This seems to be their latest belief about those who are not JW CULT members...
So why does Gerrit think he will see his father again???
in this article gerrit talks about his father in the first and last paragraphs, what he says about him and his hope for him goes against all that witnesses have preached about the worldly for the last 100 years... as i recall aren't all the worldly supposed to be destroyed and never have a hope of everlasting life like jw's are, and isn't that the purpose of the preaching work to baptize and warn the worldly of this???
if not why do jws even preach, or even become jws in the first place if all have a hope of everlasting life, jw and non-jw, are they releasing a little hint at new light to come???
or am i just missing or over analyzing something?.
This seems to be their latest belief about those who are not JW CULT members...
So why does Gerrit think he will see his father again???
i believe the last two wt studies in the 7/14 wt study articles were planned for this exact time and did not come about by happenstance... the jw cult is preparing the rank and file for some faith altering "new light" to be announced fairly soon, and these scare tactics will do just the trick.... the articles are preparing the rank and file to become apostataphobic, they have the rank and file in such a frenzy, even have them questioning themselves and their own motives for being in the borg!.
with paragraphs like:.
if you hear someone that has doubts or questions about the borg avoid them like the plague, and tell your local elders, but don't judge them!!!.
Clambake so true, when I was a devote rank and file member I remember distinctly asking myself during a meeting going over a questionable teaching:
Could the WBATS be pulling the wool over our eyes with blatant and elaborate bull shit lies???
I said to myself: nahhhh, this is Jehovahs Org and that can't happen...
Oh how gullible we all were...
mormon or jehovah's wittnesses... or i almost can't tell the difference anymore, i remember saying mormons are crazy... lol i should have looked in the mirror.
just another modern day, western born, religious cult.
someone with a little money started a company.. .
Emery very true question!
i have posted on this topic before:.
Yes it is like going shopping, choose what you like best!
the similarites between the mormons ( ) and jws ( ) are startling!!!.
here is another, both false religions have governing body's made up of predominantly white anglo men, but tout themselves as being worldwide united religions... where is the diversity???
both groups look like board members of any top fourtune 500 company.
Backseatdevil very true!
gb member and so called "annointed" person geoffry jackson is caught red handed on video doing some worldly dancing and sexual gyrating (they have spoken against such manner of dancing on several occasions) with a woman who is not his wife!!!
i can only imagine what they do off camera now!!!.
i would not have even considerd doing such a thing on the dance floor with a woman, especially if it was not my wife, and i'm not even one of the so called "annointed" smh!!!
Fulano that's funny!
this is a song by lauryn hill, i believe she herself or her immediate family was associated with the jw cult.
i like to share this song every once in a while, its very powerful and inspiring for those having difficulties with the jw cult.
Caramel queen nice song!
i believe the last two wt studies in the 7/14 wt study articles were planned for this exact time and did not come about by happenstance... the jw cult is preparing the rank and file for some faith altering "new light" to be announced fairly soon, and these scare tactics will do just the trick.... the articles are preparing the rank and file to become apostataphobic, they have the rank and file in such a frenzy, even have them questioning themselves and their own motives for being in the borg!.
with paragraphs like:.
if you hear someone that has doubts or questions about the borg avoid them like the plague, and tell your local elders, but don't judge them!!!.
Oubilette just posted It...
oneeyedjoe that is exactly what they want and my point, when the new light is released no one will want to discuss it for fear of being shunned!!! So it quiets the dissenters before they even have a chance to think of dissenting, a proverbial nip in the bud...
i believe the last two wt studies in the 7/14 wt study articles were planned for this exact time and did not come about by happenstance... the jw cult is preparing the rank and file for some faith altering "new light" to be announced fairly soon, and these scare tactics will do just the trick.... the articles are preparing the rank and file to become apostataphobic, they have the rank and file in such a frenzy, even have them questioning themselves and their own motives for being in the borg!.
with paragraphs like:.
if you hear someone that has doubts or questions about the borg avoid them like the plague, and tell your local elders, but don't judge them!!!.
88JM good point, the JW CULT uses the word "NEW LIGHT" for major changes, and the word "ADJUSTMENT" for something they had wrong or so called "misunderstood" in the past...
