nope, not in the slightest
JoinedPosts by freedom2bme
want to memorize GB names?
by losingit insaw this on fb... a little trick to remember their names.... "i herd jackson splane to morris, never lett sanderson pierce losch".
apparently jws now feel that they must memorize their names, as they are the "8 most distinguished men on earth" (a real fb comment).
followers of men, not followers of god..
Goodbye JWD/JWN (my last post)
by slimboyfat inafter some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
Would you call someone on the phone to tell them you are no longer talking to them, no matter what the reason? Most would simply no longer speak to them. Why announce this will be your last post? Just walk away as we are all here by free choice and will.
IMHO attention is what this screams, and it has no doubt been successful.
Gay MS??
by andysmiles inabout me, i am being raised in a jw family.
all of my family expect for one aunt, who had left but not disfellowedshiped thankly, are in jw.
my father is an elder and so is my grandfather.
Welcome andysmiles! You will find true friends here with unconditional love.
Keep in mind that the "new" revision of the JW bible was written my mere fallible men and made to follow doctrine that too was created by mere human fallible men.
I am new to this forum and have found it(and others- to be of the utmost help. Read, read, read the many experiences of others before you and in very similar situations have posted and found true happiness on the otherside.
I knew I was gay too before being baptized as a JW and I like you thought if I prayed and did what I thought god wanted me to do this "feeling" would change. It was a very lonely existance for 7 yrs among hundreds of JW friends who did nothing but bash and judge gay people and I couldn't tolerate it any longer. So I did what I thought best at the time and I moved 1000 miles away and came out. Mainstream society in my small town and my family too made it hard for me to accept my true self so I thought it best to go where no one knew me and enjoyed my new found freedom.
It wasn't until just 2 years ago and me moving back close to home again that I am just now dealing with my family as a gay man with my partner of 11 yrs. We now live in Columbus Oh where we are accepted and can live our lives free of judgement.
I am also just now aware of the enormous need for recovery from the doctrines of the JW borg that have been burned into my mind and poisoned me. TTATT(The Truth About The Ttruth) has made me aware. Honestly, it has been a real struggle as it is similar to mourning a death with depression, anxiety, anger and self issolation....each day gets better however. This is just my personal experience with all I have on my plate, not all go through this exactly.
Hang in there and realise you dont have to do anything drastic at this immediate time.
best wishes and if you'd like to private message me, feel free!
I was not only just not invited, I was sent an uninvited letter..seriously?!
by freedom2bme inhere is my introduction letter.
my jw and biological sister is getting married this weekend and 3 weeks ago i received a letter actually uninviting me to this showy display.
i was stunned to say the least.
Thanks again to all of you for the warm welcomes,encouraging words and advice. It helps so much to be able to write down all of what has and is happening, knowing there are so many of you here that have had similar experiences. Now that the wedding day has come and gone I feel somewhat of a sense of relief. I'm leaning now towards a sabbatical from my family and just focusing on myself, healing all my wounds and dealing with issues that for so many years I just suppressed and has taken a toll obviously on my overall well-being, emotional growth and progress. It almost feels like I'm going through the greiving process with the isolation,anger and depression I'm feeling. I have a dr's appointment on Thursday this week and I know he will want to prescribe anti-depressants for me. I'm of the mindset that these are way over prescribed...if any of you have experience with them or have any alternative course of action, it would be very much appreciated.
I was not only just not invited, I was sent an uninvited letter..seriously?!
by freedom2bme inhere is my introduction letter.
my jw and biological sister is getting married this weekend and 3 weeks ago i received a letter actually uninviting me to this showy display.
i was stunned to say the least.
I remember not too long ago my sister saying that as you get older sex isn't as important. She is well aware of his past. I probably should mention that this elder is very wealthy and I'm sure keeping the congregation in the black. I am guessing they will be traveling in some capacity as overseers or missionaries as there would be no burden of expense for the society. what this says about my sister sickens me even further...unfortunately i can't make anymore posts now 'til tomorrow as I'm at my daily limit. Please keep comments coming as this is very therapeutic for me and I am grateful for each and everyone here.
hugs to you all! (((y'all)))
I was not only just not invited, I was sent an uninvited letter..seriously?!
by freedom2bme inhere is my introduction letter.
my jw and biological sister is getting married this weekend and 3 weeks ago i received a letter actually uninviting me to this showy display.
i was stunned to say the least.
Hello backseatdevil. Your thoughts would explain why I feel so paralyzed at the moment. If you would elaborate more on what you're referring to as muddy you mean on my part or others involved? I may have been confusing in my original post as to where I live, but I live an hour and a half from my home town and where my family lives. I'm in a much larger city of 800,000- Columbus.
I was not only just not invited, I was sent an uninvited letter..seriously?!
by freedom2bme inhere is my introduction letter.
my jw and biological sister is getting married this weekend and 3 weeks ago i received a letter actually uninviting me to this showy display.
i was stunned to say the least.
hello jam. wow! That had to be hard to hear. All I can think is they are so wrapped up in appearances that they fail to see just how they are pushing away those family members that most of all are in need of human compassion and love. How they think this is in anyway a productive or respected act is way beyond my reasoning capabilities
I was not only just not invited, I was sent an uninvited letter..seriously?!
by freedom2bme inhere is my introduction letter.
my jw and biological sister is getting married this weekend and 3 weeks ago i received a letter actually uninviting me to this showy display.
i was stunned to say the least.
hello SOP. The reason I said originally was she because a few days later she texted me sayig she was having difficulty with her decision to not attend and said she didnt totally renig on her invitation that we were invited there any time which told me he was planning on attending after all.
I was not only just not invited, I was sent an uninvited letter..seriously?!
by freedom2bme inhere is my introduction letter.
my jw and biological sister is getting married this weekend and 3 weeks ago i received a letter actually uninviting me to this showy display.
i was stunned to say the least.
to just add a little bit of irony to the sutuation...when I was 16 this same sister asked me to go with them to Michigan to be a "witness" to her and her first husbands decision to elope. All before either of us were JDubs of course
I was not only just not invited, I was sent an uninvited letter..seriously?!
by freedom2bme inhere is my introduction letter.
my jw and biological sister is getting married this weekend and 3 weeks ago i received a letter actually uninviting me to this showy display.
i was stunned to say the least.
hey comatose. thanks for the welcome. If I thought she would read it I would send the link and reference you mentioned but I'm certain she has been warned to be cautious of any replies containing "apostate" lit. I actually have a drs appt next Thurs again. He wanted to try anti depressants when I was there 3 weeks ago but I think they're too readily prescribed. may just have to give them a try as I cant go on feeling so shitty. Sorry to her you too are going through some crappy issues yourself at the moment.