1. What happens to a person when they die?
As far as we know, the person ceases to exist. The body is disposed of in a variety of ways.
2. Who is God and what is his name?
Is there a god and what is god seem to be two questions arising prior to debate about personality or name.
3. Why is there suffering in the world?
Because organisms experience various degrees of discomfort if the conditions in which they exist are not optimal. This discomfort can be termed 'suffering'. Mostly organisms will take action to stop being in discomfort, as discomfort warns of impending or potential injury or other harm. Thus discomfort, or suffering is an important survival adaptation that helps an organism stay healthy, thus being more liable to procreate, passing individual variation on at a higher rate than those organisms which are not so sensitive to such warnings. Eventually such a massively useful adaptation would be present in all (or as near as) organisms, as those organisms without it simply can't compete as well for finite resources.
4. How did we get here?
Cosmo genesis. Accretion. Fusion. Novae. Abiogenesis. Evolution.
5. According to the Bible, is it okay to participate in wars and politics?
By example, yes, although sometimes it says something different.
6. Is the Devil real? If so, where did he come from?
See 2.
7. According to your religion, is it okay to smoke marijuana?
According to me, yes. It is far less damaging than alcohol as regards behaviour of stoned individuals as opposed to drunk indivduals, and no more likely to cause social disfunction due to abuse. As such, it does not intrinsically harm others, and i a personal choice.
8. According to your religion, is it okay to have pre-marital sex?
According to me, yes. Responsible adults having pre-marital sex are no more likely to cause or suffer harm than individuals having marital sex. As such, it does not intrinsically harm others, and is a personal choice.
9. According to your religion, how do God feel about homosexuals?
See 2. I not know how do god feel.
Homosexuality is a natural part of the spectrum of normal sexual behaviour in our species (as with many others), and a homosexual is no more likely to cause or suffer harm than a heterosexual. As such, it does not intrinsically harm others, and is a personal choice, a biological inclination of varying degrees, or most likely a bit of both, mileage varying with the individuals.
It would seem therefore any god involved in our direct creation, thus having responsibility for this natural variation, would be an utter git if he minded.
10. Does God talk to you personally?
Unless it is by means of rainbows at appropriate moments, no.
And even if that IS some form of 'god', I think 'laughing at' is a better description than 'talk to'.