I don't understand why any sane JW would hide a pedophile or attack people exposing congregations for not coming forward. I must be dumb because Barbara and Brother Bowen should have been praised, not thrown out of the Organization for exposing JW Pedophiles!
JoinedPosts by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker
Check your congregations for this creeper (Frederick Mclean)
by Stealth injust saw this scumbag profiled by john walsh "on the hunt".
if he is still associating with the jehovah's witnesses it is likely the governing body wt headquarters knows where he is at and is protecting him.
Silicon Valley California story to about PR push for JWs
by Balaamsass2 inclaude bolivar.
posted: monday, december 22, 2014 3:34 pm | updated: 5:34 pm, mon dec 22, 2014.. chuck flagg | 0 comments.
posted on dec 22, 2014. by chuck flagg.
I thought it's a great article to bring out the "Religion is a Snare and a Racket" attacks made against peaceful Catholics and Protestants on Sundays back in the early Rutherford days(so I googled my question and look what I found below on Yahoo). This article is one sided, they don't "Bring God to your Door", because if the householder ask's questions about their tainted Past, your never given a true answers. The fact is the "Good News of the Bible" is not the Good News JWs Preach, don't you agree? JWs teach another Good News and bring another God most people are not familiar with.
Balaam, maybe we can enlighten everyone about the attacks the Watchtower makes against anyone who disagrees with their beliefs. How many Catholics or other religions are treated like dirt when they leave their religion? The Jehovah's Witness Religion is one of the few who do not allow Freedom of Religion and are bold-faced liars telling people "We don't shun our members that choose to leave!" Sorry, I thought this article was nothing more than Witness propaganda spoon-feed to a lazy or JW Reporter.
Why is it unpopular to expose false religions, Jehovah's Witnesses spent 100 years doing it? Jehovah's Witnesses spent over 100 years publishing scathing attacks against the clergy, the Catholic Church, and all mainstream religions, calling them a snare and a racket.
They did so at the expense of their members being hated and attacked at the doors and elsewhere when they were trying to spread their own religious beliefs.
Exposing the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is now viewed by many as "religious persecution"....well, is it?
Why is it considered religious persecution to expose Jehovah's Witnesses for non-Christian incidents and occurrences within their organization?
Is freedom of speech becoming outlawed by public opinion?
Where have our freedoms gone? Update: So, the Catholic religion is corrupt, but Jehovah's Witnesses aren't?
What about here, where a few members of one religion can team-up, and delete the valid, documented questions about their religion?
The only reason a religion will damage the freedoms of others, is because they can't handle the truth. Update 2: Angelmus...it is against the Y!A terms of service to give a link, unless it answers the specific question...yours does not. You are breaking Y!A's rules. Remove it please. 1 following 4 answers" https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20130702161422AAKc0hw -
After Six Months of Hiatus, I can tell you the Watchtower is Starting to Crumble Faster than you think!
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker ini took a hiatus from jwn because the wall started to collapse because i lost several people ive known almost my entire life.
these were people i thought would never die, the lies told by the watchtower is unforgivable!
there was a party i attended keeping a low profile while documenting what was said.
To Leslie,
Trained Company Elders look for answers deep outside the real issue why Elders, Servants, Pioneers and Publishers are compelled to leave the Watchtower either by outward proclamations (The Great Apostate and his friend), or they stop attending the Kingdom Hall and refuse all Shepherding Calls if they are so lucky to receive these unwanted gestures of re-assimilation. Therefore, there are witnesses being called by the elders, some are using their wives (eldettes) and wanna-be-kingdom-hall flunkies asking the strangest questions like "do you still think 1914 is when Jesus Christ was enthroned?" or "Don't you think were so lucky to know the truth about Blood, New Generation Teaching, New Light regarding "All Anointed would be at Bethel during the End-Times" and "What about the New Light regarding Brother Russell and Rutherford? Can you believe their not considered the "Faith and Discrete Slave anymore!" Any Chess or Poker player knows those were baited questions, I saw how they used "Bad Cop and Good Cop" to find suspected Witnesses, maybe your Kingdom Hall Circuit is beyond these tactics, if so they will eventual come when more witnesses realize we were tricked.
2. Who are the Moles, out of deep respect for everyone they helped, I owe them my spiritual life (something they would rebuke me for saying) because they found me when I was looking hard. We must never reveal any mole or suspected JW Underground-railroad because they are doing more extraction work by planting doubts leading them to websites checking the facts, finding other people here who found "Life After the Organization". Imagine if we tip off the Watchtower Organization there are concerted efforts by rankings of Elders, their wives and Pioneer who wish to only share a doubt or two. They show up when their made aware of witnesses going through some bad stuff. People on the brink, tired of listening to the lie "Just wait on Jehovah until things resolve!" attacking the lies told by long-term unresolved issues, a Witness will begin to feel worthless and doubt God cares for them." It's a very unpleasant job of attending the Kingdom Halls but some are willing to jump in to Hell just to save one person from a life of Watchtower Indentured Service-itude!
