Why is dyslexic so hard to spill?
I'm still jealous of your meet up in London!!
Keep on rocking in the free world...
a british compliment ... your'e all soooo preposterously predantic!!.
one thing that always made me question jw thinking so much as a kid, were those 3 dots in quotes taken from professionals in the magazines.
that space i always knew was a misrepresentation of facts and it interested me highly that to verify such comments was always most difficult in that position.. that lil space i reckon was one of the reasons for my very first initial doubts at around 14. i would always go further in reading than most, past the scripture given in the body of the public talk to check out whether that was in fact what the scriptures were saying compared to the brothers comments.. hooray and cheers for a questioning mind.
Why is dyslexic so hard to spill?
I'm still jealous of your meet up in London!!
Keep on rocking in the free world...
it's funny how 2 hours can make you question the doubts you've had for months.
just got home from the hall after speaking with an elder... had a friendly chat about my doubts... finally culminating in my admitting that i didn't believe the discreet slave really existed, and that all my jw beliefs were non-existent.
2 hours.
Dear fed up,
As well as looking at the Bible, I would reccommend some other reading too.
You've been bought up in a mind set where people genuinely believe that:
1/ God created everything
2/ That he destroyed the world with a flood
3/ That he scattered mankind when they spoke one language by confusing languages
4/ God got the Israelites out of Egypt through bio-chemical divine warfare, and then sponsored the ethnic cleansing of Palenstine
5/ That god sent his son to save us, who died and was ressurected
6/ Armagedon will start anyday soon, when the wicked will be destroyed and a millenial reign will start when all the dead will be bought back to life and people will live forever.
To say that this retards the scientific understanding of someone is an understatement.
It's a bigger question than 'is this the right religion?', it's more along the lines of 'is religion right?' If there is no god, then religion is just man-made wishful-thinking.
Obviously, your truth might be found in religion. You might decide its impossible to know the answer to the question of whether god exists.
After I got out and went to Uni, and learnt about Science, I found I could not maintain a belief in god. Seemingly convincing arguements the Society and other theists use to support the existence of god, for me, fail under scientific analysis.
As I say, what YOU believe is imprtant, but don't make assumptions is all I am saying.
Good luck whatever you do though.
Keep on rocking in the free world...
equal time, and given the spirit of the season, who is your favorite dead performer?.
mine, buddy holly, though he just kinda laid there and oozed all over the stage.. yerusalyim.
Oh, I'm not saying that there aren't loads of talented people who raved about him, as well as the good old listening public. I just don't get it, but 'get' Hendrix, for example.
BUT, I don't like Clapton either...
I do however, love Neil Young, thus the quote. And whilst he may not be a 'techinical' guitar player, I think he's one of the best players; that old black Gibson with the single coils and him can talk my language.
Keep on rocking in the free world...
for many ex-jehovahs witnesses there is a disconnection between what we wish we could be doing in terms of making pronounced change in the ideological structure of the watch tower society or the dissolution of it, and what we actually find ourselves doing.
at some level we sense there are incredible potentials just waiting to be realized in the collective struggle to bring down the tower not just because it is fundamentally wrong and harmful to millions of lives but also for the changes it will make in our lives.
over the years though, i think a lot of us kind of feel that we are stumbling around in the dark trying one thing or another without anything serving as catalyst that starts an energetic chain reaction.. in a way, it reminds me of a phenomenon i learned back in my college days about termites.
I think that predicting history and sociological changes is primarily dependent upon understanding momentum.
The faster moving (i.e., more dynamic and/or new) and more numerous the adherents of a sociological movement, the more momentum. The more momentum, the harder it is to change the historical chain of events or sociological entity.
The number of adherents of the sociological group or people within the the 'event horizon' of the historical event is more important than the 'speed'.
A massive, old, established organisation will be harder to change than a new religion with 100 fanatical adherents, for example. The Roman Catholic church is far harder to change direction of than Heaven's Gate.
