This is about an Article in May 2014 Awake that was published about Witch Hunting. It is a 2 page article on how evil the catholic and protestant Inquision was, how wickedly they killed the witches and so on.
The Irony is, the article never quotes Exodus 22: 18 which says” “You must not allow a sorceress to live”
I am pretty sure all the Witch Killings by Christians, was based on the above verse in the Bible.
Do you see how the Watchtower deliberately deceptively and dishonestly hides this Bible verse here, throwing all the blame on those catholic and Protestant Inquisitors, as if they did it on their own.
To a thinking person, there is nothing called a Witch. It’s all simple trickery. The people back then (Including the guy who wrote Exodus), were superstitious enough to think or duped that Witches had evil powers.