Protecting one of the most powerful Watchtower Extraction Teams is more important than anything, protecting witnesses willing to submerge their lives in a spiritual cesspool is of most importance, don't you agree? The Watchtower has ranked witnesses unwinding their "Millions of Hours of Preaching" because of their Gross Spiritual Incomptence and especially Great Lack of Compassion, that's what's destroying the Cult, it's the Hate filled zealots chasing off decent witnesses tired of feeling guilty without worth!
Don't you love the fact there are witnesses who have undone over 1,000,000 Preaching Hours because they have opened the eyes of dozens of families? The Average Witness is 4000 Preaching Hours, only 50 people removed is 4000*50 equaling 2,000,000 hours and that's not near how many the "Underground JW Rail-road" has removed! Friendship Ex-JW Deprogramming is the Second greatest threat to the Watchtower Organization, the Internet is the first!
The Watchtower Writers Blame the Rank-and-File For Failed Prophecy, Why so Evil the Writers/
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker inwho is to blame jehovahs witnesses and the bible students believing the end was coming in 1914?
ive been reading lots of older magazines and they are so different from todays watchtower!
the current writers from the organization blame everyone except themselves for failed expectations, failed prophecy, "financial ruin and dependance on the goverment "old age social security and medicaid" on their rank-and-file members.
Who is to blame Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Bible Students believing the End was coming in 1914? I’ve been reading lots of older magazines and they are so different from Today’s Watchtower! The current writers from the Organization blame everyone except themselves for “Failed Expectations”, “Failed Prophecy”, "Financial Ruin and dependance on the Goverment "Old Age Social Security and Medicaid" on their Rank-and-File members. Why, they claim our brothers and sisters were “over-zealous” or “desirous of this Wicked System to end”. I read their literature and that’s not the truth, the writers from Bethel were boldly asserting that “if you don’t believe the End is coming, you’re going to get smashed because you don’t have the ink-horn’s mark!” Did the Writers at Bethel know they were lying when revising Watchtower’s history or just kept their mouth shut to keep their jobs?
I can’t imagine the courage men and women like Barbara Anderson, Bob Bowen, Raymond Franz and others from the group expelled at Bethel because they did not believe the Governing Body was infallible! This happened during the “Second Great Purge”: is the timeline of 1977-1982 correct or is my date off? Barbara Anderson and her husband along with Brother Bowen were Disfellowshiped for exposing the Watchtower’s incompetent Pedophile Cover-Up! Each member is drawn to associate with fellow EX JWs as we try to make sense why we allowed ourselves to be deceived for so long? Are the writers on the Watchtower’s Committee vetted so they don’t get access to information only the Governing Body along with the Power Brokers have who really control the Organization? When the Writers of the Watchtower write articles blaming the Rank-and-File members for their own financial plight or not saving money because they believed the Watchtower’s lies that the end was near, how can a Watchtower Writer not feel any sense of shame when it’s their (Watchtower Organization’s) fault so many members are broke?
I read Barbara Anderson’s article how the Watchtower left out facts about one of their Asian missionaries who got sick and ended up getting cared for in a brothel by harlots. Why would anyone not feel the warmth and love shown by women with little means trying to help some White man fallen ill? Did those females expect repayment or was their love and compassion so foreign to the Watchtower Leaders they felt it best to leave part of his story out? Their untruths are finally coming home to roost now that we have the Internet fact checking is easy. On Facebook there are Witnesses showing pictures of witnesses helping witnesses during a natural disaster making a bold claim “We are the only religion that helps others during times of crisis!” so whose fault is it? The writers on Facebook for ignorance, lying or unaware of facts like most of the Watchtower propagandists are?
With one tongue the Organizations brings praise to the Bible and it’s candid accounts of the “Apostles arguing”, “Peter denying Christ”, “Rehab being saved though she be a harlot”, “Mary Magdalene and other harlots were comfortable associating with the Son of God” while the Watchtower hides anything that might tarnish it’s self-perceived reputations. Who does that sound like? They write like the Pharisees and Sadducees, they write like historical revisionist who refused to admit their own errors and for what reason? Everything is now available online for any thinking Witness to consider.
What Do the Bible & JW.ORG Really Teach!
by The Searcher in1) the bible tells us there will be one flock under christ!
(john 10:16).
- "today, the vast majority of the eight million disciples of jesus are not spirit-anointed.
