Nice job! I appreciate that you've made Jackson the horny one.
But you do know that Guy Pierce, front row, far right, is dead???
Yes I do, but with all due respect, didn't want to leave him out.
I liked the xmas card idea...
i was just imagining how it would look like if one day jws were allowed to celebrate christmas again:.
so i put together this montage.. .
wouldn't it be a thrill?
Nice job! I appreciate that you've made Jackson the horny one.
But you do know that Guy Pierce, front row, far right, is dead???
Yes I do, but with all due respect, didn't want to leave him out.
I liked the xmas card idea...
i was just imagining how it would look like if one day jws were allowed to celebrate christmas again:.
so i put together this montage.. .
wouldn't it be a thrill?
I was just imagining how it would look like if one day JWs were allowed to celebrate christmas again:
so I put together this montage.
wouldn't it be a thrill? Watchtower magazines with that photo as the cover.
respectful_observer's thread on guy pierce's death,.
got me thinking.
I honestly think that if a Latin were to be appointed as a new GB member, the reactions here would be split.
Some would worship him like a pope and some would awake cause having one of our 'buddies' up there would make the GB loose its 'bling'.
yesterday, i saw a picture of a family signing kingdom melodies together.
it made me realize a fact that i am somewhat ashamed to admit:.
for over a decade, i have been aware of the false prophecies, the deceptive statements, the lack of scriptural support for many core practices and other issues with the witnesses.
ecan6, oh I can relate to what you're describing...
The changed songs were one of the driving factors towards my awakening as well!
I can clearly remember the convention where they introduced the new song book... when they played through the sound system those sample clips, I was shaken from my foundations in a bad sense. I immediately got a really bad felling of dying inside. As many have reported, songs would bring us some nolstagic feelings linked to positive experiences with our relatives and our brothers and sisters.
This WT 2.0 (aka has ruined those links and those memories.
I can tell you that this was the very first thing to trigger my awakening.
As I'm from a portuguese speaking country, I can say with authority that the new songs are really bad, and that their translation is even worse! They do not make any sense, are ridiculously simple and numb, and for the majority of the songs doesn't quite fit the melody timing. We frequently run into an embarrasing situation where people simply mumble words cause they don't fit the melody.
The previous song book (that some of us grew up with) had a better melody and was translated into portuguese by a brother that was supposedly a musician and a poet. So the lyrics were really deep in meaning and were beautiful to sing to.
The new songs are CRAP.
I am still attending some meetings with my wife, but I can tell you that the most irritating part of that meeting is the part people sing those songs...
The new songs are CRAP.
this came up today:
apparently a man in a white car pulled over in front of the entrance gate to the brazilian branch of the wt corporation (bethel).
the man who is still unknown to the police, fired at least three times against the building with a shotgun.
Hi all,
This came up today:
Apparently a man in a white car pulled over in front of the entrance gate to the Brazilian branch of the WT corporation (Bethel). The man who is still unknown to the police, fired at least three times against the building with a shotgun. Luckly no one was hurt.
hello folks!
nice sunday huh?.
got something interesting here, so take your time to read it through .
Hello folks! Nice Sunday huh?
Got something interesting here, so take your time to read it through
I've been browsing the web and found an interesting news on the site (Mormon's website) .... acronyms Ahoy!
Apparently the LDS church is releasing a revised versions of their scriptures in 2013!! yes! Check it out:
Make sure to watch their press video:
Here are my comments on it when comparing this with the GB videos:
Please add in your comments.
for those of you who are still attending meetings due to various reasons, how do you prepare yourself for each program?.
do you still read and study the wt?.
do you still read and study the okm, jeremiah, etc?.
I'm still in.
I stopped studying the WT this year as it became unbearable to me to do so. The same applies to all other publications...
I just carefully surf the web during the meetings using my phone while covering it with either a magazine or a bible. I also go a lot more to get some water at the back of the KH, and when I do, I make sure to spend a while in there so time goes by faster...
It has been such a pain to go to the meetings these past months that I'm almost giving up.
anyone know why it is taking so long for it to be put on on
it supposedly highlights the website so is there a special campaign or something?
i would have expected it to be there already since both editions of the watchtower have been there for a while..
It will stay idle as long as the magazine isn't out... When it is out the link will list the download links for the magazine.. It's a shortcut!
btw: if you change the URL arguments, you can get any of the release magazines. ie: fetches the download links for the study edition of the 1st january watchtower of 2014
i am currently on a business trip for a trade show in another city.
as i'm walking to the convention center, i run into 2 jw's preaching.
one is about mid 60s the other probably mid 30's.
How can one tell whether they're in a cult when they will only refer to their leadership (cult leaders) to tell them they're not a cult?
this post was taken from reddit exjw but makes a very good point:.
these are two paragraphs of the watchtower of january 1st 2014.... .
i don't know about you guys, but in my mind, i'm seeing a deja vu of the articles before 1975 i've read.
2034 is the date! 120 years after 1914 just as mentioned on the December 15th 2003 article of the Watchtower (italics mine):
Warned of “Things Not Yet Beheld”
6 In Noah’s day, Jehovah declared: “My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.” (Genesis 6:3) The issuance of this divine decree in 2490 B.C.E. marked the beginning of the end for that ungodly world. Just think what that meant for those then living! Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring “the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh in which the force of life is active from under the heavens.”—Genesis 6:17.
7 Noah received the warning of the upcoming catastrophe decades in advance, and he wisely used the time to prepare for survival. “After being given divine warning of things not yet beheld,” says the apostle Paul, “[Noah] showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household.” (Hebrews 11:7) What about us? Some 90 years have passed since the last days of this system of things began in 1914. We are certainly in “the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:4) How should we respond to warnings we have been given? “He that does the will of God remains forever,” states the Bible. (1 John 2:17) Now is therefore the time to do Jehovah’s will with a keen sense of urgency.