Rex, are you really so closed minded you edit swear-words when you cut and paste? Pedantic prude! That's an observation, by-the-way, not a criticism.
I chose to ask nice Christian's to look away, as there are some I like. They are the ones who are not puffed up inheritors of the Pharasees mantle, who do not judge, but show a spirit akin to that the Biblical account of their inspiration displays, and are happy to accept that their belief is not a matter that can be proved objectively, but is never-the-less very real to them.
Others are closed-minded, intolerant of dissent, willing to base their beliefs on a 'handful of mumbles' (name that song) and still insist that they are objectively right, and also to judge others' worth as a person.
Now, I have a perfect right to say what I like. Freedom of speech may come as a shock to you, but it is, I suppose, something we take for granted unless we grow up in an environment dominated by religious fundamentalists like, ooo, Afghanistan, or the USA.
But I wanted to emphasise I didn't want to upset sincere nice Christians, as I can think of at least two I wouldn't want to offend accidentally, and letting them know reading on would be possibly a little grating to their sensibilities is nice. If they choose to read on and are offended, well, I respect their rights to their beliefs, I hope they return that, even if my belief does revolve around a sub-Monty Pythonesque parody of reality at times, and feature adult language and nudity whenever possible.
The second group, well, they upset me at times when they exercise their right to say what they like, so why should I care if I upset them?
You ask "Then why blaspheme the Holy One like this?"
There is a difference between conceeding Jesus might be based upon a historical character and saying he's the son of god... and I guarantee, if he was a just a mortal visionary, born ahead of his time, and got nailed to a tree for having a big mouth, then he probably was saying "For fucks sake, the stuff about son-of-god was an allegory you morons, get these fucking nails out of my hands!"
Did you miss the point completely, or just overdose on the meanie pills this morning? Did the dog get 'affectionate' with your Turkey, and you not find out until after you were eating it?
Anyway, I doubt very much if you would show what a Muslim or a Hindu would consider respect to their beliefs, and you show little respect for anything other than your own 'light', so all I am doing is as you do. But of course, you have double standards. FUnny, that. But don't worry, underneath it all, you too are a son of god.
Just because I have not read the same books as you does not mean my opinion is invalid. Stick your arguement from authority where the sun don't shine. I have read quite a lot of material, and I am happy to stand by my statement that there is no proof of god, no proof that Jesus was a real person, let alone god's son, no proof the Bible is inspired by god.
Now, one thing I learnt when I walked away from the Dubs, and that is 'D-D-D-D-Don't don't, don't believe the hype' (name that song). Just because someone put it in a book doesn't mean SHIT. If it doesn't make sense, here *points to forehead*, it doesn't matter WHAT book says otherwise.
Now, those books may have convinced you. Good for you. But the arguements within those books, sad to say, are not unique (please correct me and site any unique arguement in those sited texts that is not part of the general plethora of apologism).
The standard plethora of apologism at the most gets me to accept I can't prove god doesn't exist, just as theists cannot prove it does exist.
Take this into account, and my conclusion is either god doesn't care or isn't there, as if he existed and cared it is almost inconceivable it would not people know if it were of any import to our lives, and god demonstrably (or undemonstrably) doesn't let us KNOW... we have to 'believe'. I don't think I have to define the terms of reference of that sentence as regard 'know' vs. 'believe', but please correct me if I am wrong.
In addition to siting books, all you normally do is to quote scriptures. You may as well quote the 'phone book, as, to me, it is just a book. Logical arguement and science are NOT your strong suites, but I do hope you realise that quoting the Bible to prove your beliefs is lame. I used to do it too ("All scriptures is inspired..." ), so I say this out of fellow feeling and sympathy.
You next say;
It's kind of obvious that you have some kind of 'axe to grind' with God but you are really just 'fighting windmills' with your approach. Try not to be so offensive and you might get more serious responses to your postings.No axe to grind. If I believed god existed I would be delighted, provided it were a good god (another fatouous assumption made by many theists; assumption of god's goodness is not automatic (even the Bible agrees... "Disguising themselves as an angel of light...", "Judge a tree by its fruits...". This might seem like blasphamy to you, the idea that, IF there is a god, it might not be something you would want to worship. But what greater blasphamy could there be than being given a mind and NOT using it?
I can tell you, if it turns out god does expect us to make a leap of faith to believe in it, and is allowing the world to exist in this state as part of an ineffable plan where human misery counts for little or nothing, then I do hope it can read my mind... as I can't even find the words to express my DISGUST.
If however, god IS good, and there is rhyme and reason (don't try the 'god is clever than you' shit, I can explain complex scientific concepets to my daughters in simplified terms and the eldest is 11), then I'll be chuffed, and gladly bow to it.
But as you comment on initiating factors;
To me, it's obvious you have entrenched psychological conditioning that means, despite the fact you are reasonably intelligent, you are incapable of opening your eyes without first deciding what you are going to see. And as the idea of there being too god is WAY too far out of your envelope, you see god when you open your eyes, even 'feel' an internalised validation you define as 'Holy Spirit'.
The fact others do this same thing, who believe in OTHER gods and believe different things, seems to escape your notice. It's not as though you are evn one of these people who believe there are many ways to god, as you are an exclusivist. Maybe you say they worshipping demons?
If this is your explaination of this seeming contradiction, please tell me, how do I know YOU aren't inspired by demons?
To a certain extent, if you look for god, you find him. But that doesn't make it real!
I suggest, instead of being the mean-spirited bore, you look at the common ground we have...
But I doubt if you can even see it, as when you open your eyes, you've already decided what you are going to see.
Ignore the bonhomie and open heart I posted in and micturate all over it, I really don't care.
Let me sum up in the words of my eight year old daughter - she was actually six when she said this, or just gone seven. And it's not parroting, as to avoid conflict with my x I do not discuss religion with my kids (yet). This is her own conceptualisation;
"Daddy doesn't believe anymore because he thinks it's silly"
Love and peace shine on your days Rex... I mean that, even if you are a pain in the ass...
Hi Julie! Hi Sirona!
(edited for typos and missing paragraph end)
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...