GMahler Thank you!
I can't believe I used to believe all this...
in this article gerrit talks about his father in the first and last paragraphs, what he says about him and his hope for him goes against all that witnesses have preached about the worldly for the last 100 years... as i recall aren't all the worldly supposed to be destroyed and never have a hope of everlasting life like jw's are, and isn't that the purpose of the preaching work to baptize and warn the worldly of this???
if not why do jws even preach, or even become jws in the first place if all have a hope of everlasting life, jw and non-jw, are they releasing a little hint at new light to come???
or am i just missing or over analyzing something?.
GMahler Thank you!
I can't believe I used to believe all this...
securities and exchange commission: name: the watchtower society .
class a shares owned: 5,073,200. percentage of class a shares owned: 44.94%.
rand cam corporation - developers of cold turbine engine project, funded by the u.s. military (navy).. what happen to 1.having no polictical/government affiliantion?
Blues brothers are you able to provide a scan of this supposed "response" from the WBATS like others on your OP asked ( with today's technology compared to a decade ago I'm sure you can ) or are you going to dodge the upload a scan question and we are just to take your word for it like the GB also tells us to???
I smell a lying JW apologist...
securities and exchange commission: name: the watchtower society .
class a shares owned: 5,073,200. percentage of class a shares owned: 44.94%.
rand cam corporation - developers of cold turbine engine project, funded by the u.s. military (navy).. what happen to 1.having no polictical/government affiliantion?
The rank and file have lost and given up jobs , work and livelihoods to please the GB and not be affiliated with GOVERNMENT/MILITARY affiliated organizations, but right under their noses they are doing just that... OH THE HYPOCRISY!!!
in this article gerrit talks about his father in the first and last paragraphs, what he says about him and his hope for him goes against all that witnesses have preached about the worldly for the last 100 years... as i recall aren't all the worldly supposed to be destroyed and never have a hope of everlasting life like jw's are, and isn't that the purpose of the preaching work to baptize and warn the worldly of this???
if not why do jws even preach, or even become jws in the first place if all have a hope of everlasting life, jw and non-jw, are they releasing a little hint at new light to come???
or am i just missing or over analyzing something?.
Compound complex great points!
I thought the WBATS last taught we will no longer have a remembrance of those we lost in this system, ie deceased marriage mates or thisevwho were not dedicated witnesses, so I guess since Gerritt is of the "anointed" he bypasses this little aspect. Also to your last point I guess we are to believe his father, along with his mother and other relatives never heard of the great WBATS and the bible students (Gods will) at the time of there deaths, so heretofore is spared death by destruction?
Its all so mind numbing...
in this article gerrit talks about his father in the first and last paragraphs, what he says about him and his hope for him goes against all that witnesses have preached about the worldly for the last 100 years... as i recall aren't all the worldly supposed to be destroyed and never have a hope of everlasting life like jw's are, and isn't that the purpose of the preaching work to baptize and warn the worldly of this???
if not why do jws even preach, or even become jws in the first place if all have a hope of everlasting life, jw and non-jw, are they releasing a little hint at new light to come???
or am i just missing or over analyzing something?.
In this article Gerrit talks about his father in the first and last paragraphs, what he says about him and his hope for him goes against all that Witnesses have preached about the worldly for the last 100 years... As I recall aren't all the worldly supposed to be destroyed and never have a hope of everlasting life like JW's are, and isn't that the purpose of the preaching work to baptize and warn the worldly of this??? If not why do JWs even preach, or even become JWs in the first place if all have a hope of everlasting life, JW and NON-JW, are they releasing a little hint at new light to come??? Or am I just missing or over analyzing something?
1st paragraph:
As told by Gerrit L ö sch
My father was born in Graz, Austria, in 1899, so he was a youth during World War I. He was conscripted into the German army soon after World War II broke out in 1939. He was killed in 1943 while fighting in Russia. Sadly, that is how I lost my father when I was only about two years old. I never had an opportunity to get to know him, and I very much missed having a father, especially when I realized that most other boys in school had one. Later, as a teenager, I gained comfort from learning about our heavenly Father, a super ior Father who cannot die. — Hab.1:12.
Last paragraph:
Reflecting on the Past and Looking to the Future
The times when I served as a waiter in a hotel are long gone. Now I enjoy the privilege of participating in preparing and dispen sing spiritual food to our worldwide brother- hood. (Matt.24:45-47) Looking back over more than 50 years in special full-time service, I can only express my deep appreciation and joy for Jeho- vah ’ s blessing upon our worldwide brotherhood. I love to attend our international conventions, where emphasis is put on learning about our heavenly Father, Jehovah, and Bible truth.
I pray that millions more of mankind will study the Bible, accept the truth, and serve Jehovah unitedly with our worldwide Chris tian brotherhood. (1 Pet. 2:17; ftn.) I also look forward to observing from heaven the earthly resurrection and, at last, finding my physical father. I hope that he, my mother, and other dear relatives will all want to worship Jehovah in Paradise.
