I have have come to realize most "RANK AND FILE" JW's are mentally unstable-to-ill and here is why...
i have have come to realize most "rank and file" jw's are mentally unstable-to-ill and here is why.... http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/mental-issues.php.
I have have come to realize most "RANK AND FILE" JW's are mentally unstable-to-ill and here is why...
This is where they got their No Type/Anti-Type explanation from:
very funny stand up on religion god and jesus, fast forward to the 10:20 mark.... .
Very funny stand up on religion God and Jesus, Fast forward to the 10:20 mark...
i have enjoyed reading your comments during the past four years.
deep down inside, i have always been agnostic.
the first few chapters in genesis are contradictory and differing.. no one has ever been able to answer my question: "why was satan ever created?".
Good to hear game1914over This is great video on the whole 1914 debacle.
my wife and i are finally free of this horrible cult we will be leaving the south east for the north western part of the us to start anew!!!
our friends and family have no idea of our new beliefs and feelings on the cult so it should be a nice clean break!
hope to connect with some in that area pm me if you'd like.. .
My wife and I are finally free of the horrible cult of JW.ORG we will be leaving the south east for the north western part of the US to start Anew!!! Our friends and family have no idea of our new beliefs and feelings on the cult so it should be a nice clean break! Hope to connect with some in that area PM me if you'd like.
re: jw broadcasting.
dear brothers:.
we are writing to inform you of an exciting initiative that was announced on october 4,.
I believe the WBATS CULT has shares in ROKU...
the electric church turns on.
(awake 1981, march 22, pp.5-8).
.. .. the watchtower society knows very well how much money can be made by television preaching.
WOW! Great post Atlantis!!!
pg 7 par. 1 SAYS IT ALL!
"The need to constantly raise money for big projects like ""cathedrals"" (new assembly hall/kingdom hall fund) followed by desperate pleas to the faithful for more money (monthly pledge) to finish gods work!!!"
They brazenly speak against donations for building churches, but they then have the hypocritical audacity to do the same exact thing!!!
during the public discourse today the brobot talked about the gog of magog, and he stated that he was satan!!!
i had to ask my wife if i heard him correctly, and she said yes he said it is satan.... i couldnt wait to run up to the brobot after the meeting and inform him of he "new light" we just recieved yesterday!!!
when i approached him i asked him : what is gog of magog?
During the public discourse today the brobot talked about The Gog of Magog, and he stated that he was satan!!! I had to ask my wife if I heard him correctly, and she said yes he said it is satan...
I couldnt wait to run up to the brobot after the meeting and inform him of he "NEW LIGHT" we just recieved yesterday!!! When I approached him I asked him : what is Gog of Magog? He states : It is the disgusting name of satan, and I did Extra research on the topic!!! (MIND BLOWN) I proceeded to tell him : well according to new insights at the AGM just yesterday that has changed! The look on his face was priceless!!! He goes on to say I have to check that out...
So the 80 rank and file there today have just been lied to... This brother needs to be disfellowshipped for apostasy!!!
I guess with the new JW broadcasting system the "NEW LIGHT" will be instantly spread, instead of waiting months to release info they have known for awhile, while the rank and file are spreading old truths or lies... This CULT is a joke!!!
this is my first post on here so bear with me.
currently i am still an active jw with serious questions about the jw org.
i was hesitant signing up but really need as much input from the people on this forum to get a clear understanding on things.
I suggest you do a little research for yourself on the history and doctrinal beliefs and changes of the JW ORGANIZTION (CULT) before you begin to ask questions here, it will help you to build your own insights and understanding to better prepare you for the comments you may receive on this great website!
Here is a good place to start:
Here is a great video that destroys the JW's 1914 FDS foundation, and I might add it does it in a light and humorous way...
Also here is a great song for those on the fence or struggling with the JW faith