JoinedTopics Started by MightierThanTheSword
Flogging the Vat 4956 horse
by MightierThanTheSword ini'm just curious about something & wonder if the experts could help.. basically i am documenting all of the main lines of evidence for the jws being the one & then investigating each claim systematically.. i have now reached the dreaded november 1st, 2011 watchtower & am sitting in front of a copy of cartes du ciel and a babylonian calendar converter i found at http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~gent0113/babylon/babycal_converter.htm.
i realise these claims have been challenged and documented in depth elsewhere, but i'm keen to do my own research rather than copy & paste.
my question is regarding date conversion - when inputting the gregorian dates as given at the bottom of the tablet's translation i found at http://www.caeno.org/pdf/f019_translation.pdf then the lunar positions all seemed pretty close (visually, i wasn't dealing with exact degrees here).
Caleb Spoofs
by Smiles inmade these caleb & sophia spoofs in honor of am3 and his cronies at wbts.. enjoy.. smiles.
Trolleys everywhere in my neck of the woods
by KateWild ini went to an appointment today and what do you know a trolley.. i couldn't stop and chat, but i have another appoinment thursday, i will go early and have a chat.
i love this it's great fun chatting to jws whilst being df'd.. any ideas for my presentation?.
do you think i am harming myself?.
In your memory, what was the nicest day you had out in field service?
by LoisLane looking for Superman infor me, that happy day was in morro bay, calif. it was the fall, oct 1958 or 9. gorgeous weather.
the sun was shining and the wind was coming off of the ocean.. at that time, morro bay was unassigned territory.. talesin on another thread was talking about a lovely day she had, going with her grandfather, talking with a mr languages.
Watchtower- Gnosticism
by HowTheBibleWasCreated inbefore i post this let me say i'm an atheist (though i have a respect for buddism and quantum mysticism).
the wikepedia definition of gnosticism is: "religions that taught that people should shun the material world created by the demiurge and embrace the spiritual world.
[1] gnostic ideas influenced many ancient religions[2] that teach that gnosis (variously interpreted as knowledge, enlightenment,salvation, emancipation or 'oneness with god') may be reached by practicingphilanthropy to the point of personal poverty, sexual abstinence (as far as possible for hearers, completely for initiates) and diligently searching forwisdom by helping others".