The greatest difference between Watchtower Religion and most Christians is Grace. The Governing Body has shown since I can remember "Salvation is not free" and bombard Witnesses with uncertainity by rejecting the concept of "Getting Saved" by believing in Jesus Christ! As pointed out by various apologist against Fred Franz bogus NWT, its a fact the Organization wanted people in fear! What good is a Witness if they have faith that Jesus died for their sins? That's why Fast Freddy thrieved off making JWs lives a living hell! The Watchtower is like Simon Magus of Acts 8, the Magician who loved glory and almost got cursed by Peter. According to Acts 8:18
There is nothing in the Greek that allows or justify's "excersise" or any way of conveying anything beyond "belief". Is that why the Watchtower changed John 3:16 and puts focus on James words about "faith and works"?
8 When Simon perceived that the Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money. 19 He said, “Give me this authority too so that anyone on whom I lay my hands will receive the Holy Spirit.”
20 Peter responded, “May your money be condemned to hell along with you because you believed you could buy God’s gift with money! 21 You can have no part or share in God’s word because your heart isn’t right with God.22 Therefore, change your heart and life! Turn from your wickedness! Plead with the Lord in the hope that your wicked intent can be forgiven, 23 for I see that your bitterness has poisoned you and evil has you in chains.”
New World Translation Pseudo Scholars removal of Grace to "how to work towards Salvation".
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only‐begotten Son, in order that everyoneexercising faithin him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.”
One writer caputure's this perfectly and shows how twisted the NWT are!
It would be akin to taking something written like the following:
“The wife really loved her husband.”
and purposely altering it to read the following:
“The wife really worked at loving her husband.”
Did that change the meaning entirely? Yes it did. The wife went from truly loving her husband to having towork at loving her husband who, quite obviously, wasn’t very loveable without her constant effort to do so.
Do you get that nuance?
Let’s take a look, and I promise I won’t bore you, at the actual Greek word for “believe” here translated by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society as “exercising faith”.
The Greek word is pisteuōn which is always translated as “believe” or “having faith” by other translators. The same Greek word is shown in the following scripture. I’m including the New World Translation of that word so that you can see the obvious mistranslation of this key phrase in John 3:16 which they quote often to justify their works based theology."
"...Why would the Watchtower change the meaning of the word in John chapter 3, in multiple cases rendering it as “exercising faith” and in other areas of the New World Translation render it as “believing” or “having faith”?
The reason is this: John 3:16 is such a popular scripture in the minds of most Christians that the Watchtower translators,aka Fred Franz, felt compelled to change it. To leave it as all other translators have rendered it would be to admit that simply believing in Christ is the only thing required of the Christian for salvation.
Can you see where the Watchtower’s own adherents would start questioning their works based path to salvation if John 3:16 wasn’t severely altered in meaning to include works as part of their salvation?..."
Using New JW.ORG Merchandise to Share the Good News, t-shirts and painted JW.org toe nails!
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker inthere are approved methods of preaching the good news about jw.org in style!.
caleb and his single mammy, tired of your child losing notes to his teacher, pin that note with a friendly, lively jw.org caleb and mommy button for a small fee!
https://www.pinterest.com/pin/356206651751072594/ with our rich hertigage of mixing organization with the skills of a saleman you knew this was bound to happen.. .
Who is selling all this stuff, the worst thing I've seen is a necklace with "Silver Watchtower Symbol with a blue jewel JW.ORG casting in black" this looks like a Cross one might see a believer wearing. These Watchtower symbol like one of the characters from the game "Monopoly", instead of a dog, iron, money symbol, boat you get a Silver or Metal Watchtower toy! What about Idolatry?
I see the JW.ORG Bumper-stickers with JW.ORG Vanity plates, "LoveJah", "Wtorg", JWluv", Pioneer, ect... What's wrong with them? Is this Idolatry and what happened to not using symbols because they distract?
Using New JW.ORG Merchandise to Share the Good News, t-shirts and painted JW.org toe nails!
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker inthere are approved methods of preaching the good news about jw.org in style!.
caleb and his single mammy, tired of your child losing notes to his teacher, pin that note with a friendly, lively jw.org caleb and mommy button for a small fee!
https://www.pinterest.com/pin/356206651751072594/ with our rich hertigage of mixing organization with the skills of a saleman you knew this was bound to happen.. .
There are approved methods of preaching the Good News about JW.ORG in style!
Caleb and his single Mammy, tired of your child losing notes to his teacher, pin that note with a friendly, lively JW.ORG Caleb and Mommy Button for a small fee! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/356206651751072594/ With our rich hertigage of mixing Organization with the skills of a saleman you knew this was bound to happen.
If you love the beach but hate the guilt of pampering yourself with time away from work, buy this umbrella and start counting Field Service Hours once you push that umbrella through the sand! It's a small price to pay to avoid all the guilt of knowing you should be in Field Service instead of basking in the Sun. Now by spending $24.99 you avoid the guilt and can have quality down-time!
