Its Ok. We are all free now anyway. It was just one of those situations that stuck in my mind.
JoinedPosts by Oneoutallout
Did he really say that?
by Oneoutallout insomething the cobe said that bugged me and i couldn't get it out of my head for a long time.
i was an obedient good little jw.
nothing special, but i did what i could.
Did he really say that?
by Oneoutallout insomething the cobe said that bugged me and i couldn't get it out of my head for a long time.
i was an obedient good little jw.
nothing special, but i did what i could.
Something the COBE said that bugged me and I couldn't get it out of my head for a long time. I was an obedient good little JW. Nothing special, but I did what I could. I had a bit of an issue with the old 'self abuse'. I felt so, so guilty I confessed to him. He was quite understanding, up to the point where he said, " you know it will be treated the same as peaodophilia if you don't stop"! Whaaaaat!! I took it but that helped send me towards the door.
Wife and kids are officially OUT!!
by Oneoutallout inmy wife has told her jw best friend and jw sister that she is givng up the religion!!
and there was i worrying about losing her when i left the cult.
and, to top it all, my 15 and 13 year old children are using their critical thinking skills and can see it all for what it is.
Such great comments! Thank you sooooo much. I only hope that all of you that are struggling can make the same post soon. I so feel for you all.
It's not really sunk in yet. Although the pile of Christmas presents for the kids is making me think this ain't gonna be cheap!! Ha ha! My daughter says we have waited 15 years for this!! My wife is like a little child herself. So excited. We can do things on our terms. It's not a religious celebration as far as we are concerned, just time to celebrate our freedom and start making up for some lost time.
its been a strange year. Lost our business after 35 years. My wife's health is bad. Not much money, but we feel a sense of happiness because of the freedom from guilt!! Sorry, I'm gloating! Don't mean too. Thanks again x
Wife and kids are officially OUT!!
by Oneoutallout inmy wife has told her jw best friend and jw sister that she is givng up the religion!!
and there was i worrying about losing her when i left the cult.
and, to top it all, my 15 and 13 year old children are using their critical thinking skills and can see it all for what it is.
I told everyone what I thought and didnt hold back at the start. Then I realised that wasn't the best way. I stopped going to meetings, and by then everyone new how I felt about the WT and the bible etc. I had an elder give me some coded advice. Take it easy. So i kept quiet and did a noisy fade. My wife was obviously upset. But I thought she had some doubts, even though she is pretty much a born in. She is very loyal to me. As her health is not good, she missed a lot of meetings and this of course helped some of the indoctrination to weaken. Now, nearly two and a half years later, she has seen how people have treated me, although some have been very kind, but more than that, how they have treated her and the kids. Basically, no phone calls and only about two visits from one sister. Even when she was still making all the right noises. Slowly, our chats made more sense to her. And there we are! Not quite that easy of course. Shunning by most, even family, but we understand that they think they are doing the right thing. We have been there many times, I'm ashamed to say. She has jsut had enough now and wants to concentrate her energy on us as a family. Good girl!!
The kids were also upset, but they are pretty savvy. They too have seen how they and their mum were dumped by people we had been close to and helped on many occasions. Fake love eh!
Onwards and upwards!
Wife and kids are officially OUT!!
by Oneoutallout inmy wife has told her jw best friend and jw sister that she is givng up the religion!!
and there was i worrying about losing her when i left the cult.
and, to top it all, my 15 and 13 year old children are using their critical thinking skills and can see it all for what it is.
Thank you so much for all your kind comments!! Although I havent posted a lot over the time I have been out, this forum has played a huge part in helping me see clearly what is real and kept me sane. Thanks to all of you!! x
Wife and kids are officially OUT!!
by Oneoutallout inmy wife has told her jw best friend and jw sister that she is givng up the religion!!
and there was i worrying about losing her when i left the cult.
and, to top it all, my 15 and 13 year old children are using their critical thinking skills and can see it all for what it is.
My wife has told her JW best friend and JW sister that she is givng up the religion!! And there was I worrying about losing her when I left the cult. And, to top it all, my 15 and 13 year old children are using their critical thinking skills and can see it all for what it is. They are also making a clean break! My 15 year old is now disgusted at some of the loaded language, judgemental speak and hypocrisy. (She is using WT publications for paper mache in her arts and crafts. Lol). They all see it for themselves!! Happy days!! They all want to 'do' birthdays and christmas!! Just because we can and its, sorry I'm going to say the F word, FUN!
My wife is truly a non-jw...
by Jim_TX ina little bit of background (for those of you who came in late).... i used to be a jw (no joke!).
i married a jw wife.
we were married for about 20 years, and i couldn't take it anymore - since i was no longer a jw, and didn't believe in their doctrines anymore.. i got divorced in 2002. since that time, i was solo, and then met a nice non-jw woman.
