Thanks for the info and advice guys, this site is very useful too me.
No news on the situation, I will keep you informed on what happens and what i decide to do, but for know i am just looking at all possible courses of action
my family used to be jehovah?s witnesses up until i was about 6 years old, for reasons unknown too me they left.
when the events of september 11th unfolded they started going back to the meetings, myself included.
it started out ok, i was keen to learn, but the more i learnt, the more i realised that a lot of the predictions and teachings did not make sense, so after about 9 months i stopped attending the meetings and eventually stopped being involved all together.
my family used to be jehovah?s witnesses up until i was about 6 years old, for reasons unknown too me they left.
when the events of september 11th unfolded they started going back to the meetings, myself included.
it started out ok, i was keen to learn, but the more i learnt, the more i realised that a lot of the predictions and teachings did not make sense, so after about 9 months i stopped attending the meetings and eventually stopped being involved all together.
My family used to be Jehovah?s witnesses up until I was about 6 years old, for reasons unknown too me they left. When the events of September 11 th unfolded they started going back to the meetings, myself included. It started out ok, I was keen to learn, but the more I learnt, the more I realised that a lot of the predictions and teachings did not make sense, so after about 9 months I stopped attending the meetings and eventually stopped being involved all together. At first my parents used to encourage me to come to the meetings, waking me up on Sundays trying to persuade me to come. But this soon stopped.
My family now talk to me less and less, I don?t like sitting in the same room and talking with them any more and it is even worse when they have people round from the congregation. Sometimes it feels like they aren?t even my family any more, they have changed so much. I?m currently thinking about starting to attend the meetings but I am not entirely sure what it is I want too do. Also if I did go back to being a JW I would be doing it partially because I want things to be more ?Normal?
Any comments, suggestions and general advice would be much appreciated.