2. Your on the go, you have a job requiring long hours to avoid financial collapse, buy the JW.ORG Coffee Mug for $19.99 plus Shipping and Handling. As your barrista fills your cup, take pride in the fact she's now seen JW.ORG and your not bloodguilty because he/she has been given the lifesaving web domain!
Left Behind the movie with Nicolas Cage anybody had the misfortune to watch it ?
by smiddy ini just veiwed it with the wife , son and his wife .this movie has to be rock bottom for nicolas cage surely.. for a score of 1 out of 10 i would give it a -10 , it is so contrived , badly acted , badly scripted , i dont know , their was just nothing to hold your attention really .
no suspense , no nothing at all .. all of us couldnt help ourselves as we picked holes in the movie the longer it went on .a good movie we watch you wouldnt hear a pin drop from start to finish.
a badly made religous propaganda movie apparently made to scare unbeleivers back to church , but be sincere.. smiddy.
Will see it because St. Nick need's the money because of his spending issues.
Top 10 Signs that Jehovah's Witnesses Want to Disfellowship You:
by OnTheWayOut ini've posted these years ago and was reminiscing, so i thought i would share the laugh with you again.. top 10 signs that jehovah's witnesses want to disfellowship you:.
10. there's two guys in suits staying all night outside your home in a four-door sedan.. 9. an elder you spoke to on the phone calls and asks you to repeat what you said the other day, but asks you to speak slowly and clearly.. 8. suddenly, jw friends stop by and ask an awful lot of the same questions.. 7. your laptop computer was moved, left on, or is missing.. 6. you left your car unlocked, it was thoroughly searched by someone but absolutely nothing is missing including your gps which was searched too.. 5. your boss asks if you are in trouble with the law or someone, stating some really polite men were asking about you and left some "tracts.".
4. someone picked up the cigarette butts around your back porch.. 3. the bartender at your favorite nightspot asks if you have ever before seen the guys in the corner booth that have been ordering "cokes" all evening and pulling out a camera everytime you order a beer.. 2. you receive registered mail and you already served on a jury this year.. 1. your jw mother who finally had accepted that you will never go back starts begging you to either go back to the kingdom hall or move with no forwarding address.. .
lil-socrates, it's not outlandish, if anything he's down-playing how nasty some of the mall cop elders act.
1. Elder Ike was trying to bust his childhood best friend Elder Joe by driving straight to Elder Joe's house after work, week after week until Elder Ike hit pay-dirt video taping Joe spending the night at his beautiful girls house.
2. I know the female one of my friends wrote about on JWN, he was in south san luis obispo's congregation back in the 1970s when they attacked the wife of a elder who wanted to get free and find a younger wife. The parents were happy to get rid of their 35 year old, very heavy set daughter so they hired a man I thought had great morals. The father paid this elder his wages to spy over three months and he finally saw the wife go inside the house with a student aid from college. The woman denied she had sex but they disfellowshiped her so the 35 year old would get a chance to get laid. He ran off with a 28 year old pretty pioneer that arrived to our area from Argentina
3. Elders spied on a pioneer who worked as a waitress to get the son of the COBE out of his marriage so he could marry a new woman he fell in love with and happened to not be sterile. They found a reason to get a woman to say she committed fornication because they wanted grandchildren from their bloodline.
You think he's just making a joke but it's not funny, many of his statements demomstrate how lost this cult is!
Here we go again. The next hate letter from our 2nd Son.
by Still Totally ADD inyes it happen again with our youngest son.
this last monday we got a letter from him telling us how unloving we are because we are no longer jw.
cult and not had kids.
One thing a witness should avoid before their ready to bail is to avoid printing or writing anything on paper. With that said in your situation "the cat's out of the bag", but all the letters brought by children and parents before the BOE usually were filled with hatred once we got the real letters. If you think it's going to bring you inner peace, why not?
When did you head down the Rabbit Hole and how did you find out this was a Cult and what methods did you use to demonstrate clear proof it's all a lie? Will you son discuss the Bible or focus on Dogma? You know not to expect much out of these letters because anything you write won't be seen because their so blind! Sorry the little buggers are treating you badly, it's how this cults works, lots of hatred with little love! Legalism is the pride and joy of JWism! Keeping the letters with kindness is the only solution, even though they try to push your buttons to respond in hatred you need to keep yourself above reproach and keep everything in love. Nothing good ever comes from hateful writings or acting in haste or writing when your totally pissed off. Remember how the Watchtower taught us to respond to hard-core Trinity christians at the door, try to move away and find something that's not so painful to speak of?
BlackFalcon is right because the grandkids are in the Generation of Instant information, the Watchtower is terrified of the Net! There is hope these kids will question the Watchtower because they have access to things we never had as kids, all the historical information only a few elite had!