This is great! I think that your digilance in finding out what the Bible says is something we all should be doing. We need to fact check what is told to us. The Bible is the ONLY truth in which we can rely on, not what men say.
Posts by Aroq
by DATA-DOG injust getting a jump on the holiday season!!
i figure that i will post this every year for discussion.
these were my observations when learning ttatt.
The elders came by and my DA letter
by Crazyguy inthe lead elder co of my hall said he was going to push for a jc meeting.
i could tell all along all hes interested in is protecting his god the org.. so i'm 90% sure now of going on the offesive and first having a family meeting telling them i'm offically quitting and how its going to play out and how i'll will be shunned even though i have commited no sin.
i also may explain a little of why and how i came to this decision with out bashing the org to much out of respect for my wife.
I cannot speak from direct knowledge of being DF'd as I have never been a JW, but when the chips are down, you find out who your real friends are. Jesus has ALWAYS been my friend.
There are a lot of views from people here that I agree with.
"I would never give a judicial committee the honor and dignity of my time and attention. They have no authority over me and cannot require me to do anything."
"what's more important to you, your relationship to God and Christ or your relationship with your family."
I think your letter is great. It tells from your heart what you really think. Short and to the point.
Along the lines of what I quoted I do not see myself giving anyone the time of effort to condemn me if I have in fact stopped believing what they tell me to.
I also know that in the end, the very end, we are going to be judged according to what we as individuals have done, not our family, not our friends not anyone else. I alone am responsible and will be judged according to what I have done.
Wife and kids are officially OUT!!
by Oneoutallout inmy wife has told her jw best friend and jw sister that she is givng up the religion!!
and there was i worrying about losing her when i left the cult.
and, to top it all, my 15 and 13 year old children are using their critical thinking skills and can see it all for what it is.
This is great and it gives me hope that it is possible!
I am happy for you Unstoppableravens!
Why do you still go to meetings?
by Aroq ini'm asking this because there are a few on this site who do not agree with the wt or gb, but yet still go to meetings.. .
For most people I see it is because of family.
How truly sad is it that we have family trapped in and we allow the suffering to drag us down for the sake of our family. We love our family so much it hurts. I cannot say that I am in the same position as most of you, as I have never been a JW. But my family is in. So me leaving makes no difference to them because I never was in. It still hurts though.
Why do you still go to meetings?
by Aroq ini'm asking this because there are a few on this site who do not agree with the wt or gb, but yet still go to meetings.. .
I appreciate all of your responses so far.
Dutchdelight and BU2B, I can see how family is the dirving factor for obvious reasons.
Legacy, I hear exactly what you are saying too. some of the things you mentioned are man made anyway, gift equality, depression, debt, some holidays. There was more to you answer and it seemed to me that you have a genuie desire for God, that's great. There was little parts where you defined your beliefs as well that aligned with the WT teaching. That's ok too and you clearly said that some do not follow the WT completely and come here to vent. I thank you for your honesty.
Why do you still go to meetings?
by Aroq ini'm asking this because there are a few on this site who do not agree with the wt or gb, but yet still go to meetings.. .
I'm asking this because there are a few on this site who do not agree with the WT or GB, but yet still go to meetings.
"Growing to perfection"
by DS211 inok i know ive been starting threads like a maniac but heres one.
where in the heck d they get the "when we survive armageddon we will probably have to start rebuilding while we resurrect ones, teach them, plant food, clean the planet, and grow to perfection"????
doesnt the scripture say that we die corrupted but raised an incorruptible body?
The thing I don't get about the whole progress to perfection is this: If we are not perfect now, which we sin all the time, how is it we are going to be able to progress to perfection without sinning and being zapped into nothing if we are going to start from where we are? It doesn't add up. If one sins in the progress they are poof gone, right? So the only way for that to make sense it would have to be not a progression but an instant perfection.
Also there is no scriptural proof of this so called progression.
by ADJUSTMENTS inthe fds or gb is what paul mentioned at 2 corinthians 11:13 but the whole context of the scripture is important to see what they truly are about!.
the pioneers is what paul mentioned at 2 corinthians 11:15.
10 as the truth of christ is in me, no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of achaia.11 wherefore?
Interesting observation. While I do not disagree with you, I was reading those scriptures you mentioned and backed up a little bit. I read from the top of Ch 11 through and there was something that stood out clearly to me, something in which the FDS/ GB and the rest do not adhere to.
The verse is verse 11:3" But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftyness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity to Christ."
It is just that simple. We are to be devoted to Christ Jesus. He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. There is no other name in which we are to be saved. John 14:6 , Acts 4:12
Question About 607BCE and How That Date Was Picked - Help JW Scholars
by Comatose inso i've been sharing some a little at a time with my sister.
she is married and very scared of actually learning too much.
she doesn't want to ruin her marriage.
Just a little addition to this is that in the Watchtower Oct 1 2011 and Nov 1 2011 they explain their position on 607. There was something interesting in these articles, they try and devalue the Ptolemy canon as not being a good representation to establish historical facts because it does not support 607. But yet in the Insight to the scriptures under Ptolemy and the cannon they clearly back the canon as being historically sound. So which is it? You cannot condemn it in one place and use it to support you in another.