, all powerful being?You lost me here.
What seems more likely to have existed at the very beginning: something extremely simple or something infinitely complex?
If god existed before the universe and all eneger/matter it contains, who created god?
You argue that man is too complex to have just formed "all by itself." Well what about god? Did he form by himself?
what do you think about all of the lawsuits recently against tobacco companies?.
i see 3 sides to the issue:.
1. people should know better; it's clearly printed on the box how dangerous cigarettes are so they shouldn't sue.. 2. it hasn't always been known how bad they were.
just like trying to sue McDonalds because you didn't know their food was fattening!
Yep, I was just about to compare tobacco law suits to a fast food law suit. Yeah, so tobacco companies try to hide the fact that smoking is bad. But common sense would seem to tell you that breathing in large amounts of smoke cannot be good for you.
im leaning more and more towards a fully gifted creation.
i think god is so wise that when he first began "this" universe that he endowed it with tremendous organization potentiality, that would not require him to step in and guide it or help it along to produce intelligent life.. look at how scientist tell us all the elements are made in the stars, though nuclear fusion suns not only give us light and heat but also produce more complicated elements.
physicists tell us of wonderful self organization on the atomic and subatomic level.
I suggest not falling into the trap of attributing things to a supernatural being that we cannot currently explain or easily understand. Ancient people blamed lightning, earthquakes, rain, etc., on supernatural beings because they had no idea what caused those events.
Once we have a firm scientific understanding of something, it takes the mystery out of it and it seems silly to continue to attribute such things to a god.
Think about this: does it seem more reasonable that "at the very beginning" there was only the most primitive forms of matter, or that there was some supernatural, all powerful being?
im leaning more and more towards a fully gifted creation.
i think god is so wise that when he first began "this" universe that he endowed it with tremendous organization potentiality, that would not require him to step in and guide it or help it along to produce intelligent life.. look at how scientist tell us all the elements are made in the stars, though nuclear fusion suns not only give us light and heat but also produce more complicated elements.
physicists tell us of wonderful self organization on the atomic and subatomic level.
God does exist because of the vast order i see and that something doesn't come from nothing.
What about a snowflake? Does someone make each snowflake? They are certainly quite complex and come from something very basic (water).
This is great news! Now I can live in sin, worship satan, and still get to heaven! Rock on!
just a question to satisfy my own curiosity.... do atheists believe in christmas or easter???.
i always thought that real staunch atheists didn't because of the jesus involvement in these holidays....anyone know?
Do Atheists believe in Christmas or Easter???
No, a belief in Jesus is not a requisite for celebrating those holidays. A belief in some flying fat dude and an bunny that lays eggs is required, though.