Yours was good too Rip! Really, I feel her emotion... the feeling of having lost and finally found again. Good job, really! Keep them coming!
JoinedPosts by Bruja-del-Sol
Please write: show but not tell.
by compound complex ingreetings, fellow posters!.
movies can easily show emotion on an actor's face, or depict what he's thinking by his actions.
not so easily in writng.
Please write: show but not tell.
by compound complex ingreetings, fellow posters!.
movies can easily show emotion on an actor's face, or depict what he's thinking by his actions.
not so easily in writng.
Thanks Rip, another one of this kind of stories and I'll keep sobbing all evening...
Please write: show but not tell.
by compound complex ingreetings, fellow posters!.
movies can easily show emotion on an actor's face, or depict what he's thinking by his actions.
not so easily in writng.
You're welcome CoCo, was my pleasure. It was a memory... except for the tears in the end, they were real time in only my two eyes when I wrote it.
Please write: show but not tell.
by compound complex ingreetings, fellow posters!.
movies can easily show emotion on an actor's face, or depict what he's thinking by his actions.
not so easily in writng.
The young woman took the older woman's hand in hers and gently started to stroke it, all the while singing to her, with a soft voice not to disturb the old woman in her afternoon nap. Feelings overflowed the young woman... she couldn't bare the thought that this old lady would soon no longer be a part of her everyday life, no more small talk, no more stories about times long gone, no more laughter like they were two high school broads... No she couldn't bare even imagining the loss she was about to suffer... She was glad she had been able to enlighten the last years of the old lady with laughter and just her presence. The memories made in these past few years would soon be all there's left...
The old woman opened her eyes and she smiled when she felt the young woman was still holding her hand... eyes met, smiles on both faces... and four eyes started to fill with water...
Nice, and the difference in relaxation is very obvious. Thanks for sharing.
This JW video tour is disturbing......
by WingCommander inso i found this video on youtube.
apparently a loyal jw put it together as a kind of "video tour" to show their friends, etc.
i don't know what's worse, the creepy music (is this what we've been hearing about?
LOL, when I put it on my husband asked totally disturbed "Jeeeez, what kind of crap is this???" He only heard the music...
I couldn't see it, I was actually eating a sandwich while watching and all of a sudden I felt sick... So I've put it off. How on earth could I have ever watched video's like this with a sense of pride and admiration????
That Smell....
by new hope and happiness inwhiskey bottles and brand new cars..... one little problem that confronts you.
got a monkey on your back.
just one more fix, lord might do the trick.
Nice meeting you too Mike, thanks for sharing some of your stories! Was a lovely read.
That Smell....
by new hope and happiness inwhiskey bottles and brand new cars..... one little problem that confronts you.
got a monkey on your back.
just one more fix, lord might do the trick.
Haha, doesn't surprise me. I don't like Gary very much either. He's the one with the least charisma of the whole Skynyrd-troup. One concert I had a huge banner (white sheet with a nice text on it) made for Hughie, showing it during a Skynyrd gig. Hughie seemed to be shy, sort of hiding behind Johnny. Then Ricky saw the banner and touched Hughie, while playing, with his elbow... winking my way with his head, like he was saying 'look over there!'... so Hughie looked and saw the banner and gave me a great smile . The rest of the show we constantly had eye contact, me, Ricky and Hughie... that was really great!
And Johnny does a great job as lead singer. I've also got the Van Zant album 'Brother to brother', by Johnny and Donnie Van Zant. Those Van Zant boys... can't help but like them
Humbled Valentine's chicks pics ;)
by Bruja-del-Sol inhere's a few pictures of the little chicks saved from the snow and hatched by mom goldie.
(click on them to see larger pics).
Hahaha Syme sorry for misleading you These were the chicks that were hatched on Valentine's day that 'humbled/Maeve' told us about. And she named them after some JWN-posters...
And Clarity, I would also really love to have some chickens in our garden. We've got the space for it, there's even a henhouse (we're renting the place), but we don't know anybody to take care of them when we're away for a couple of days. So I'll wait patiently to have my own chickens one day...
Humbled Valentine's chicks pics ;)
by Bruja-del-Sol inhere's a few pictures of the little chicks saved from the snow and hatched by mom goldie.
(click on them to see larger pics).
I forgot to mention in the O.P. itsself that I posted these pictures on behalf of humbled/Maeve. Just saying.