Diogenesister, no, I do not believe that everyone deserves medical care - at least not if I'm having to pay for it. I believe there are many horrible, evil people who are unworthy. I believe there are many who are just sorry and don't deserve to have others pay for their medical care.
I was just a few minutes ago reading something about the horrible torture some inflict on animals. Do you think that I want people who do that to get medical care? I'm trying to mind my manners, so I'm not going to say what kind of "care" I think they deserve.
I realize that's an extreme example, but I believe many are unworthy. Maybe you just haven't seen it or been exposed to it as I have. Maybe the situation is different in Britain. I have personally, my whole life, been affected by people who I think are sorry and undeserving. My wife and I have been used and dumped on our entire lives by sorry people - able-bodied, able-minded people who are sorry. As I've mentioned recently on this forum, I've seen hundreds of women who don't work and who pop out babies that I have to pay for (I don't blame the babies).
I believe there are a lot of sorry people, and I don't want to pay their medical needs. I will admit, thought that I have given a lot of thought to determinism and the extent to which people are controlled by their genes and their environments, and I'm still contemplating that and weighing the evidence. I just believe there a lot of people who are plain out sorry and/or mean and/or evil; if it's in their genes, then let's stop supporting them and eliminate those genes from society.
There are many who look for ways to play the system. There are many who look for ways to take what is yours and mine. There are people who sit around and look for ways to implant viruses in our electronics and scam us out of what is ours.
Even if some are strongly controlled by their genes, I don't excuse them. I've told my wife over the last few years, that I believe that some are "wired" to be sexually attracted to children - that they are born with that tendency. HOWEVER, I do not excuse those who act of those tendencies. Here's how I illustrated it to my wife. I have a seven-year-old raccoon that I rescued and raised on a bottle. I love her dearly and she's feisty, playful, and affectionate. Suppose I got really hungry and had a really strong desire for raccoon meat; I could NEVER act on my desire and bring harm to her. So, people might have genetic tendencies, but I don't (at least in a lot of cases) excuse them if they don't fight those tendencies.
I do believe in taking care of those who are clearly unable to take care of themselves. In some cases, it's impossible for us to determine who are really deserving. That's why I still wish there were some kind of just, caring higher being who would step in and make those judgements for us.
I respect your opinion, but right now, I disagree. As I mentioned earlier, I will keep an open mind and readily admit to it if I change my mind.
Not trying to be stubborn or mean; just have strong feelings about it right now. I respect you and your feelings. I believe your motives are good even if I disagree.