The JW's have a fair amount of mass, but are not 'massive'. The 'speed' of the movement is seemingly reducing, at least in the developed world.
It seems fair to predict that major, as destinct from glacial, change will become more likely. What is also possible, is that the imbalence between the religon in the developed and eveloping world will cause a rift, with a more moderate, 'mainstreamed' version of the faith developing in the developed world, and a more 'original' form of the religion continuing in the developing world.
Ignoring the possibility of schism, and allowing that the Organisation has too high a level of momentum to let the UN?NGO issue to significantly alter it's course, if change happens it will almost certainly follow the same path taken by all new religions.
Eventually it will be 'just another religion', joining the smorgasboard of Christian faiths and having no major detrimental affect on adherents (any more than any religion).
This will take 100 +/- 75 years.
Fairly loose porediction, but I am 100% confident in it.
It's like, effective World Government= 200 +/- 100 years, Britain joining the Euro = 10 +/- 8 years, a United States of Europe = 50 +/- 25 years; all these events WILL happen, bar a major shift in history.
The Borg WILL loose it's 'bad' side. But when, oh lord, when...
Keep on rocking in the free world...
having a chinese background, it has been incorporated in our culture to believe in wicked spirits and that sort of stuff..i was wondering if any here could enlighten me with some of their knowledge with regard this subject..my mom's core reason of believing that the jws are the true religion is because of the fact that she found peace and she said that 'wicked spirits' stopped attacking her when she became a jw..(she said that sometimes she felt that wicked spirits want to rape her or something while she was sleeping/dreaming?
)i sometimes think that this is pure imagination but who am i to judge it is her experience anyways..some say that this may be a medical problem but do any of you believe that this might be true?
do wicked spirits/demons really want to 'disturb' us humans?
"some experiences are verified to be a spirit of some kind"
Sorry, you are entitled to believe what you wish, but a statement like THAT is so unscientific as to bely belief.
How do you verify that an experience involved a spirit of some kind?
What proof, other than anecdotal subjective testimony, can possibly be given?
Where is verification or repeatability?
You can believe some experiences involve spirits, fine. I'm not going to mess with your personal reality. But to claim it is verifiable is to claim it is objectively true, which it isn't.
Keep on rocking in the free world...
this is just a few thoughts that i have regarding the subject of anonimity.
yes, i am making this post after being in the chat room with several others including kent and prisca.
it seemed to me that kent posted prisca's pic mainly out of sheer mischievousness and was quite taken aback at her very real distress at having her identity exposed.
I think the balance here is;
1/ Some people want to be anonymous, and would want to be anonymous on www.origami.com, just as they are privater. Fine.
2/ Some people, because of justifiable fears about personal data being used to commit fraud of perpetrate hoaxs, choose to remain anonymous.
3/ Some people are afraid not being anonymous will cause problems with regard to the Borg or family still in the Borg.
4/ Some people are quite happy having their real ID known, to one extent or the other.
The fact is, there is no right or wrong. All those are right decisions for the person that makes them. I think Eman was basically encouraging us to examine why we still choose to be anonymous. He, and others, came up with 'habit', which is not a good reason as those above. That is no demerit to those that still choose to be anonymous.
Mindchild, I did exactly the same thing as you, although not in detail, and it may not have been the real Fred Hall (whatever that means) but one of the other Trolls that pissed in the water at Tishie's; Tracert and email searches gave me two correlations, but I left it there, despite a enjoyable amount of research into cracking as was.
And Eman, it seem we have a similar fantasy of corrupting innocent little pioneer sisters, bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!
All the best
Keep on rocking in the free world...
this is just a few thoughts that i have regarding the subject of anonimity.
yes, i am making this post after being in the chat room with several others including kent and prisca.
it seemed to me that kent posted prisca's pic mainly out of sheer mischievousness and was quite taken aback at her very real distress at having her identity exposed.
Nice post Eman.
