Hi James Jack
And what is status of your son at this time btw ?
i was deleted as the cobe after i let my adult child move back home and he admitted that he fornicated under my roof while my wife and i where away on a rbc project.
of course the elder mode in me kicked him out of the house.. the elders moved quickly to remove me because i was too involved in "theocractic activities", i had neglected my adult son.. i accepted this primarily because i didn't want to serve with a boe that did not want me.
i was devastated however because it was the only life i knew.
Hi James Jack
And what is status of your son at this time btw ?
as an elder, i used to find a legitimate reason to wander.
couting time and, how to count time while doing as little service as possible is often a hot topic around witnesses.
i even overheard pioneers discussing about it.
they call it "creative time counting" (i translated that phrase from a different language so bear with me ;-).
i think i've seen it all now.
nothing surprises me.
Choir of the New Apostolic church in my city
the current jws do not cease to amaze.
here's their latest video on youtube and straight from bethel.. there is a lot of work involved in this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwou6e5vwbo .
The person in the Dentist Chair would probably be happy if they had given her "Gas" ! Eish !
The bliss of ignorance
i am just trying to figure out who is an employer and an employee as opposed to a volunteer in this organisation .. are the governing body members of the wtb&ts employers ?
do they consider themselves volunteers ?.
are anybody male or female under their jurisdiction employee`s ?
According to the IRS, an employee is anyone who performs services for an employer if the employer can control what will be done and how it will be done. This was codified in revenue ruling 87-41, and is generally called "the twenty factor test". [3][4][5] Independent contractors are defined so if the payer or employer has the right to control or direct only the result of the work done, and not the means and methods of accomplishing the result. There are also other categories such as non-employees, which include direct sellers.[6]
Legislation in South Africa almost a ditto and I reckon in Aussie pretty much the same "test" criteria
Here [South Africa] Bethel was found to be non-compliant in its definition that they were volunteers who had signed the Oath of Poverty / Order of FTS etc and so they have to be signed on as Employees !
As per South African labour legislation:
In order to assist with the distinction between an employee and an independent contractor, the courts have formulated a number of tests, the dominant impression test which was accepted by the Labour Appeal Court in SABC v McKenzie:
Some of the important characteristics of the contract of employment and the contract of work, respectively, are:
Will usually state the intention of the two parties to the contract - meaning whether it is intended to be an employer/employee relationship or an independent contractor relationship? The courts will not simply accept a contract at face value. They will investigate the true nature and realities of the relationship, and will not bind themselves to what the parties have chosen to call the relationship.
Therefore, despite the fact that the contract may emphasise throughout that the relationship is that of an independent contractor, the courts will not simply accept that at face value. They will dig much deeper.
The courts will examine the aspects of where the person appears to be a truly independent contractor, performing services for clients. Usually, an independent contractor will have an established business, such as a close corporation. He will have one or more clients on his books, and he himself takes the risk of profit and loss in his business.
An employee, on the other hand, is entirely economically dependent on the person for whom he is performing his services.
A person who is an employee will not normally, or is unlikely to, invest money into the business of his employer, and be liable if the business crashes. However, many companies do have profit-sharing or profit-based bonuses for the employees. A person who is an independent contractor would certainly invest money in the equipment and resources of his own business.
The employee renders his services personally to the employer. An employee would not send other people to the employer to provide the services that the employee has agreed to personally provide. In addition, the employer would probably not allow this. Generally, an independent contractor does not have to carry out the delivery of the agreed end result himself - he can use his employees to do that.
i find that when talking people who say they "used to be a jehovah's witness" they say words that show they have in fact, never been one.
it's like a man that worked for the post office for 30 years in a main major urban hub like chicago or new york... and you ask him, "in your last position, what was your rdo?
" and the man says "whats an rdo?".
i keep reading that jehovah's witnesses are in effect monsters.
i keep reading that they kinda leave chaos and distrust in their wake.
so i simply wondered if anyone had anything nice to say about them?.
If this is indeed a sincere attempt at expressing yourself ...........You have walked into a hornets nest ...........so lets default to the possibility that you lack a lot of "insight" on JW's -
Of course there is the possibility that you are making all of this up and hiding behind the Avatar - perhaps to sincerely express some feelings or just to P-off a lot a people.
Either way you have learned that its pretty well Kamakazi stuff here and you are going to have to take heat !....
And have the facts.................
btw all my Non-JW relatives and friends are very nice people too! They are all very principled whether religious or not !
im not an attorney and i could not record the hearing, so please forgive me if i make mistakes in relating what i remember of the oral argument hearing for jane doe (i.e., candace conti) versus the watchtower bible & tract society on january 14, 2015 and the length of this post.. i arrived at the civic center/union plaza in san francisco, ca about 7:30. the area is very nice with a few homeless people sleeping in the park across from the courthouse.
it took me about 10 minutes to find the clerks office for the court on the first floor, which opened at 8:00.. once the clerks office opened, the two clerks who i talked with were very polite and helpful.
the arguments for jane doe (i.e., candace conti) versus the watchtower bible & tract society were scheduled 5th out of (i think) 8. while i was in the office a cameraman and another person for nbc arrived asking about the hearing for candace contis case.. the courtroom for the 1st appellate court is on the 4th floor and takes up most of that floor.
1- Thank you ABS for such a professional presentation ! And effort on your part.
2- If we are hoping for or looking for the "ultimate take-down" of the WTS its probably not going to happen - Many years ago when I first stumbled on the UN-NGO issue [via this forum btw] I thought wow this has got to be it ! but it wasn't.
So we will grind on .................
as most people know, mcdonald's derives the principal part of its earnings, not from greasy food, but from real estate.. they buy property, then, in addition to charging franchisees for the right to use their name, they charge them rent for the building sitting on corporately-owned real estate.. this business model yields well over $20 billion per year in gross revenue.. could this be the idea behind the soon-to-come revamp of the rbcs into ldcs?
the wts will purchase property and charge its "franchisees" (the congregations) a fee to use the building on the site?.
of course, it wouldn't be called a "franchise fee" or even "rent", it would be named something like a "voluntary contribution to support kingdom interests" or some such folderol.. any "non-performing" congregations would get shut down and/or merged, and the property sold.
McD's have Ronald..................WTS has Stephen and Toni III -
Would one be able to request a "play area" be built on the KH property ? Could be a coup for getting meeting attendances up!