Tack hammer>to head>over and over and over...rinse>repeat
circular reasoning here we goooooo
excellent material can be found within the reasoning book, page 328, para.2, 3. occasionally, i see posters make presumptuous comments like, "all you need is the bible", or, "i'm born-again, so there's no need for spiritual assistance from another christian", or,"i'm saved", or my favorite, "jesus talks to me directly.
" on one hand, i can't be overly critical of such ones because they do attempt to read and understand the bible on their own.
(acts 17:11) not to mention they're generally peaceable folks, just self-misguided when erroneously believing that they can go it alone.
Tack hammer>to head>over and over and over...rinse>repeat
circular reasoning here we goooooo
I said most i meant all...well the CNS....brain and soinal cord....ans...ou know all that medical stuff
Adam i agree!! When i sat in the hall and heard the heart and kidneys stuff i thought "but the heart doesnt do that its the brain!!!"" the brain controls most bodiky and autonomic functions, etc etc everything. Changes in the physiological things can and do change ones perverbial "heart". So if your brain is stimulated by porn or something...then its your brain not "heart".
if you could teach me one thing to convince me not to believe what would it be?
for instance what has the wt taught about evolution/science or mans existence that is wrong and could possibly change skmeones mind?
and the more important question, why is it a creator couldnt allow for species to evolve?
Thats the lesson really...i noticed while i was a believing witness That i had trouble making ANY decisions--where to go to eat, which grocery store to go to, etc...because i was used to them deciding for me. and that has lead me to this site asking other people their thoughts. But the time has to come when you decide for yourself and learn to be a free thinker again...hence my posting THIS thread...it wasnt really so much about convincing me as it was giving me more options to explore...as i am still fading unfortunately certain hopes are instilled in me. So i make it my goal to explore all options, all sides--while also trying to come up with a game plan to get my wife out. Lol
some things that stick with me is the warning feom the bible not to follow evry wind of teaching but tedt the inspired expression...right now im a baby tossd about here and there...but as i read and listen i hope to gain a more focused truthful view of all things.. Thanks all!
if you could teach me one thing to convince me not to believe what would it be?
for instance what has the wt taught about evolution/science or mans existence that is wrong and could possibly change skmeones mind?
and the more important question, why is it a creator couldnt allow for species to evolve?
Giod points!
if you could teach me one thing to convince me not to believe what would it be?
for instance what has the wt taught about evolution/science or mans existence that is wrong and could possibly change skmeones mind?
and the more important question, why is it a creator couldnt allow for species to evolve?
My honest feelings. I WANT there to be a higher power that created us. I want to know im not alone. I want to know death isnt the end and i just cease to be....i cant imagine myself NOT existing. I dont want there to be no god because i feel as though morality would falter. After all if we are accountable to no one then really men are capable of anything....What terrible things can happen. I still fear satan and fear that i will somehow lose my morality and have less excuse to have self control.
I know to the ibserver these fears seem irrational, childish even. howver i do take comfort in the fact hat we dont know everything yet...and so i can still hope but still keep an open mind.
So is this just a certain hormone release? My amygdala utilizing its emotional components? Am i just lights and clockwork? what part of the vrain is it we have thats has a higher sense of awareness...the abulity to think outside the box....perhaps that is where i should start...i have a bachelors in psychology....my 3 years in thw WT have caused me to forget and discard much that i knew of myself. thats my biggest regret
if you could teach me one thing to convince me not to believe what would it be?
for instance what has the wt taught about evolution/science or mans existence that is wrong and could possibly change skmeones mind?
and the more important question, why is it a creator couldnt allow for species to evolve?
And Kate ill shoot you a PM
if you could teach me one thing to convince me not to believe what would it be?
for instance what has the wt taught about evolution/science or mans existence that is wrong and could possibly change skmeones mind?
and the more important question, why is it a creator couldnt allow for species to evolve?
Tammy---if we cant get to the father unless he draws us...then why are some drawn and some not? As many on this board are seeeking the truth, why are they not being drawn?
My post was an answer to this --point is, god created you and if god was t real, you wouldnt exist (paraphrasing mine)
Unless God actually was not real but evolution was.....you must assume God is real to make that statement true unstop. Im not saying i dont believe in God but yea.