Never had many true friends. Got along with most of the JW's I've met over the years in several congregations, since I was a pleaser and always afraid of rejection. Since I've left the WTS there have been a few (worldly) people whom I came to care about deeply, but there are only three people in this world that I really trust from deep down inside of me and that I can rely on when it's really needed, and that's my children and my husband.
All the rest... I like a lot of people, even really love some, but I've been hurt by way too many to ever trust people again the way I used to. Too many people have used me for their own convenience, to 'get something' that I could provide but when I needed thém or their support... gone they were, dropped me like a hot brick. So how do I look at people? I like people, but don't let them come very close anymore.