No way this WT can make so many failed predictions and Doctrinal changes all the way , if it is spirit inspired or directed, whatsoever. Everything boils down to the fact that there is nothing called "Holy Spirits". Only acidic spirits, the world knows of.
JoinedPosts by EverApostate
Spirit directed vs inspired
by Jules Saturn ini've always been confused as to what the discrepancy is between the phrases "spirit directed/spirit led" and "inspired".
in the february 2017 watchtower study article, paragraph 12 says:.
12 the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
Anyone taken the Metropolitan Museum of Art JW tour, "The Woman and Her Offspring"?
by Cadellin inthese are apparently private tours by jws (pios who do it for a "contribution," i believe), who highlight the "historical evidence" for various bible events or prophecies.
there are a variety of themes, but i had a relative just take one on the woman and the seed/offspring (is "offspring" the new word for jws?).
she thought it was the most amazing thing since sliced bread but i was curious if anyone here has taken one and what their take is....
I have taken the tour in New york, some 8 years before, when this was started. My local Congregation zealots created a Hype that the Museum is full of Biblical evidences, to be seen and get encouraged. They also said that the Museum supports more of Creation rather than Evolution. I was a halfway "Apostate" during that time and thought I could give a try.
To my dismay, the tour was anything but they promised. No evidence of creation...No Biblical evidences… nothing. The tour conductor showed us a small dwelling, which was said to be prevalent during those ancient times, and which may have been a similar housing where Paul dwelt. Nothing more. All other things he went through was just ancient stuff, but no way connected to the Bible.
Not surprised now, after having known about all the deceptive tactics of Watchtower.
What religions/organizations aren't a cult?
by Jules Saturn inso we've already established that most religions can be classified as high control groups, we can name the wbts, church of scientology, lds, etc.
the list goes on and on.
but are there any religions or organizations that aren't classified as a high control group or aren't as bad as the ones i've just mentioned?
Any leader who advise you to leave your family and come after him, is a cult leader. Jesus said that and hence, I consider any form of Christendom to be a cult.
Of course, many christian sects are not such fundamental and we can discount those.
What are your beliefs now, religious/non religious?
by Jules Saturn inwhat are your convictions now that you are no longer one of jehovah's witnesses?
are you a born again christian?
have you joined another denomination of christianity?
Grew up as a protestant, educated in a Catholic School, got involved in the Pentecostal cult for a couple of years, sucked into JW cult thereafter, disassociated from JW in 11 years after knowing ttatt, made an open minded research on the Bible and found it's all gibberish, Happy atheist as of now.
If I ever meet God, may become religious again. (After a lot of questioning though)
CounselIling for Ex Cult Members
by Disassociated Lady 2 ini wanted to ask those of you who were born into the jws and eventually left as an adult, whether any of you have had any counselling?
i know from experience that being programmed by a cult since birth does not give us the social skills and knowledge to function and interact with people in the outside world as we were taught to avoid it.
those of you that have had counselling, do you feel that it has helped you?
By personal experience i found that learning as much as you can about their lies, cover ups and false teachings washes away any beliefs i once had. When they're gone the healing can begin. -- Pale.Emperor
My experience was as same as Pale Emperor. Learn a lot about the real true WT history, lies, cover ups, manipulations, their inhumane blood policies and I bet you wouldn't feel anything guilty thereafter. Also, do a lot of research about the Bible also, if you still believe its gods word.
You would end up as a free and happy person.
When exactly did Jesus become king? The Insight Book tells us.
by The Fall Guy init-2 pp.
61-62 jesus christ - "they [1st century christians] recognized him as their lord........because of his kingly position and authority.
it was in the full regal as well as priestly authority represented by jesus’ name that his followers the “name” of this divinely commissioned king, the lord jesus christ.
SO Jesus became King and has been Idle for 103 years. Quite lethargic.
The most successful teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses and an amazing new book on the divine name
by slimboyfat injehovah's witnesses have had to revise their chronology and various doctrinal interpretations due to events and scholarly corrections.
but the one teaching where they have been consistently ahead of the curve is the importance of jehovah's name.. .
i'm going to run through a (necessarily selective) timeline of jw events and scholarly publications that demonstrate the phenomenal success of this teaching in the last days.
Sorry haven’t read all the posts here. But I have a basic question. If Jehovah is the most high in this Universe, why did his name disappear from the Bible for almost 1875 years, until CT Russel had to restore it.
An Almighty god cannot protect his name in his own book ? Highly suspicious.
Majority of the people on earth today still haven't heard of Jehovah and only give a blank stare when told about it. Not only now, it has been this same state since WT was founded. And what is the use of these Field service at all ?
In my honest opinion, if Jehovah is really an almighty God, his name should be as explicit as the sun or moon, where nobody can deny it. Pages and pages of debate like this won’t be necessary.
JW renaming things: "It's Not this, it's ....."
by Muddy Waters inthis was brought up in another thread, but i thought it should have its own thread.
feel free to add your own observations and experience.
the jws are so duplicit, and they rename things to somehow justify their own irrationalities.
Why the heck is a preacher called a "Publisher". As for my understanding, a publisher is one who prints in Writing. Can someone Please explain. Just curious to know.
Who is ruling over the kingdom of the world?
by The Fall Guy inaccording to the bible, "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.
" (1 john 5:19).
according to the deluded "slave", it's jesus; w73 8/1 p. 459 par.
Jesus came to Power in 1914. Shiva in 1918. Zeus in 2000. Sadly, all are invisible. Yet we have to believe and obey.
Question for those who went to the RC
by joe134cd ini'm just curious with all the happy clapping that is now going on with the singing at the conventions.
what has been the reaction to it with the r&f.
has anyone ever commented that it reminded them of a pentecostal revival meeting.
Sounds like a Hollywood Movie BGM. Haven't heard the Kingdom songs for 10 years and this is really a shock to me. No doubt WT is changing according to current trends to survive in the market, as like any corporation.