Below are some phrases from the article (bold & italics mine). Notice how JWs are conditioned to think that we are weak and lost and that we have strayed.
---Jesus said that Jehovah and the angels feel great joy when even one of His servants who has strayed returns to Him
---focus on helping those who have strayed from Jehovah
---lost sheep
---support those who are weak
---likely weak spiritually because of what they experienced in Satan’s world
---need to invest time and energy in helping some inactive ones to overcome their weaknesses
---help them to become spiritually strong again
---We will find much joy in helping the spiritually weak
That infuriates me. They are self-righteous, ignorant, weak, & puny. We are the strong ones. And yes, at this point in time, I do also blame individual JWs. They've had enough time and evidence to wake up. I no longer excuse those who remain (not including the younger ones who have been brainwashed).
If they try to get me to return, they're going to find out how weak I am.... or maybe not. I might play weak - tearfully weak... and then ask them if they can help me with some things that really bother me. For example...
"Oh thanks for stopping by. We've been really down. You know, we really believed all this material from the faithful and discreet slave [show printed material such as that that indicates the end was imminent in 1960's, that younger JWs wouldn't have careers in this system, etc.], and we acted accordingly. Now we're struggling financially. We have to work so hard and so many hours and such odd hours that we can't come to meetings, etc. And, since this is because we put the Kingdom first, we were wondering whether Jehovah's organization has any provision to help us financially since it put us in this position. We hope so because we really want to return."