I totally agree with DOC. If this person wanted to share this story in public, he would have done so himself. Even if there's no direct revealing info in it (the only one who can really judge that is the writer!), doesn't mean it's ok to post it in public, unless the writer himself has agreed to that.
JoinedPosts by Bruja-del-Sol
I answer a P.M. Old memories
by Giordano inheres a pm id like to share concerning my story about pioneering where the need was great parts 1, 2, and 3.. hi giordano,.
ive enjoyed reading your story about going to a hall that had a need back in the 1960s.
one thing ive wondered though, what it is like going to a tiny little congregation like that.
I Am Home Today With A Lousy Back Ache
by minimus inmy lower back went out again.
typically, once every 9 months, i get a terrible spasm that can last for days.
right now, i am icing it but i am so sore!
Ibuprofen, does miracles for me when I have problems with my lower back. And I used to lie down, but recently I've learned it's best to keep moving and walking. Just no lifting things and not bending too often. Take your time to get your muscle back in 'relaxed mode' again.
Governing Body Running Scarred and 12-13-14 "Might Be the End"?
by RottenRiley inthis went bad, i hit click before i could post my thoughts about the fear factor going through our crazy kingdom hall.
the title of this thread was aimed at asking why the governing body is becoming so afraid and demanding the elders and rank and file to put their trust in the dukes of the kingdom hall.
(pslams 146:3).. .
@problemaddict: follow the link in my earlier posting in this thread. It takes you to the person who posted this screenshot on Facebook. I've already asked for a link to the original posting in the original JW-facebook group, but to no avail unfortunately.
Governing Body Running Scarred and 12-13-14 "Might Be the End"?
by RottenRiley inthis went bad, i hit click before i could post my thoughts about the fear factor going through our crazy kingdom hall.
the title of this thread was aimed at asking why the governing body is becoming so afraid and demanding the elders and rank and file to put their trust in the dukes of the kingdom hall.
(pslams 146:3).. .
12-13-14 doesn't make sense when you're from Europe where we write '13-12-14' for December 13th.
What does bother me is the absolute obedience the GB is claiming. It makes me worry about what things they might do and Jonestown keeps coming up in my mind (and apparantly more people, even JW's, seem to think in this direction according to this facebookpost <= click).
Never before did I have a feeling of physical danger in regard of the WTS, but this claim of obedience is really creepy and I'm concerned for my family that they will follow blindly...
As much as I don't like my family, I don't want them to get hurt because of 8 idiots suffering of megalomania! -
greetings all
by zebagain ini, zeb had a gremlin in my computer i had to re-enter this site i am now ..zebagain.. just letting you all know.. peace..
Haha, a resurrection on JWN Welcome back Zeb Next time be more careful with those Gremlins... keep them away from water!
Laughter is a good medicinehere are some!
by abiather inthere were 3 good arguments that jesus was black:.
1. he called everyone brother.
2. he liked gospel.
Rental car companies and their gas policy.
by jam ini rented a car with a 1/2 tank of gas and i returned it with 3/4 tank.
of gas,no reimbursement that's their policy.
ok the next guy comes.
It's the same policy here in Spain. Rent a car around Málaga airport and you'll get a car filled with 1/8 tank of gas (IMO that's empty) and you're supposed to bring it back with an equal amount. Which is of course nearly impossible, so people will usually return their cars with more gas in it. And you'll have to pay extra if there's less gas in the tank...
Years ago you used to get a full tank and had to return it full, but it's a lot more profitable for them to give you a nearly empty tank. It's a piece of cake to get the extra amount (paid by the customers) out of the tank and store it or put it in another car. $$$
by gamergirl inglad to be a new member and find others with similarities of background.
some background info on me: my dad became jw when i was young, so i spent maybe a third of my life in the religion.
although i respect everyone's beliefs, i personally knew many genuinely selfless people in my congregation, but the way i was raised, now that i am an adult i am realizing was very sheltered and unrealistic.
Circuit Oversneer Says. . .
by piztjw in"do you realize how much of a privelge it is to enjoy the visit of the circuit overseer?
they are appointed by the governing body who in turn are apointed by jesus and holy spirit.
so you have a great privilege when we visit your congregation, because it is the same thing as having jesus visit you.
Makes me think of Harry Potter's Professor Gilderoy Lockhart in the second movie, the Chamber of Secrets: