JoinedPosts by Bruja-del-Sol
Please correct these sentences.
by compound complex in.
walking down the street, the trees were beautiful.. i saw the trailer peeking through the window.. reaching the station, the sun came out..
First time poster
by kneehighmiah ini finally decided to post.
i'm so scared of being caught, so i'll be vague.
i'm an appointed brother.
Welcome kneehighmiah, you'll surely find comfort here among people who know where you're coming from. There are a lot of people here who can help you and give you advice on the do's and don'ts as long as you remain 'in'. Good luck on your journey, it's gonna be hard sometimes, but the freedom tastes soooo good!
Help from 60's/70's music fanatics... if any are still alive (joking)
by confusedandalone inabout 5 years ago an older friend of mine passed away.
this guy was into music in an almost unhealthy fashion which was the one thing we really had in common.
he died in 2008 and when he passed his wife said he wanted me to have all of his old music.
My hubby says you should use an 8-track player with a line output. Connect the line output to the line input of a sound card/pc, and with an audio recording program like Audacity you can digitalize the 8-tracks.
True Stories from the Tower - Part 1 "From Anointed to Pedophile to Bethelite"
by BluePill2 inbefore i dive into the actual write-up of this experience, let me put some things straight.. i have thought long and hard if i should write more about my experiences during the 10+ years at different branches.
during these years i worked from financial department, service department, home office and different it assignments.
as you can imagine one sees and hears and reads a lot of stuff going through different stations in different countries.
Amazing story... can imagine you have to get that off your chest and I'm glad you do. Hope it helps to relieve your mind.
How jw parents do their best to make their some feel guilt
by will-be-apostate ini've got a 6 years old brother who recently expressed his concerns about my spirituality.
he said that he had a dream about me being dead (i am at college, far away from my parents).
he also told my parents that he was afraid i would no longer be a jw and in that case he wouldn't hug me again anymore; and that he was crying and felt very sad.. my dad called me today and told me all this and more.
So sad to hear this about you and your little brother. Similar happened to me once. My youngest sister was 16 and I was already DF'd for a couple of years. Somehow we got in touch and she told me she didn't want to be a JW. At that time I also had email contact with my parents for a short while. Apparantly they thought at that time me being DF'd wasn't a problem. One day my I stopped by the house of my parents (we were in the neighborhood while we lived 1,5 hour drive away) just to see and hug my little sister, and we did. She met my then fiance and it was all very nice. My parents did approve and knew that I had met my sister on their doorstep.
Not long after that I asked my parents through email if I could pick up my sister for a drink somewhere. Just to have an hour or so together, just the two of us. I had no intention of talking about the WTS, just wanted to get to know my sister a little bit better and hear her stories about school and being a teenager. (I'm twenty years older and was already married and moved away from my parents house by the time she was born). My mother reacted like stung by a bee... she asked me if I had secrets, why I didn't want to meet my sister in their home, what was I planning???? In fact I wasn't planning anything, had nothing to hide, just didn't want my to get my parents in any trouble with the ever spying brs. & srs. for entering their house for a social visit. My father had said earlier on that he would allow me to stay in touch with my sister, but suddenly he had changed his mind and he told me that I had to wait until she was 18. I was so disappointed!!! And I told my father that he was a liar, because he first said something quite the contrary. All of this only because of the weird suspicions of my mother!
My accusation of him being a liar pissed him off, as did my mother. The email contact stopped right then and there, not after he sent me a line that I'm egoistic and that he 'finished the book 'Bruja' and threw it away' (very hurtful I can tell you, since he actually said he was throwing ME away, his own daughter).
The only time I ever saw them again was with the funeral of my grandmother two years later, where they pretended that everything was fine (see earlier posting about that). After I wrote about that on my blog they started to hate me. Since then my sister has turned into our parents 'best daughter' and a JW-extremist and a clone of my mother with the same narcissistic destructive behaviour. She is now joining my parents in shunning my JW-brother and his family, because his fifteen year old daughter recently gave birth to a baby... oops... tiny mistake from my little niece!!!! (So glad I can 'see' all this from an enormous distance and don't have any part in this whole disturbed family anymore!)
RESPONSE: Letting Go of the Need to Have Approval - MUST READ!
by gmason972 inthanks for the responses everybody!...nice to know i'm not alone in this.
the one thing that the watchtower society has taught me is to never place your value and worth in the hands of other people!....
once you look deep down inside yourself and let go of the need to have approval from will find out things about you; you didn't know before.
This is 100% my cup of tea. I can only say a big loud AMEN!
If I was out I'd...
by OneDayillBeFree inwhat kinds of things would you like to do if you were out of the organization?
and if you're already out and free, what kinds of things did you do that you really wanted to do but couldn't because it was against jw beleiefs?.
recently, i overheard some of the younger crowd of jw's after a meeting talking about how they wished they could have this or do that, get tattoos, play the newest video games (you know, the ones with all the violence and realistic 'kickass' graphics and such), grow out their beards for 'no shave november" wear miniskirts and dye their hair crazy colours... etc.
The moment I got DF'd I started doing the things I wanted to do. Going out, making new friends, watch Harry Potter (which terrified me the first time haha), learn about tarot, witchcraft and paganism which I've been interested in ever since I was a very young girl (of course reading or learning anything about it was out of the question), so I now live my life the way I want to... Oh and I've tried smoking, but only when I got drunk at birthday parties hahahaha. Didn't last very long. Being drunk makes me feel horribly sick and smoking was just to make a statement: "I'm doing what I want!" So I've skipped drinking too much and quit smoking before I even really got started.
So I'm living a fairly normal life now (and for those who think that witches are flying broomsticks and copulate with the devil... sorry to let your vivid imagination down, but ehm... we don't ).
So, I got this D2D visit and I made them start disagreeing between them in front of my eyes
by BluePill2 inususally i wouldn't come here to announce that two dudes in polyester suits with cheap ties wanted to convert me.
i am long past that "excitement", been out for a couple of years now.
this was the first time they rang my door bell.
Thank you BluePill2, this is really funny, made me laugh out loud!
Why Is A Tiny Ant More Complex Than A Religious Persons God?
by JamesThomas inwe never hear of people speaking in the name of ants.
never do people say this or that is what an ant wants, or this is what will make an ant like you, or hate you, etc.
we just don't know how ants think.
Adamah said: "Why don't we hear about humans who claim to hear the voices of dolphins speaking to them in their heads?"
Sorry to disappoint you, but I do know people who claim to hear voices of dolphins and whales (no, not ANT whales ) speaking to them, and guiding them, inside their heads! No kidding!
Fact: Your Life is trickling away or 936 Blobs...How many remain in your case?
by BluePill2 ini have seriously been thinking about my life course (like any other human being) but especially in the light of past events and where i am standing now.
my posts here show that i have (like most of us) still a good way to go until i have shredded every part of my cultish past.
at one side it will always be part of who you are and why you are now thinking, behaving in a certain way on the other hand we have to let go.
Love it, made one myself. Pretty confronting to see all those blobs spent in the Borg... but hey, there's more blobs than that to spend ouside the Borg