Either way if it's new light or an adjustment, there is something brewing in the JW CULT pot!
i believe the last two wt studies in the 7/14 wt study articles were planned for this exact time and did not come about by happenstance... the jw cult is preparing the rank and file for some faith altering "new light" to be announced fairly soon, and these scare tactics will do just the trick.... the articles are preparing the rank and file to become apostataphobic, they have the rank and file in such a frenzy, even have them questioning themselves and their own motives for being in the borg!.
with paragraphs like:.
if you hear someone that has doubts or questions about the borg avoid them like the plague, and tell your local elders, but don't judge them!!!.
I believe the last two WT studies in the 7/14 WT study articles were planned for this exact time and did not come about by happenstance... The JW CULT is preparing the rank and file for some faith altering "new light" to be announced fairly soon, and these scare tactics will do just the trick...
The articles are preparing the rank and file to become apostataphobic, they have the rank and file in such a frenzy, even have them questioning themselves and their own motives for being in the Borg!
With paragraphs like:
If you hear someone that has doubts or questions about the Borg avoid them like the plague, and tell your local elders, but don't judge them!!!
Even if you have your own doubts or questions keep them to yourself and ask yourself, why you are even a JW?
If after all that you decide to stay we just ask one thing: That you to keep your mouth shut and LISTEN, OBEY AND BE BLESSED!!!
If cognitive dissonance hasn't kicked in by now for the rank and file I dobut it ever will...
This in effect quiets the dissenters before they even have a chance to think about dissenting, a proverbial nip in the bud...
15 The overwhelming majority of Jehovah ’ s people are sincere in their devotion. It would be highly unusual for someone in the congregation to adopt a deceitful form of worship deliberately. Still, if it happened in Moses ’ day and in the time of the early Christian congregation, it can also happen today. (2 Tim.3:1,5) Should we, however, be suspicious of our fellow Christians, second-guessing the genuineness of their loyalty to Jehovah? Absolutely not! It would be wrong to entertain baseless suspicions about our brothers and sisters. (Read Romans 14:10-12; 1 Corinthians 13:7.) What is more, having a tendency to distrust the integrity of others in the congregation would be harmful to our own spirituality .
16 Each Christian should “ examine his own actions. ” (Gal.6:4) Because of our sinful inclinations, there is always the potential for inadvertently adopting traits that are less tha n sincere. (Heb.3:12,13) So from time to time, we might examine our motives for serving Jehovah. We may ask ourselves: ‘ Do I worship Jehovah out of love for him and in recognition of his sovereignty? Or do I place more emphasis on the physical bles sings I hope to enjoy in Paradise? ’ (Rev. 4:11) Surely we can all benefit from examining our own actions and removing any vestiges of hypocrisy from our heart.
7/14 WT ARTICLE - Jehovah ’ s People “ Renounce Unrighteousness ”
“ Reject Foolish and Ignorant Debates ”
8 By referring to those events of Moses ’ day, Paul was reminding Timothy of the need to take decisive action in order to protect his precious relationship with Jehovah. In itself, belonging to the Christian congregation was not enough, just as merely calling on the name of Jehovah was not enough in Moses ’ day. Faithful worshippers must decisively renounce unrighteousness. What did this mean for Timothy? And what lessons can Jehovah ’ s people today derive from Paul ’ s inspired counsel?
9 God ’ s Word gives specific advice concerning the types of unrighteousness that Christians must renounce or reject. For instance, in t he immediate context of 2 Timothy 2:19, we find that Paul tells Timothy “ not to fight about words ” and to “ reject empty speeches. ” (Read 2 Timothy 2:14,16,23.) Some members of the congregation were promoting apostate teachings. Also, it appears that others were introducing controversial ideas. Even if the latter were not directly unscriptural, they were divisive. They resulted in bickering and arguing over words, creating a spiritually unhealthy atmosphere. Hence, Paul stressed the need to “ reject foolish and ignorant debates. ”
10 Today, Jehovah ’ s people are not often confronted with apostasy within the congregation. Still, when exposed to unscriptural teachings, regardle ss of the source, we must decisively reject them. It would be unwise to engage in debates with apostates, whether in person, by responding to their blogs, or by any other form of communication. Even when the intention is to help the individual, such conver sation would be contrary to the Scriptural direction we just considered. Rather, as Jehovah ’ s people, we completely avoid, yes reject, apostasy.