Very cool test, nailed me on the head.
Thanks for the link
here's the site:.
here are my results...hoooly schmoly, i can't believe how dead on they are, and all you have to do is pick some colors, too!!.
Very cool test, nailed me on the head.
Thanks for the link
anyone seen it yet?.
just wondering what you guys thought of it before it comes out in the uk this friday.
Must get a sitter and see the flick. I loved the 2nd movie and thought the 1st one was okay....
this is an interesting advertisment that is in a regional state newpaper.
"why are an estimated 2 1/2 million jehovah's witnesses not sleeping well at night?".
come for enlightening information friday august 15th, 2oo3 at 7:oo p.m .
TOO FUNNY! SO how did it go? Are they sleeping better?
just discovered today that a woman named melissa died last week.
she worked at the village pantry c-store next door to the mission where i am staying.. apparently the next door neighbor broke into her house, raped her, tortured her for at least 2-3 hrs, then stabbed her 57 times and then slit her throat.. i was shocked to find this out this afternoon as i was getting ready to wait on the bus (i'm posting now at the radio shack store where i quickly check on my email and take a quick peek at the forum.).
the girl was only 22 years old.. the cops knows who did this and they're looking for him.
I'm glad you went! I'm sure it helped her family knowing she was a light in other peoples eyes. Mourn and get well, make sure no one forgets her name.
i'd like to know what you think of the "all important, life saving preaching work".
even if this preaching was considered a success, it would not be able to save the billions of people on this earth.
recently, my mother told me how she believe that jehovah god is patiently keeping the door open, since every year, new ones come into the "truth".
But IF Jesus went door to door - what would he be driving - a BMW with WWJD on the license plate? AND if he went door to door WOULD he be handing out literature - NO because the majority of the people at that time were illeterate (& apparently can't spell). GIVE ME A BREAK! I get this one too and it doesn't hold water. HOW is it they can pick some things out and hold that up to 'Biblical' standards and not others. If Jesus had internet access he would send out his info from home via share or freeware.
when i was in slovenia, the vast amounts of alcohol got to my stomach *i have a history of stomach problems to begin with* and i totally managed to get my stomach in such a bad shape that i did not take well to food, let alone alcohol.
so, i, the dutch district overbeer, have not been drinking for weeks.
i just came from my dad s, i had dinner there.
I feel like dancing naked in the rain, only, there is no rain
VIV - Dance like EVERYONE'S watching (and throwing you money) heehheeeee
Just watch out when the world continues to spin after you've stopped!
we have all read many posts here as to how women felt they had to be submissive in the organization.
how would you like to be a member of first christian fellowship for eternal sovereignty?
ravenna, ohio - a woman pulled over for breast-feeding her baby while driving on the ohio turnpike was shown on videotape at her trial wednesday refusing to cooperate with troopers until she called her husband for permission.. catherine nicole donkers, 29, also would not stand or speak as she defended herself in portage county municipal court until her husband gave her permission from the first row of the audience.. the first day ended with donkers finishing her questioning of the trooper. Feed....Drive.....feed...pulled over! She's freakin' igiot, and a very sad state of affairs esp. for the 7 month baby girl.......
yeah... i do it all the time... sitting at work... but instead of working i'm reading and posting here.. anyone else guilty of this?
Yup, guilty, but not feeling TOO guilty about it... had a San Adams today too (once again - not guilty)
i thought id give you an update re whats going on.
my qing the wts of recent has been very hard on my wife.
if i could, i would change my timing of doing so, but its just the way it has happened.
Winston - I don't envy you and the decissions you have to make for you and your wife. Just keep loving her the way you have and watch your back at the meetings.
Prayers, hugs and warm fuzzies to all who don't feel as if they have it in them to leave just yet.
(2003-07-25) -- the white house announced today that the u.s. does not really have the dead bodies of uday and qusay hussein, and the two are still on the loose somewhere in iraq.. .
"we showed those fake pictures yesterday in hopes of re-establishing some credibility with the iraqis," said an unnamed senior white house official.
"we just thought we had to do something after we lied about saddam's weapons of mass destruction.
SO which came first - GW or JC?