Krazy Governing Body
the definition of insanity boils down to expecting success by repeating actions which cause failure.. .
jehovah's witnesses are expected to prove their loyalty to the organization by believing and practicing what they are told.. does this lead to success or failure?.
ask the thousands of loyal believers who were led to expect armageddon in 1914, 1925, 1975!.
Krazy Governing Body
news!!!. km - 02/2014 pdf.
instruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
The U.S. should have had more than that 1.4 % sign up as publishers just from children coming of age.
news!!!. km - 02/2014 pdf.
instruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
I can't wait to see the numbers for baptisms in the U.S compared to the millions of hours spent in the ministry work.
I actually have my wife interested to see this little math equation when it comes out. I told her this stuff is just busy work. She is starting to wake up.
only scanned,,couple articles on necessary on having a old-age long-term plan now.
reality is hitting them more than ever.. also, australia showed "publisher" amount.
i assume it was the "peak" stat.
How about the first study article beating the sheep up with "be more self-sacrificing" and quit being selfish rotten imperfect sinners.
Only to turn around the next week and play nice with a "positve" article.
Tear 'em down, build them back up a little. Typical abuse pattern.
look at this instructions on the february km:.
announcements .
"when engaging in public witnessing using a table or a cart, publishers should not display bibles.
Wow. All about cheap marketing tools, not about teaching the word.
Gideons they are not.
Money. Money. Money.
last night we had our midweek meeting.
the bible reading was from "who is doing jehovah's will....the part where they asked who was the fds.
i thought because of the past sept. wt, every hand would go up....all you heard were crickets.
Yeah Doug I was thinking that too.
There are tons of holes in their latest "light". They just skip centuries, like it's no big deal.
I think it was too tempting for them to write off Russell and that chapter of craziness from the FDS history. I'm sure they secretly salivated over elevating themselves above the apostles too.
Gotta love the "humility" of all the anointed getting the same reward in heaven. Just sit down and shut up for now though partakers. God said so. LOL
"Jehovah allows things to happen for a reason"
....or even the dreaded:
"Well Jehovah allows things like this for a test" comforting.
22 also, continue showing mercy+ to some who have doubts;+23 save them+ by snatching them out of the fire.
but continue showing mercy to others, doing so with fear, while you hate even the garment that has been stained by the flesh.+24 now to the one who is able to guard you from stumbling and to make you stand unblemished+ in the sight of his glory* with great joy,25 to the only god our savior through jesus christ our lord, be glory, majesty, might, and authority for all past eternity and now and into all eternity.
so, then - why does the gb separate those who become doubtful out of fear they will stumble some?
Yeah scriptural reasoning like this highlights the real source of their rules:
"The How to Run a High Control Group Encyclopedia"
Seriously, though, their paranoia speaks volumes. This scripture is working on the basic assumption - the truth should be able to stand on its own - and if God is on your side you have nothing to fear.
But let's be honest. This organization is way past even pretending to have that kind of confidence.
last night we had our midweek meeting.
the bible reading was from "who is doing jehovah's will....the part where they asked who was the fds.
i thought because of the past sept. wt, every hand would go up....all you heard were crickets.
Interestingly I heard the brother at our hall use the term "slave class" from the platform, but I was in the back doing other stuff and thought it was odd considering the "new light".
Well I just read over the lesson and that class term isn't in there unless I missed it. So the brother was really confusing the audience at our hall it appears.
Also even though the brochure is from 2012, it seems to already be in line with the then-future new light in its ambiguous description of who the slave is.
That is unless they have already revised it? I am looking at the one from Anybody know if it has been changed from the original release?
many people think those verses are suggesting that the wars, earthquakes, food shortages, etc are all a sign that the end is imminent.
however, a careful examination of the context seems to suggest that jesus was actually forewarning his followers not to draw such a conclusion from such events.
see this interesting article on the subject:.
Very interesting. Thanks for posting.
I love that site.