JoinedTopics Started by 68storm
Will They Abduct My Son!
by 68storm ini would appreciate some input from the board that is weighing quite heavy on mind.. as some of you may know, my ex divorced me six years ago, strictly for religious reasons.
after an enormous amount of legal funds, i succeeded in getting an agreement signed that states that when the child reaches an age that the courts consider mature enough, we would both allow him to make his choice of religions.
even if he wanted nothing to do with religion.. it would seem that the time has finally arrived.
Please! I need some input.
by 68storm ini would appreciate some input from the boards most revered jw scholars.
i am not certain why i feel compelled to have some questions answered by the kremlin (read wts.
) maybe that i need final closure in order that i may move on, or i am seeking a little revenge.. first off, a little background on my situation.
My Humble Uneducated Opinion!
by 68storm ini would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your valued input on this board.
i will never forgive you for making it almost impossible for me to give up coming here.
this turned out to be like a drug for a weak willed person like myself.
A fine example of JW honesty & integrety
by 68storm ini would be interested in how many of you reading this db, have experienced, or heard of other people having experienced this wonderful trait among god's chosen people.. 41/2 years ago, my jw wife of 25 years, secrectly planned an escape from the marriage, with the help of her spiritual brothers and sisters.
we were having some problems at the time.
for the previous 6 years we would spend our xmas vacation in florida.