It got me thinking, and I think you are right.
When I first started posting on xJW boards (at Tishie’s), I initially used my Yahoo! Handle, gylesw.
But I was going through a period of rapid change. Coming into contact with xJW’s through the Internet caused a great leap forward in my development as a human since leaving the cult. I was expressing very vocally the realisations I had regarding the existence of god, evolution, creation, the Society itself.
As I have an x-wife raising my two daughters and stepson as JW’s, and all the dozen or so members of my immediate family are JW’s, I was mindful of the problems this might cause if my posts were viewed by anyone I knew. My dad being a fairly well-known Elder in London increased my ‘risk of exposure’. I had maintained fairly good relations with my family after I had walked away and didn’t want to sour them.
Thus I started posting under this handle.
Now recently I had an interchange of emails with my dad. He sent me some altered jpgs to do with Sept 11th. Bush in a turban, an Islamic version of the New York skyline, the Statue of Liberty with a veil, that sort of stuff. I said I didn’t think they were really funny. I said the attacks had very little to do with any common concept of Islam, just as killing abortion clinic workers had very little to do with any common concept of Christianity, but both sets thought they were right, even though they demonstrably weren’t, and that ethnicity had bugger all to do with it.
He came back with the Great Tribulation speech, segued into the Prodigal Son lecture, along with the cherished misconception that I still really believed, and I just didn’t want to go there.
So I said that I didn’t believe for a variety of reasons, but that I didn’t feel comfortable having this discussion, as he was free to express himself about his opinions, but I didn’t feel I was free to express mine.
I said that although I didn’t think they loved me any less for walking away, I didn’t want to put them in a situation where they had a conflict of loyalty between me and the Organisation. Me expressing views contrary to the Society’s, or even disagreeing with them would cause them a conflict or at the least embarrassment as dissent was not allowed by the Organisation.
I am not ashamed of what I am or what I believe, but I am willing to take measures to maintain good relations with my family who are influenced by a high-control group, even if that means saying I won’t discuss it with them because it’s against their principles to listen to dissent. If you had a friend who went mad when you said ‘red’, you’d not say red, would you? You’d be the responsible one, ‘cause they weren’t.
If they want to know, then all they have to be is willing to discuss the details of what I believe without freaking over the fact I don’t agree.
And if they ‘come looking for me’, or stumble across me here, well then they are already dissenting themselves by roaming such a ‘den-of apostates’, and are already showing an interest in the details of dissent rather than fear at the very thought.
Now, I am very attached to this handle. It’s a bad pun (‘a bad one’ in a London accent), mystical bollocks (angel of the abyss), and a cool character from Julian May’s ‘Goldon Torc‘ series. I am also a bit ‘old school’ as I started on the Internet when you still had BBS systems running over Telnet, and everyone had fantastical handles in those days.
But I’m gonna put my real name in my profile, Gyles Julian Hawkins Williams (there can be only one), and if I sign off a post, I’ll use my real name.
I can do this because of where I am now. I don’t think anyone should do it unless they feel it’s right for them, as they may not be there yet, but that’s not a criticism of them, just a matter of time and personal development.
I notice you imply the same Mike, by saying ‘established posters’. Very good point, and thank you again.
My girlfriend was never a Jdub, and she, when we were discussing this, made one additional good point for anonymity. She felt that it was very liberating for her to be sexless and faceless on the Internet, for what she said to be taken on the value of what was said, and that also, if someone wants to be anonymous then they’ve a perfect right to do so, even if they go to the same site for ten years.
I do agree, but for me, I’m Abaddon now ‘cause I like the handle, not ‘cause I want to be anonymous anymore. You know my name.
Keep on rocking in the free world...
the watchtower society .
in the zionist conspiracy.
by:-jack mccracken 9.30.01. the watchtower society's membership in the united nations as an ngo since 1991, and advocacy of the un charter, is just the tip of the iceberg.
Take a half dozen facts.
