Spiceitup wrote:
I started because it was quite theraputic for me. I didn't know I had such a common bond with so many people all around the world. I had always felt very alone like I was the exception to the rule. Coming here has changed my viewpoint on that.
Same for me, I used to feel isolated. No one to talk with and share common experiences. Its great to relate to so many people who have went thru alot of the same things you have.
Happyout wrote:
To get ideas on how to open my family's eyes (none that have worked so far). Mostly, because I needed to "talk" to people who understand the "cult" and the scars that are left when you leave, but have loved ones still in.
Also same for me. I still have my father in and my sister in the org.
I also enjoy the posts about regular life and such. Its cool to be able to get an opinion or answer to something on your mind. And I like helping others if I can. I really don't vent or go around asking questions to my offline friends, its nice to have a place to do that. And sometimes I just get soooo bored and this is one of the coolest communitys online I have found.