sunscapes; I am interested in your response. You seem very eager to believe in or to discuss invisable benefactors. By invisable, I mean things that are unprovable.
God, aliens, neither of these are provable in any way.
My arguements regarding god you have read above. My arguements regarding aliens are as follows;
1/ Unless travel at superluminial speeds is possible, we are unlikely ever to meet aliens. If we do, it will be in the form of an automated probe, or if the alien race's technology and biology allow it, a scout ship which would hold it's crew in some form of suspended animation whilst travelling between stars. Alternately, this has or is already happening, and we are going to meet the alien equivalent of the Mayflower at some point. This will be unpleasent for us.
However, if FTL travel is not possible, it is unlikely, given the likely frequency of planets of similar habital qualities, that aliens would bother to invade a planet with sophont life, as it would just make the extraordinary difficulties of such an enterprise even more extraordinary.
It has to be said there is no evidenece for such scouting activity or automated probes, other than that of the most anecdotal nature.
2/ If FTL travel is possible, then we will meet aliens at some point, unless by some vastly unlikely chance there are no others, or we destroy ourselves before meeting them. Some people argue this has already happened.
These claims vary in their nature; a) aliens guided human evolution, and may still be watching; the '2001: A Space Oddessy' idea; b) aliens are infiltrating human society or spying on us, preparing for an invasion; c) aliens are observing humans to decide when to allow us to join a peaceful federation of planets; d) aliens are studying us as we would study chimpanzees; e) teenage aliens are stealing their parent flying saucers and are parading up and down in front of pig farmers in Alabama wearing alien suits and going 'gleep geep' as a form of prank or teenage high-jinks, probably taping the encounter and sending it to the 3D show "Z'kj;kj;kj;~gdiw#qefho@iwe22+afesas", which consists of such clips.
a) is making god into aliens and is unprovable.
If FTL travel is possible, there is a realm of manipulation of physical laws yet to be discovered. A civilisation that could wharp space could observe unobserved. Thus b), c) and d) are unlikely, and there is no evidence for them.
The only one that matches the available 'evidence' is the last option, e), but all such evidence is anecdotal.
Based on this, we probably haven't met aliens yet. If we do, they will probably contact the UN formally first, or if they are not friendly, make the kick-ass delivered to the Taliban in Afghanistan look like a blow..., er, like something very nice.
I find gaining a greater understanding of what can be known to some extent accurateley far more profitable and enjoyable than basing my hopes on things that live in the sky we can't prove (a loose term that fits god and aliens). Of course, idle speculation can be fun, but I keep bouncing off walls of likelihood.
However, when I see someone jumping from a discussion of one insubstansiatable belief to another, I find myself wondering what is so terrible in their life they have to stare at shadows. I hope I am wrong.
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...