After an attempt to tell my father how I felt when finding out TTATT (a year after I was DF'd), by comparing the WTS with a painting (when you're with your nose too close to a painting, there's no way you can see the whole picture, it takes distance to be able to get a view on 'the whole deal'), I received an email back in which he told me that he 'had read the book 'Bruja-del-Sol' and threw it out of the window'. In other words, I just had 'died' for him. He said I was egotistic and didn't care about other people's feelings. When in fact he's the one that has bullied all his children and never gave a second thought about how we felt. I havent heard from him since, nor have I sent him a reply.
Lately I've been thinking about writing my parents a letter after eight years of no contact, but I know they'll just use it to show others and tell them what an awful kind of daughter I am and how sorry they are for themselves... I don't want to enhance their feelings of pity for themselves or be the reason for another heart failure episode (or fake complaints about such from my mother). So I just leave them. I kind of enjoy hearing from my sister that out of 5 children (1 DF'd [that's me], 1 never a baptized JW [my sister and best friend], 3 baptized and still in JW's) only the youngest, JW daughter, still visits them. The other three, four including me, despise our parents.
So that should tell the outside world SOMETHING about how 'loving, caring, and supportive' they are as parents... they're NOT at all. To me they're dead already, and actually I'm thinking of hoisting the flag when one, or both of them, dies. (They're in their sixties, one can always hope for a speedy ending, right? )