Wouldn't it be nice if we could have a discussion about the unspeakable without lowering ourselves to the same level?
I hope Merry posts here shes got some explaining to do, maybe she willl place a fatwa on me.
Yeah, nice one Barry, and I suppose someone saying you will take out a contract on anyone who disagrees with you makes their argument a good one?
So, let's see what we are going on about;
Traditional Islam has some horrible laws and can behave in a beastly manner towards people. Oh, hang on, I meant to say "Christianity'.
Well, no, I didn't, I'm just making an obvious point.
All the distaste and disgust about Islamic Law can be applied to the Bible for exactly the same reasons, although I don't remember Sharia Law specifying death as a punishment for not wearing a tasseled fringe...
Now, most Bible followers today would get stoned before they stoned someone.
But three or four generations ago Christian nations treated women like chattel, children as having no rights of their own, and viewed other religions as primitive savagery, and people of non-European races as inferior. Hell, the UK went to war with China to force China to allow the import of Opium!! A few more generations further back and we kept slaves and disemboweled or burnt people as punishments.
Many parts of the Islamic world are at a stage of social development our part of the world was back in the generations I'm talking about.
Mobile phones and cars and Nike do not change a culture over night.
Do you imagine a Victorian gentleman with slaves, a wife he could legally beat, and the habit of patronising a child brothel thought that he was evil and uncivilised? Of course not! He was a god-fearing respectable member of society!
Do you think a quick chat, and a Nokia and a Mercedes would convince him that slavery was wrong, that women should own their own property and vote, and that children should be protected?
No, of course not, his cultural prejudices would run far deeper than that.
And so it is today in some parts of the Islamic world; it's a few generations behind ours in its sociological development. Unlike the Christian world, no credible secularist movement has reached ascendancy - a few countries like Turkey and Tunisia are trying, and others lag far behind.
Just as it was in Victorian times, some people in the Islamic world do not subscribe to the more brutal beliefs and punishments their societies have. Just as in the Christian world they work from within to overcome it.
And not one word of the Bible has changed whilst the Christian world became secular. And not one word of the Qu'ran shall change when the Islamic world becomes secular.
Because it isn't about religion, it is all about culture; as volubly shown by seeing how Christianity is expressed differently by different cultures and how Islam also is expressed differently by different cultures - both today and over time.
You can view Islam as different in nature if you want, but I would be interested in seeing you dismiss the points of similarity with our own society in the past and the likely future trends for Islam our own society has already experienced.