But he added a very careful phrase, something like: "be assured brothers these measures have not been taken as a result of any lack of financial support on your part. You have been very generous."
I think this statement is made for another reason. It's a typical NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) trick! Example: "do NOT think of a pink elefant"... most of the people will see a pink elefant pop up in their mind's eye!
Saying "these measures have NOT been taken as a result of any LACK OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT ON YOUR PART"... is sending the message that that's exactle the case, it's a subconscious messages to the listeners that they are indeed to blame, they didn't pay enough. Result will be that they will start paying more, to get rid of the implemented feeling of guilt attached to the statement!
I've seen it on so many occasions in whatever they put in printing or online, they use a lot of NLP and hypnotic language to influence the minds of their sheepish followers!