Wife showed this to her colleagues at the school where she teaches and they were extremely shocked and disturbed by this ~ "Worldly people have got a lot more going for them in the ethics and morals departments than JW 's realise !
JoinedPosts by AFRIKANMAN
Lot's Wife - Connect the dots - JW.org
by Funchback inyay!
now kids can help draw lot's wife getting destroyed.. .
by minimus inwithin the organization, jehovah's witnesses know that they must be dutiful and set an example for "worldly ones" as well as for their own brotherhood.
if a witness fails in setting the proper example, they may lose some 'privileges"..... what privileges did you look to have and what privileges did you lose?
Prisoners have privileges given or removed depending on behavior etc
Is this the end of blood donation? Scientists close to unlimited supply from stem cells
by TTaTT4U inhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2017/05/17/end-blood-donationscientists-close-unlimited-supply-stem-cells/.
sarah knapton, science editor .
17 may 2017 • 6:00pmblood donors may no longer be needed in the future after scientists showed it was possible to create blood from stem cells.. the 20 year project could pave the way for an unlimited number of blood and immune cells for transplants, simply by reprogramming a patient’s own skin cells.. the research, reported in the journal nature, holds out enormous promise for developing personalised treatments for blood disorders, drug-screening and reducing shortages of donated blood.. dr ryohichi sugimura, of boston children's hospital, said: "this gives us the potential to have a limitless supply of blood stem cells and blood by taking cells from universal donors.
Its evidence of Jehovah caring for his people ! .............................................................................................
He has by his HS empowered the worldly ..soon to be annihilated at Armageddon ...doctors to use their expertise gained by following a course of higher education and hours of hard sweat and tears to come up with an exclusive solution just for the Dubs ! And then the medics will get trashed !
Counting Field Service Time
by Sour Grapes insomething that always drove me crazy was when the jw's would say after the meeting on sunday, "i have to go out this afternoon to get my time in.
" in the car group after service someone would always ask, "so how much time did we get?".
it the watchtower company said that turning in time is no longer required because jehovah knows what we are doing to serve him, there would be a tremendous drop in the door to door activity and the coffee cart work.
Ding - By now you must have observed the gaggle that stands guard over the Trolley Carts - They don't preach at all ~ Nada ! A condom vending machine in a Public Toilet has more interaction with humans !
Never give up!
by stuckinarut2 ini just wanted to share a quick thread to remind us all to never give up hope that our loved ones who are still mentally trapped in the org may one day wake up.. when i first starting waking up i never thought my wife would also awake.
i have always loved and respected her ability to think and reason, but i assumed that the hold of the organisation would always have its grip on her.. but slowly, and with patience, i shared some things i had learned, and the results have been amazing!.
my dear wife, who posts here under the name "unstuck" is so fully awake along with me.
Great news !
Jehovah intervened in Russia
by Sour Grapes ini saw the recent video that the borg put out about the trial in russia and how pleased the russian brothers were that a member of the gibbering booty, brother sanders, came to support them for six days.
well, there was a one-day delay in the trial which enabled the russian witnesses to have the memorial in their kingdom halls.
well, brother sanders was very quick to point out that it was very evident that jehovah intervened to enable the brothers to celebrate the memorial.
The "brothers" in Eritrea [Do you even know where that is Sanderson] have been languishing in jail there for years !
What have you and your Co-obese cohorts in the Ivory Tower done for them ?
Ah.....I forgot - there are no tangible assets in Eritrea !
Such a selective God you espouse !
HA the good life --Cart witnessing
by wannaexit inon my way home from work today, i saw the modern day pioneers having a grand old time, relaxing in the sun.
two sprawled on one bench and the other two talking up a storm, with their iced cappuccino, just enjoying the day.
the two carts were a number of feet away.
yep ! Like em good ol days !
Reaction of Governing Body Belies More than their Accusation
by carefullyread ina disfellowshiped brother wrote a letter of disquisition to the governing body of wbts a little while ago.
it was not in any way nasty, derogatory, rude, blasphemous, or with profanity but it was civil, truthful, & very informative that some have described as extremely truthful to enlightening, an ebullient disclosure.
i got to see some paraphrases extracted from it that have been circulating quietly or rather secretly passed around & i agree with the latter description.. the governing body was greatly perturbed, alarmed, to confused with this letter particularly as they became aware several of the congregation were also sent copies which some of the local congregational elders raised controversial questions about but mainly was dismissed by them without reading, to scoffing & ridicule but some also saw something more truthful to concern them.
You have a copy of the letter? Please post it.
How did you come by this info btw?
UK Daily Mirror: Girl who was abused by dad for 5 years asked JWs for help - but got molested by church elder too
by darkspilver inthis is from the website of the daily mirror - a british 'mass-market' red-top tabloid.
in the words of simon: "peers morgan was editor of the mirror and forced to resign after they published faked photos alleging that british soldiers were abusing iraqi's (around the time of ahu ghraib).
She is a personal friend - This is what happened to her !
This is a txt message I just had with a JW
by joe134cd inthe following is a txt message i just had with a jw about why i decided not to attend meeting.
i fully realize that this will get me blocked.. jw : you dont want to answer me why you dont go to the meetings.. joe : ok.. (1) the 2 witness rule in the handling of a accusations of child sex abuse.. (2)the covering it up and out of court settlements that they are making to victims of sexual abuse.
unfortunatley the brothers and sisters are totally unaware of what is going on and the magnitude of it.. (3) the comments of geoffrey jackson when testifying before the australian royal commision on its handling of child sex abuse.
Ok ..."damage done" - which is all relative anyway as to what you are prepared to "lose or keep" -
If they subpoena you for the JC then contact a lawyer and send them a letter which states that the lawyer will now be representing you and that he / she is requesting all the Documents/Charges/Evidence etc etc in preparation and that in the interim they refrain from making any remarks, announcements, gossip about you and your family.
This was my recent position too and they took flight ! [they have to send your lawyers letter to Bethhell and Bethal will respond by telling them to drop all proceedings, BUT they will still shun you [as good as if DF'ed] -
So ...what are you prepared to give up or lose ? It will be a Stale-mate position~
I was already being shunned totally so I had nothing more to lose ~