Simmer for five minutes and add some freshly squeezed half-truths.
Allow to settle, and add unfounded assertations until the mixture is opaque.
Then, mix with an equal volume of dillusional fantasy and cook for a number of years in a nutters' head before serving.
Hay-la-la-la-le, hay-la-la-la-le, hay-la-la-la-le Mr dillusional man.
There's enough verifiable facts about the Borg without this load of shite to muddy the waters. Please take your medication. And say "Hi!" to Bobby, Shlby and Rex when you meet them in the nicelt padded rec-room.
Keep on rocking in the free world...
i've seen loads of live acts, back when i was a "young person asking" i watched the crystals, heinz, johnny kid and the pirates, brenda lee, joe brown and others all on one show.
so very innocent!.
come my eventual departure from dubdom, i resolved to see all these bad people playing their music live.
Okay, well, I'll count gigs I went to plus live performances on TV, but I only include live performances on TV so I can include the Boomtown Rats and James Taylor.
Rolf Harris; I saw this guy (an Australian whose lived in the UK for years and has presented kid's TV and other programmes) reduce a circus tent with 3,000 people in in, and the crowd of about 10,000 round the tent, to sheer hysteria; the emotion coming of the audience was making everyones' eyes run behind the stage. Don't ask me why. He's a nice old guy people remember from growing up, and it sure as hell is nothing to do with his music. Weird. It was at Glastonbury though, so go figure.
Patti Smith; I want her to be my Ma. She's devine. Never seen anyone walk on stage and OWN the audience. She then scowled into the press pit, slagged us off for being between her and the people (cue deafening roar of approval from the audience), taps the chief security man on the shoulder, and gets all the security guards to sit down in the pit and turn around to watch the band. Gloria was effulgent.
Tori Amos; yummy and talented... Blood Rose's live strips paint.
Nine Inch Nail; I've never seen so many slave collars at one time...
REM; I liked REM, but thought Michael was a bit, well. Was I wrong? Saw them at Bumbershoot, wow, he's an arrogant little fuck on stage and I like that.
Jeff Buckley; an angel, and a nice bloke, he came out and chatted with people who'd stayed behind and was just so nice and ordinary. And little. He seemed so big on stage with that voice.
Radiohead; seen them a good number of times, fave band, about as English as Rock'n'roll gets and all the better for it. How many bands play really good sets and then apologise, sincerely, for not being that good?
Oasis; only joking...
Boomtown Rats; Live Aid, the bit when Geldof paused the band after the words "And the lesson today is how to die". Wow. I want to do that. Billions of people in the palm of his hand.
James Taylor; saw him live on the BBC a few years ago. He'd somehow slipped through the cracks of my musical education, and one playing of 'Fire and Rain' converted me.
Neil Young; At Pheonix festival. Class, and clever. Took 'Like a Hurricane', ripped it into pieces so you just had this incohate roar of noise, and then managed to resolve it all again. Never seen anything like it.
Def Leppard; They played a small venue (700 capacity) at my University. I got to sit the entire set in the pit, shaking hands distance. They were there as a result of a marketing promotion by Pepsi who were sponsoring the tour, the Catering Manager at the University was a big fan, and he ordered a years supply in one go to win the contest. After a few songs they threw the set list out the window and started having what looked like more fun than they'd had in ages, as they could see the audience.
The Church; My first gig, really. Three hours of jumoing up and down. Yay!
Dodgy; Small club, 200 people, original line up, a pocket full of spliffs. Nice.
Bjork; My first Glastonbury. The crowd went bereserk, these big horizontal Mexican waves opening up gaps five yards wide in between rows of people before slamming them shut again. Never been in a mosh pit like it, and it was Bjork. Go figure.
Ocean Colour Scene; I think they are shite, but it was in a small venue a few weeks before their first number one, and they played their skins inside out. Full credit.
