I understand that having children adds to the anxiety, but it doesn't change the point I was trying to make.
Armageddon isn't coming... No Devil is after you.....So take your time and make a level-headed plan for you and your family. Assuming lives aren't in immediate danger, It is never a good idea to make a rash or overly emotional decision.
(there can be many variables to consider - immediate family, extended family, friends, employment concerns, business partnerships, pending inheritances, no social network to replace the JW community etc etc)
Thinking things through is good advice in any situation, but I think even more so if you are dealing with the effects of having your worldview crumble before you. There is emotional "dust-settling" to allow time for.
-Good luck to everybody dealing with this mess. It sucks. I hope for the day when WT leaders are prosecuted for the scumbags they are.