Our cong is old school. Won't give ms access to login. Said BOE letter only said we could have access if we NEEDED it. They decided we didn't need it. Kinda have to bite tongue when I read BOE letter myself here , but I can't reference it because I'm not supposed to know what it says.
JoinedPosts by SyntaxError1974
Electronic KMs Now Being Provided By Org to R&F?
by pronomono ini received a call from my book study conductor the other day asking for my email address so that he could start sending electronic copies of the km to me.
has anyone else received calls like this?
i've missed quite a few meeting (it's been nice) so am unaware if any letter has been read.
Electronic KMs Now Being Provided By Org to R&F?
by pronomono ini received a call from my book study conductor the other day asking for my email address so that he could start sending electronic copies of the km to me.
has anyone else received calls like this?
i've missed quite a few meeting (it's been nice) so am unaware if any letter has been read.
I am still "in" and a MS. I have been asking for PDF km for about a year now. Elders in my hall are too lazy to provide it, so I have to umm.. *mumbles under breath* go to an apostate site to get it.
Kinda retarded...
Link in thread, may have malware attached.
by talesin insomeone messaged me about this thread, please check it out.
i see that someone reported the problem on the thread, but most likely did not alert you.
Hmmm... That came out odd.
Link in thread, may have malware attached.
by talesin insomeone messaged me about this thread, please check it out.
i see that someone reported the problem on the thread, but most likely did not alert you.
Most of these files are PDF. You can view them with an Ios device and be relatively safe.
Letter Read At Special Talk
by scotoma inthe watchtower arranged to have a letter read announcing that elders would now be apponted by circuit overseers.. any elders on this forum know how this will be different from the current arrangement for appointing elders.. it would be nice to see a schematic with boxes showing how it used to be and how it will be in the future..
The Governing Body has already DELEGATED the appointing of elders and MS As seen by this quote from 2001 Watchtower:
16 Paul told his coworker Titus: “For this reason I left you in Crete, that you might correct the things that were defective and might make appointments of older men in city after city, as I gave you orders.” ( Titus 1:5 ) Paul then outlined the qualifications that Titus was to look for in men who would qualify for such appointments. Today, therefore, the Governing Body appoints qualified brothers at the branches to represent it in making appointments of elders and ministerial servants. Care is taken that those acting representatively on behalf of the Governing Body clearly understand and follow the Scriptural guidelines for making such appointments. Hence, it is under the direction of the Governing Body that qualified men are appointed to serve in the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide.
w01 1/15
The only real change is that instead of "appointing qualified brothers AT THE BRANCHES..." They now are appointing CO's as the qualified brothers.
by The Searcher inweird!.
Does it say anywhere that we need to gather to celebrate? My first thought if disease is really a threat, why couldnt this be a family affair? The original passover was held in each private home. Couldnt just the family have a small dab of wine, even make the "bread" together that day.
As for annointed, they could do the same. Just partake at thier own home that evening.
Seems like this story is flawed.
The genius of the new donation arrangement
by thedepressedsoul inive given this new arrangement a lot of detailed thought and how greatly it benefits the wt and how much it puts a strain on each congregation.. first, let me explain how the old arrangement worked.. you had 3 donation boxes in each kingdom hall.
one for worldwide work, one for kingdom hall construction and one for congregation contributions.. the congregation contribution box accounted for about 60-75% of all donations.
the world wide work box probably accounted for 20-30% and the kingdom hall construction for about 5% of the contributions.
Besides the "Menlo Park" issue of who owns the KH, another issue just came to mind.
The Candice Conti case. Remember they wanted to put up Watchtower property as collateral instead of a bond? But the courts said no because the property was out of state...
Now THEY will own tons of properties (Kingdom Halls) in every state. They now will have physical assets that can be leveraged. If this happened a year or two ago, they might have been able to offer all California Kingdom Halls as collateral instead.
The genius of the new donation arrangement
by thedepressedsoul inive given this new arrangement a lot of detailed thought and how greatly it benefits the wt and how much it puts a strain on each congregation.. first, let me explain how the old arrangement worked.. you had 3 donation boxes in each kingdom hall.
one for worldwide work, one for kingdom hall construction and one for congregation contributions.. the congregation contribution box accounted for about 60-75% of all donations.
the world wide work box probably accounted for 20-30% and the kingdom hall construction for about 5% of the contributions.
I also gave this donation thing some thought. The extra money is not the only motivation. It may be a plus for headquarters, but not the sole reason.
I back this up with this thought... If they only wanted more money there are other ways to get it. For example, imagine this letter sent out:
" Dear Brothers, many of you have been asking how our brothers are doing in the Philipines. We are happy to say than most of are brothers survived and are in good spirits. Many branches are mobilizing to offer support. As of now it has been reported that over 10,000 of our brothers homes have been destroyed. Over 20 Halls have also been damaged or destroyed. Many of you have have expressed an interest in helping them. At this time there is an urgent need for help. We are asking each congregation to donate as much as you can. It is suggested that $20 per publisher would help them greatly......."
So, what is the real motive? Thats what I'm left asking myself.
Then I remembered something. Menlo Park! The congragation that got ripped apart becuase of headquarters stepping in on their hall. It was a big mess. But, that problem is now going away. All new halls will not be "bought" with local congregation loans. Rather they will be built and owned by headquarters. All money donated for the hall is simply a donation, not a payment. Now local congragations have no legal grounds of ownership in the hall.
Is it true that elders lurk the forums?
by make yourself init seems like it is one huge contradiction.
but are they doing it for the purpose to try to guess exactly who in the congregation is on ex jw sites?
While a few Elders may lurk to out people, most simply do not have the time or the motivation to do so. On the other hand, if one had suspicions already about someone, or they were outed to an elder by someone else, a bored elder might start poking around to see what evidence is out there.
But what about the majority of lurking Elders? They may just lurk for the same reason that I do. Curiosity. Im an active MS. I lurked at first to see the other side of the argument. How might a "mentally diseased apostate" try and trip me up? lol on mentally diseased part, please dont get offended.
After that, I got hooked on seeing reactions to Boe letters even before they were read in our cong. In our cong its always "oh this is a great change" But maybe its not...
Lurking here has had at least one other benefit. I have become less black and white in dealing with people. Instead of running to my elders when i figured out an aquaintance of mine was turning "apostate", I was able to ignore it with the attitude of "to each his own".
I was able to talk candidly, without judging him. It was kind of nice to already know what he was talking about when he brought up the "2 witness rule".
2014-03-29 BOE CONFIDENTIALS PDF Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide
by WatchTower87 in2014-03-29 adjustment to financing kingdom hall and assembly hall construction worldwide.
pdf version: http://adf.ly/juxnc.
instruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
Data-dog, that was my first thought. Cong has 1 year left on 20 year loan. But... Now they have to pay the same amount forever...
Well, maybe not... This was the last memorial after all.