The Prodigy; WO-HO. Just like lots of speed, more emotion than music. Great live, although I think they suck quite majorly in other areas. That was indoors. At a festival they were vile and up their own ass.
Ben Elton; English comedian, makes you laugh so much your sides hurt afterwards.
Billy Connely; Scottish comedian, a true comic genius
I could go on...
Keep on rocking in the free world...
equal time, and given the spirit of the season, who is your favorite dead performer?.
mine, buddy holly, though he just kinda laid there and oozed all over the stage.. yerusalyim.
Well, Jeff Buckley was the first one I thought of as I actually met him, and then Kurt Cobain, and Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix, er, Keith Moon, and John Bonham... but we're missing somehow John Winston Lennon, although he's in a different class (murdered), but how can you miss the dead Beatle guys, shame on you, and then there's Marvin Gaye, and Sam Cooke, Nat King Cole, oh yeah, and Robert Johnson, they are all worthy of mention... and Ian Dury... and Jeff's dad, Tim, and Eva Cassidy, oh the humanity... and you gotta mention Bill Hicks too, although he's a comedian, not a musician. Oh, and the original guitarist of the Gin Blossoms, you know, the only talented member of the band, the one who could actually write good songs?
Unfortunately we cannot include every member of every boy band or lame girl group, or little marketing packge band, Steps, S Club 7, N-Sync, Westlife, Five, yeah we know who they are... why can't those fuckers die and leave us Jeff and Eva to duet in a world free of crap music.
How about a little bit of direct action musical critiscm. Hey, Emenem, ma-nah-nah-nah (dooh-dooh-do-do-do), what ever your name is, guarantee yourself immortality... DIE. It worked for Tu-pac and Biggie, and they were SHIT too. God, I hated that cover of 'Every breath you take' maudline misappropriation of a decent song to mourn a half-assed rapper... well, a big assed rapper I suppose would be more accurate.
Is it me or is 83.6% of modern MOBO utter SHIT? Come back come back the Sugarhill Gang, oh Grandmaster Flash, save us in our hour of need, uh-hu-hu. God even Prince in his good times is vastly prefferable to the Fugees, if that guy says 'One time' ONE MORE TIME, I'm gonna buy me a sniper rifle...
And don't worry, this is equal opportunities bad-mouthing... Marylin Manson, you little butt-wipe, you think you're BAD? Hah. You're a side project of Trent Reznor, accept you are mostly shite, although I do like some of your songs your image is so, god, I don't know, a re-tread of Ozzie and Iggy, with none of the class and freshness. Old old old. Get a day job before the sad, disaffected teenagers of the world wake up and burn your CD's.
And whatabout oh, they are so bad I can't remember their NAMES, like Counting Crows, but with a black singer, had an album called Fairweather Johnson that sold like 'I have an STD' T-shirts. Oh my god, they were so, mediocore.
And Stevie Ray Vaughn and Elvis are vastly over-rated.
As far as Elvis goes, sorry, I subscribe to Bill Hicks on this one... rock stars should die like real stars die... with a big bang. Let's face it, if someone had crept up behind Elvis in 1960 and blown his brains out he would be far greater, his reputation would not have to overcome the odium of all those damn film, and Vegas, and the all-in-one suits, and dying of a cholesterol overdose whilst sat on the toilet with the 'last scrap of kingly produce floating beneath him'... that's not rock'n'roll, no way. He should of died with dignity.
As for Stevie, ah, I had this ex-gf who LOVED Stevie, but I just didn't get it, whenever I hear him I want to hear Hendrix instead as he just gets on my tits with his (thankfully) unique brand of long-winded intermnable red-neck swamp boogie. Ugh.
I also think that honesty in band names should be enforced by law. Dire Straits, YES, apt, honest, direct... Simple Minds? You BET your ass they are... U2... nah, howsabout YOU TWATS, far better... great songs (well, a dozen good songs in how many years?), but what a bunch of jerks...
I could go on, but I have work to do...
Keep on rocking in the free world...