To clarify, the paper and compiled results would NOT name individual subjects. No one will have any way of identifying you personally, even my professors.
Steve, thanks for your insights. At this point I'm just beginning to rough out the study. On one hand, narrowing the sample to "ex-jws who pub present" etc. will help - I think it's better to go into a subject with a simple, well-defined question and get the clearest answer you can, esp at my beginning level of research. I'll be working my profs to design the study in accord with appropriate scientific methedology (sp? it's late) and to really make this study of some benefit - perhaps a starting off point for future research by myself or others. I hate "junk science" (aka Psychology Today) which just detracts from people's respect for the field and half the time propogates misunderstandings. (There's enough of that done by real researchers! lol) You sound like you have some knowledge of research methedology - would you mind looking over the study as I map it out? I'd be interested in your take on things.
Thanks everyone, this might be quite exciting!