D wiltshire;
Your main beef seemed to be the lack of definative closure in some areas of scientific theory.
Now you admit that you 'don't claim to understand God's ways'.
Are you saying that there is a lack of definative closure in some areas of the theory of god? You seem to admit that you cannot prove or understand all of it.
Beware of attacking others' beliefs when you don't understand the logic of your own!
We've actually believed the same things as you; the theory of god, the inspired Bible, the whole shebang, and now we don't.
We didn't stop believing because we were sulking - you are just swallowing Dub (and fundy) propoganda if you believe that.
We stopped believeing because we found the evidence for the theory of evolution was far more convincing than the evidence for the theory of god.
To have someone who obviously still believes or would like to believe in the theory of god act like our 'beliefs' are weak and unfounded, when they just have a smattering of knowledge about those theories, is a little annoying.
We know the holes in your theories; if you are willing to say 'I believe, because I choose to', well, good for you for your honesty.
But if you attack our beliefs, know the chapter and verse. I wouldn't attack yours if I couldn't do so from a position of knowledge. I'd just end up looking silly.
Chapter and verse and your mention of the Bible brings us the next topic... is the Bible inspired of god?
You have faith. Why? Because of the proof, or your desire that it be true?
I would love to respond to a new thread from you on this subject...
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...