Sex during pregnancy........

by LDH 50 Replies latest social relationships

  • LDH


    Or is it just me?


  • pettygrudger

    Nope - not just you LDH - it sucks!!!! Especially in the last month - ugggghhhh.....(but, gotta keep those hubbys happy!). My hubby was so frisky - he wanted it at the hospital the day after!

  • WildHorses

    LDH, I could hardly walk the last two months of my pregnancy, much less have sex.

    "I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."

  • Angharad

    Not just you Lisa

    Especially in the last few weeks, your too knackered to really be bothered and bump is so big it's uncomfortable.

    My hubby was so frisky - he wanted it at the hospital the day after!
    I'll never forget Simon's face when he came to visit me, two days after Liam was born, my milk had come in that morning. His eye's nearly popped out of his head and he spent the entire morning talking to my chest.

    Not long left though Lisa

  • waiting

    Wow, I remember, faintly.

    Personally, I felt like a cow. Remember that tv show "Rawhide" and it's theme song?

    "Roll 'em, roll 'em, Rawhide." Pretty much tells it all, eh?

    But! Unlike a cow, within a short time period, you'll be your own self again. A pregnant woman's mantra "this too shall pass."


  • logical
  • Cassiline


    Note to Simon, boob's DO NOT HAVE EARS!!!!! LOL


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • LDH

    Yeah, I already have LARGE boobies, but man, I'm sure Jerry will want to get his money's worth when my milk comes in.

    Hmmmm....what all do I want for Christmas? I'll dress those puppies up and then ask real sweetlike.

    Although, six weeks postpartum WOULLD be Christmas (I hope unless the baby is late) so maybe I'll let him grab my boobs for Christmas ha ha. If he gets me good presents, I'll do it. LOL.

    Last year I got new glassware for the kitchen. Three years ago he got me a deep fryer. WHY you ask? because he listens for 'hints' for a couple of months ahead of time, and if I say the HOUSE needs something or WE need something, he 'interprets' that as....."Lisa wants a deep fryer for Christmas"

    This year, I am taking the DIRECT approach. I told him, Bbuy me a parrafin bath thingy."


  • Joyzabel

    You are so right that sex is no fun. But, I tell my pts there is a property in semen that softens your cervix and a good orgasm helps you go into labor on time. The orgasm has to be yours, not hubby's. Hot, sweaty sex is good for inducing labor!!! j2bf

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    I dunno Lisa, we managed some pretty good sex during my pregnancy with Little D. It takes a little patience and imagination but there are some nice positions that work real well around a big belly.

    That experimentation helped a lot after my hip/leg problems got bad; crip sex has to be as inventive as preggers sex but we already had the moves worked out so it was no prob to find the best ways to get close without hurting something.

    Tell hubby that lots of massage might turn you on. Even if it doesn't you might get a couple good massages before he figures it out.

    Love and good luck incubating your bun,

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