"Remember it wasn't God that did anything to you, it was a human(s) that spoke for God..." - tor1500
once again the society is on a push to scare witnesses away from doing any research, or "stumbling" upon any "apostate" material (from workmates, neighbors, or online).
however, the most enlightening, mind blowing and eye opening things are found simple by reading the early publications themselves!.
read how ct russel, (the supposed channel god was using) had the most far fetched and laughable ideas, such as obtaining pivotal dates by measuring the pyramids of egypt!...
"Remember it wasn't God that did anything to you, it was a human(s) that spoke for God..." - tor1500
in an effort to reduce the number of posts, this year i will try to add links to this post.
now, on with the leaks & releases!
first up.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nzvwhflss4.
watchtower puts forth the argument that you can't really know god unless you know and use the appellation "jehovah" or its equivalent in other languages.
is this really true?
i say it's not true and i will demonstrate to you why.. god's name is not a mere label that we have to use to communicate with him so that he knows we're talking to him.
ok, here is one that I have asked many JW's and they usually turn on me real quick. In the Bible teach book, it says that "true" worshipers teach others about God's name, his purposes, and his qualities. - pg 148. on page 147 it spells out the qualities of "true" worshipers.
ok, now here is my question, if this defines what a true worshiper is, were Abraham, Issac and Jacob "true" worshipers?
The answer is usually yes, of course they were. I then ask them to read Exodus 6:2. Here is Exodus it clearly states that God told Moses that He appeared to Abraham, Issac and Jacob as God Almighty, and God never told them His name. So the revelation of God's name was only from Moses onward. Since Abraham, Issac and Jacob never knew God's name, Tehy never spoke of God's name and made it known, were they "true" worshipers or not? According to the Bible teach book, they are not.
ok, i'm willing, and thinking about going to the meetings, but there is a catch.
i'm not, nor ever be a jw.
i know too much about their beliefs.
My kids do have the option of not going, but they get the guilt card played on them. I've even stepped in and said to quit trying to use guilt. As far as allowing them to go, well I agreed to both of us teaching them what we believe. They are NOT jws nor anything else until they are 18. There will be no baptism, none of that until they are adults. I have no need to go to another kh, as I have studied this org everyday for the past 6 years and know waaaay more about them than most jws do.
ok, i'm willing, and thinking about going to the meetings, but there is a catch.
i'm not, nor ever be a jw.
i know too much about their beliefs.
ok, i'm willing, and thinking about going to the meetings, but there is a catch.
i'm not, nor ever be a jw.
i know too much about their beliefs.
Ok, I'm willing, and thinking about going to the meetings, but there is a catch. I'm not, nor ever be a jw. I know too much about their beliefs. But, my family are all in, and I know I've already ruined the thought of being "in the family" with my mil. Mostly because I asked too many questions that had no answer. I have two children that my wife takes them to the kh. I want them to see, that daddy isn't ignorant. Please give me your thoughts.
My wife knows fully well I don't agree.
enjoy your friends and families company as your annointed even if you are df i guess thst applies to everyone
prologos, actually Rev 20 does not limit those going to heaven. It limits those who will rule and reign, but it never give a direct number. It is a fallacy that there is a number associated with heaven bound folks. I can show you from Galatians if you'd like.
so i read a comment on youtube of someone stating that john 6:53-58 woke him up.
the nwt says .
so jesus said to them: “most truly i say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves.+54 whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and i will resurrect+ him on the last day;55 for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink.56 whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me, and i in union with him.+ 57 just as the living father sent me and i live because of the father, so also the one who feeds on me will live because of me.+ 58 this is the bread that came down from heaven.
did you know that job's family celebrated birthdays?
the word translated "his own day" at job 1:4 is the same word translated "day of his birth" in job 3:1. .
seems deceptive, does it not, to change that translation.
John's birth was met with rejoicing Luke 1:58
Issac/Abraham Genesis 21:8. It was custom for children to be weened on their 3rd birthday, and Abraham provided a great feast on that day. Please research this for yourself as far as weening goes.
There are more, but the real question is what is the WT reasoning on not celebrating birthdays? Wasn't it because Herod had John the Baptist beheaded and Pharaoh had the baker killed. So someone died and that is the reason no? Well then afternoon naps should be held in the same regard. No good JW woman should be giving their child a nap in the afternoon!!!!! 2 Samuel 4:5-7
darby bible translation says the following at john 14.10 (brackets his): .
"believest thou not that i [am] in the father, and that the father is in me?
the words which i speak to you i do not speak from myself; but the father who abides in me, he does the works.".
"Jesus started one church that the apostles propagated. What were they teaching? That Jesus came for 144k? That only they had the heavenly hope? That part is a new testament."
Good point. What did Jesus say to them? Well, on the premise of belief in the Bible as the Word of God, inspired by God, we have to accept what the disciples wrote. So with this in mind, the corrections made by Paul to the different churches around and the descriptions throughout the NT, we ARE told what Jesus said to the disciples. Maybe not everything, but what God wanted us to know.
All the rest: "That Jesus came for 144k? That only they had the heavenly hope?.....etc" are completely made up by man.