" there was a belief that Jesus lead the Israelis out of Egypt." - Steel
here is the scripture that references this:
1 Cor 10:1 For I do not want you to be unaware, brothers,[a] that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea, 2 and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, 3 and all ate the same spiritual food, 4 and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ.5 Nevertheless, with most of them God was not pleased, for they were overthrown[b] in the wilderness.
6 Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire evil as they did. 7 Do not be idolaters as some of them were; as it is written, “The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play.”8 We must not indulge in sexual immorality as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand fell in a single day. 9 We must not put Christ[c] to the test, as some of them did and were destroyed by serpents, 10 nor grumble, as some of them did and were destroyed by the Destroyer."
The Jews were well familiar with the concept of an angel acting as an agent of God, or of an agent speaking as if they were God. They never thought for a moment that the agent was God, even when the agent spoke as if they were God. - fukitol
Right! Even when Jesus pretty much said it. They rather try and kill that person before they believed it. But that was the Jews, not the apostles. John thought so, as did Peter, Paul, Matthew, etc.