I guess Gerritt is going to use the nepotism card with God, to get his war mongering unbaptized father into paradise...
securities and exchange commission: name: the watchtower society .
class a shares owned: 5,073,200. percentage of class a shares owned: 44.94%.
rand cam corporation - developers of cold turbine engine project, funded by the u.s. military (navy).. what happen to 1.having no polictical/government affiliantion?
Designs it doesn't matter if it was 100 years old and they had it since 1914 and the start of world war one, this is something they have and constantly talk against, just like their UN-NGO affiliation they want to just sweep under the rug...
GC Is either a JW apologist or a Bethelite mole... You do understand your on the wrong website, you do know you need to be on JW.ORGY? Now go run along before I tell one of your elders...
Vidiot there is always one or two on every post that is damaging to the WBATS, they are the JW apologist and clean up men, I wouldn't be surprised if they were undercover bethelites working for the WBATS to quell the TTATT on various websites...
gb member and so called "annointed" person geoffry jackson is caught red handed on video doing some worldly dancing and sexual gyrating (they have spoken against such manner of dancing on several occasions) with a woman who is not his wife!!!
i can only imagine what they do off camera now!!!.
i would not have even considerd doing such a thing on the dance floor with a woman, especially if it was not my wife, and i'm not even one of the so called "annointed" smh!!!
As I analyze the video and sense the reactions, It seems he was dancing with more than one young lady that was not his wife, he danced with at least three. The ladies dancing with him seem to be in shock and disbelief that a GB member is dancing with them in such a way that they are almost grossed out and look very uncomfortable. It's like they are just going along with it painfully but just trying to grin and bare it. It seems like he danced with the other two ladies first and then moved on to dance with the last lady, as the other two lady's were laughing in shock and disgust, the one young lady looked as if she wanted to barf!!! It also seems Geoffry notices the young lady he just danced with leaving the dance floor in disgust and then realizes he looks like a dirty old perv and proceeds to run off the floor!!! I wish the video started a minute before and showed the full extent of his worldly fun, I'm sure when the ladies got home and thought about what had just happened that night it probably troubled them to no end... Mind blown!
gb member and so called "annointed" person geoffry jackson is caught red handed on video doing some worldly dancing and sexual gyrating (they have spoken against such manner of dancing on several occasions) with a woman who is not his wife!!!
i can only imagine what they do off camera now!!!.
i would not have even considerd doing such a thing on the dance floor with a woman, especially if it was not my wife, and i'm not even one of the so called "annointed" smh!!!
I just read your childish rants. Research my comments from this site. No one has more derision for the Dark Lords than I. That hasn't a thing to do with your childish, reactionary whining about this video. You really need to grow up; most of the responses to this AMAZING OP were spent telling you that you had lost your mind - or something to that affect.
Attacking me, especially when you've shown yourself to be such an immature child, simply reinforces what the vast majority of us responding already think about you and this AMAZING OP. Until you mature, a lot few of us will not pay you much attention. You also called Island Man a JW apologist, and that was dead on. I suppose everyone who disagrees with you is wrong as well. You should be learning from me and those like me rather than childishly lashing out. We could help you, but you won't let us.
gb member and so called "annointed" person geoffry jackson is caught red handed on video doing some worldly dancing and sexual gyrating (they have spoken against such manner of dancing on several occasions) with a woman who is not his wife!!!
i can only imagine what they do off camera now!!!.
i would not have even considerd doing such a thing on the dance floor with a woman, especially if it was not my wife, and i'm not even one of the so called "annointed" smh!!!
Welcome myplasticmicrophone, thank you very much for the video and your observations...
this video is telling of this supposedly "anointed" person on so many levels it's not funny!!!
So the woman is not baptized!!! So he's dancing with a WORLDLY woman that's NOT his WIFE!!!
As I analyze the video and sense the reactions, It seems he was dancing with more than one young lady that was not his wife, he danced with at least three. The ladies dancing with him seem to be in shock and disbelief that a GB member is dancing with them in such a way that they are almost grossed out and look very uncomfortable. It's like they are just going along with it painfully but just trying to grin and bare it. It seems like he danced with the other two ladies first and then moved on to dance with the last lady, as the other two lady's were laughing in shock and disgust, the one young lady looked as if she wanted to barf!!! It also seems Geoffry notices the young lady he just danced with leaving the dance floor in disgust and then realizes he looks like a dirty old perv and proceeds to run off the floor!!! I wish the video started a minute before and showed the full extent of his worldly fun, I'm sure when the ladies got home and thought about what had just happened that night it probably troubled them to no end... Mind blown! |
if this subject was already considered i apologize for that.
it was sent to me this afternoon regarding the international convention recently held; august 22-24 in zimbabwe.
I guess this is what Mr Jackson does to get his mind off of things, including his wife...
GB member and so called "annointed" person Geoffry Jackson is caught red handed on video doing some worldly dancing and sexual gyrating (they have spoken against such manner of dancing on several occasions) with a woman who is not his wife!!! I can only imagine what they do off camera now!!!