My wife suggested we move all of the Blotch Towel blurb from the bookshelf to the loft. She is in the process of a fade. As we still have contact with her JW friends due to some business arrangements, and they would notice them gone, I have left them for now, just until she knows her way forward. But they have a death sentence on them!
When I decided to leave the cult, I put all my literature in plastic bags and left them out, with the intention of taking them to the dump. It took me a while and when I eventually got around to doing it, they had grown an investation of mould and slime! The fodder was obviously off! When i tipped it in the skips, it was a pile of wet, mouldy, slimy yuk! At least some fungus got a decent life out of that crap!
Top marks to your wife and mine. :-)
The Jehovah's Witness religion has gone for good !!!
by snare&racket ini am not sure how you all feel as we all left at different times for different reasons.... but this new bible seems to have put some final nails into a coffin that was once my jw life.
the religion is so far and so different to the religion i grew up in that it has become something i feel no affiliation with anymore, no bond, no shared ideas or even sentimental views.
different teachings on when the end is coming.
Very nicely put! Thanks
Wow! Things have moved on!
by Oneoutallout inthis is only my second or third post.
my previous posts were under the username piglet.
i couldnt remember my log in details so i have now changed my username, which i feel is more relevant now anyway.
Thanks for your comments everyone.
Bob-NC. I am hoping that her health will improve. Once she can come to terms with what she really thinks. Thanks
Fifth.column. I hope so too. All the best for future for you and your family.
Faithful Witness. Not one specific thing. Although I suppose that once they saw mum backing down and expressing doubts, it allowed them to think freely and express themselves. Also, the indoctrination that we had worked so hard on, thinking it was the right thing to do, soon started to erode, once we stopped going to meetings. They also saw the hypocrisy of those that we had been close too, and helped a lot, back off straight away. Not only from me, but also from my wife. Life long 'friends' dropped her like a ton of bricks. Out of sight, out of mind.
Chrimbo is Christmas. As long as we keep religion out of it and just have an enjoyable time together, it will be fine. Weird but good!
Wow! Things have moved on!
by Oneoutallout inthis is only my second or third post.
my previous posts were under the username piglet.
i couldnt remember my log in details so i have now changed my username, which i feel is more relevant now anyway.
This is only my second or third post. My previous posts were under the username Piglet. I couldnt remember my log in details so i have now changed my username, which I feel is more relevant now anyway. I had laid off posting here in order to keep the peace. Although this forum has been a great encouragement for me. Thank you all!
Back to my point! Hopefully this will be encouraging to all of you faders etc, that are trying to get others out of the cult.
I have been out since July 2011. I had made it very clear to elders, family and JW 'friends', that I didnt believe a word of the nonsense any more. I blabbed it all out, knowing the possible consequences, but unable to pretend anymore. I thought it would all 'hit the fan'. Funny enough, it did, but not to the extent I expected. To cut a long story short, the congregation have shunned me but those involved with us on a business level, child care, that kind of thing, are still in contact, although I do sense a little nervousness sometimes. Them not me! Funny thing is, I had many discussions with the elders about what I thought, and I still havent been disfellowshiped. Although I am obviously considered a 'human apostate'! lol.
My main concern back then, was of course my wife and children. The two older ones had been raised by my wife and myself, 'in the truth'. (Thats hard to write). My youngest, who is 4, doesnt know anything and doesnt really remember being dragged to meetings. My wife was dragged up in the religion from a very young age.
Since my initial outsbursts,, I learnt to reign it in a bit, in order to try to slowly get my family to see the wood for the trees. My other two children are 12 and 14 by the way. They both have slowly drifted in there thinking, mainly because I used to take them to the meetings, as my wife has bad health issues, and rarely went for the last few years. They were always a bit 'prickly' when we spoke about the religion and my/their beliefs. But slowly things have calmed down.
Here is the great news, which I still cant quite believe. They have now all decided they have had enough!! My wife is even thinking of telling those that are still talking to us, that she cant cope with it anymore, despite the potential consequences. And get this! My son is 13 in two days time, and they all want to have a low key party. Including cards, cake, prezzies and, can I say this out loud, FUN!! We are also planning to go to a bonfire/ fireworks evening at the end of the month. There is even talk of Chrimbo!! I am shocked, in a good way of course.
My wife is struggling with the guilt of not believing, but admitted that she never really wanted the religion, and only kept it together all this time by denial and wanting to keep the status quo. She will get her thoughts sorted. It will take a bit of time for the brainwashing to dissapear I guess. I am so proud of her and appreciate the loyalty she has shown me over the last couple of years.
Now you see why my new username is so apt. Oh happy days ahead!! Bring it on.