All of the good points that are being made here about living simple, not getting sucked into an education sales pitch, living a life of balance, etc - is not what gets typically taught in the org when it comes to education.
Those points are great (and can be found and made much better by authors outside the organization). The WT points are this:
you don't need any of "their " worldly education, we educate you better here, slave for the organization mean Jehovah, pioneering is the only career god approves of, etc
Throw in a few "are you doing enough for God" guilt trips and a couple of "we don't want to see you get destroyed" fear tactics - and you've got some serious control games and/or a nice little watchtower lesson (same thing).
I personally think it's a "keep them barefoot and pregnant" scenario. IMO, they don't want the r&f to ever find anything better or to ever learn to think for themselves. They also hope to convince people to work for the organization for no pay (full time service).
Remember - they don't want any original thought. They don't allow it. Education produces thinkers.
They may even convince themselves that keeping people down is in their spiritual best interests. Either way that is exactly what they are doing - intentionally keeping people down. The truth is, it makes the r&f easier to control and weild power over.
It is sick and abusive.