Remember to do the Noddy Noddy with the head to show your agreement with the pre-determined answers - and I see the mandatory Electronic device is now the Bible is it?
JoinedPosts by AFRIKANMAN
Brother Bradford's comment at the April 29 ,2017 Watchtower Study
by NCC-1701 inhope this works .
was listening to this on youtube today.
check out brother bradford's comment about the picture of the governing body at about the 1:11:38 mark..
Do you find it therapeutic coming to this site?
by UnshackleTheChains ini read on another thread how this site has helped another user and that for them it has been a form of therapy.. for me yes, jwn has most certainly been a form of therapy.. i recall the days i first came to jwn (in 2004) and couldn't believe i had found people who were of the same opinion as myself in regards to the society.
it was this site that led me to reading ray franz's book 'crisis of conscience' which i read twice within a week.
it also led me to jw facts that goes into every nook and cranny regarding the society's teachings, policies and history.. note: i also visit many other sites and watch you tube videos a lot, but gravitate here most of the time.. coming here to express my inner most thoughts and feelings has helped me no end and allows me to overcome my frustrations.
Therapeutic ......yes!
Although Shock-Treatment is also a therapy right ? So you get all sorts of therapeutics here.
One of the Dukes has stepped down......
by AFRIKANMAN in......from public life !
the duke of edinburgh, who is 95, will no longer carry out public engagements from the autumn of this year, buckingham palace has announced..
"Yak, yak, yak; come on get a move on." (shouted from the deck of Britannia in Belize in 1994 to the Queen who was chatting to her hosts on the quayside).
"Do you still throw spears at each other?" (In Australia in 2002 talking to a successful aborigine entrepreneur).
"I would get arrested if I unzipped that dress." (to 25-year-old council worker Hannah Jackson, who was wearing a dress with a zip running the length of its front, on a Jubilee visit to Bromley, Kent, in May 2012
One of the Dukes has stepped down......
by AFRIKANMAN in......from public life !
the duke of edinburgh, who is 95, will no longer carry out public engagements from the autumn of this year, buckingham palace has announced..
......from public life !
The Duke of Edinburgh, who is 95, will no longer carry out public engagements from the autumn of this year, Buckingham Palace has announced.
UK JWs go up 72 places in latest 2017 Charity 250 Index (2nd highest climbers)
by darkspilver ini'm not really sure what this charity 250 index is trying to do.
partly because i'd expect a few big household name charities to be on it at the top.
i've copied the table below - see positions 19 (up from 70) and 130 (up from 202).
UK JWs go up 72 places in latest 2017 Charity 250 Index (2nd highest climbers)
by darkspilver ini'm not really sure what this charity 250 index is trying to do.
partly because i'd expect a few big household name charities to be on it at the top.
i've copied the table below - see positions 19 (up from 70) and 130 (up from 202).
"jesus never said the spiritual food would be perfect"
by nowwhat? inoh so it's jesus fault the spiritual food hasn't been perfect!
we your governing body are just responsible for serving it!
think about this people, they are saying it was jesus who told us the end was going to come in 1975. then before the 1914 generation passed away no later than the 1990's.
If you were personally to revert back to any one of these numerous "nu-lights" that were taught about the Generation you would be df-ed for apostasy !
"This Generation"
The Watchtower of February 15, 2008, (pages 23-25), offered an updated explanation regarding "this generation," as mentioned by Jesus at Matthew 24:34. But this was not a "new" understanding, as it returned to the interpretation of 81 years earlier, in the 1927 Watchtower, February 15, page 62.
The changing explanations over the years of "this generation":
C.T. Russell taught that "this generation" referred to people in general, who were living at a significant time in history. (Battle of Armageddon, pages 603-605)
J.F. Rutherford changed this in 1927to apply only to the members of the "new creation," the anointed. "Some members of the new creation will be on the earth at the time of Armageddon." (W27, 2/15, p 62)
In 1942, "this generation" was no longer identified with just the anointed. (W42, 7/1, p 204, par. 43)
In 1949 it was more clearly explained that it "had its modern counterpart in our generation from A.D. 1914 forward. This generation is the one that sees the Son of man coming with the clouds of heaven as foretold by Daniel." It was expected that the generation of 1914 would be on hand to witness the end of this system. (W49, 7/15, p 215, par. 19)
By 1995 time for "this generation" had run out and the explanation needed to be updated. Therefore, "this generation" became "the wayward people who make up this contemporary 'wicked and adulterous generation,'" but no longer limited to any particular date. (w95 11/1 p. 15 par. 21)
Then in 2008, we were told: "As a class, these anointed ones make up the modern-day 'generation' of contemporaries that will not pass away 'until all these things occur.'" (W08, 2/15, p 23-25)
This explanation was a return to the one offered in 1927, which had already been discredited.
The April 15, 2010 Watchtower adds the following "increased light": "[The word 'generation'] usually refers to people of varying ages whose lives overlap during a particular time period; it is not excessively long; and it has an end...[Jesus] evidently meant that the lives of the anointed who were on hand when the sign began to become evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation. That generation had a beginning, and it surely will have an end."So.......will the true apostates please stand up ! -
The Catholic Register: Russian Catholic official criticizes court ban on Jehovah's Witnesses
by AndersonsInfo in
russian catholic official criticizes court ban on jehovah's witnesses.
by jonathan luxmoore, catholic news service.
If any other religious group anywhere in the world had to ask JW to assist in a letter-writing campaign would the JW agree ? Not a damn ! damned !
Bethelites are Employees
by berrygerry inbethel seems to have legal fires happening everywhere.
JW relies on the precedent set by this case to escape paying the required compensations -
They will apply Caesars law rigidly when it suits them and then cry to the whole world when I does not - But NEVER to the benefit of the sheep themselves !
Bethelites are Employees
by berrygerry inbethel seems to have legal fires happening everywhere.
You guys are so fast picking up the news ! Cant even beat you from the African continent itself !
The matter of what constitutes a Labour / work relationship is well documented in the Namibian and South African labour statutes and so this guise WT has been using of Vows of Poverty is proving to be shite !
Onward and Forward !!