HowTheBibleWasCreated, no problem. I just have strong feelings about peace & love "enlightenment". That could only work in a perfect world with no meanies or bullies.
Posts by Magnum
Mr. Minimus, how do you feel?
by AbelJohn injust going by the topic titles you've been using these last few weeks.. do you think you can survive a whole four years with someone that's not exactly your favorite candidate?.
i know i'm in the minority from what i've been reading here, but i'm glad for the change!.
well, we all can't be satisfied altogether can we?.
Mr. Minimus, how do you feel?
by AbelJohn injust going by the topic titles you've been using these last few weeks.. do you think you can survive a whole four years with someone that's not exactly your favorite candidate?.
i know i'm in the minority from what i've been reading here, but i'm glad for the change!.
well, we all can't be satisfied altogether can we?.
HowTheBibleWasCreated, The reason those places you mention can be "enlightened" is that the U.S. carries a big stick and that provides them the opportunity. If the U.S. becomes all peace & love enlightened, then it won't last long for the U.S. or those other places because it will allow all the bullies (China, Russia, Iran, N Korea, etc.) to step in. Europe won't be so enlightened then.
Somebody has to be tough and carry a big stick and I get tired of hearing the U.S get bashed for that. Europe ought to be glad the U.S. is what it is.
edited to add: Where does racism come into play? To whom are you specifically referring?
Mr. Minimus, how do you feel?
by AbelJohn injust going by the topic titles you've been using these last few weeks.. do you think you can survive a whole four years with someone that's not exactly your favorite candidate?.
i know i'm in the minority from what i've been reading here, but i'm glad for the change!.
well, we all can't be satisfied altogether can we?.
Diogenesister, no, I do not believe that everyone deserves medical care - at least not if I'm having to pay for it. I believe there are many horrible, evil people who are unworthy. I believe there are many who are just sorry and don't deserve to have others pay for their medical care.
I was just a few minutes ago reading something about the horrible torture some inflict on animals. Do you think that I want people who do that to get medical care? I'm trying to mind my manners, so I'm not going to say what kind of "care" I think they deserve.
I realize that's an extreme example, but I believe many are unworthy. Maybe you just haven't seen it or been exposed to it as I have. Maybe the situation is different in Britain. I have personally, my whole life, been affected by people who I think are sorry and undeserving. My wife and I have been used and dumped on our entire lives by sorry people - able-bodied, able-minded people who are sorry. As I've mentioned recently on this forum, I've seen hundreds of women who don't work and who pop out babies that I have to pay for (I don't blame the babies).
I believe there are a lot of sorry people, and I don't want to pay their medical needs. I will admit, thought that I have given a lot of thought to determinism and the extent to which people are controlled by their genes and their environments, and I'm still contemplating that and weighing the evidence. I just believe there a lot of people who are plain out sorry and/or mean and/or evil; if it's in their genes, then let's stop supporting them and eliminate those genes from society.
There are many who look for ways to play the system. There are many who look for ways to take what is yours and mine. There are people who sit around and look for ways to implant viruses in our electronics and scam us out of what is ours.
Even if some are strongly controlled by their genes, I don't excuse them. I've told my wife over the last few years, that I believe that some are "wired" to be sexually attracted to children - that they are born with that tendency. HOWEVER, I do not excuse those who act of those tendencies. Here's how I illustrated it to my wife. I have a seven-year-old raccoon that I rescued and raised on a bottle. I love her dearly and she's feisty, playful, and affectionate. Suppose I got really hungry and had a really strong desire for raccoon meat; I could NEVER act on my desire and bring harm to her. So, people might have genetic tendencies, but I don't (at least in a lot of cases) excuse them if they don't fight those tendencies.
I do believe in taking care of those who are clearly unable to take care of themselves. In some cases, it's impossible for us to determine who are really deserving. That's why I still wish there were some kind of just, caring higher being who would step in and make those judgements for us.
I respect your opinion, but right now, I disagree. As I mentioned earlier, I will keep an open mind and readily admit to it if I change my mind.
Not trying to be stubborn or mean; just have strong feelings about it right now. I respect you and your feelings. I believe your motives are good even if I disagree.
Don’t worry, the USA is still OK for the next four years.
by pistolpete inas i had mentioned in one of my past posts, i strongly felt the democrats would win the presidency because they know they can cheat and not get prosecuted.
case in point; everyone involved in the russian conspiracy.
and the republicans just don’t understand that they need to get in the gutter and fight back like the democrats.
Yes, it is fortunate about the Senate. Hopefully, that will be a force to keep us OK for a while, but I don't think that force, or check, will be in place for too much longer. As more and more immigrants come in, the picture will change. Also, as we basically pay unemployed, poor women, to have children, the numbers of those who tend to vote Democrat will increase. The future doesn't look bright to me.
Mr. Minimus, how do you feel?
by AbelJohn injust going by the topic titles you've been using these last few weeks.. do you think you can survive a whole four years with someone that's not exactly your favorite candidate?.
i know i'm in the minority from what i've been reading here, but i'm glad for the change!.
well, we all can't be satisfied altogether can we?.
pale.emperor: I have mixed feelings about NHS. Since leaving JWdom and losing my hope that everything is going to be divinely fixed, I'm still confused and trying to sort and figure things out. I think some kind of NHS would be great, but, again, I'm just concerned about all those who don't deserve it benefitting by it. And the money still has to come from people who work.
I will certainly need some kind of medical help as I age, but right now, my wife and I are paying for health insurance.
I will keep an open mind and could, of course, quite possibly be wrong and change my feelings. I appreciate your thoughts and input.
Mr. Minimus, how do you feel?
by AbelJohn injust going by the topic titles you've been using these last few weeks.. do you think you can survive a whole four years with someone that's not exactly your favorite candidate?.
i know i'm in the minority from what i've been reading here, but i'm glad for the change!.
well, we all can't be satisfied altogether can we?.
pale.emperor: good, fair question. I will try to answer from my point of view. It's not about liking Trump. It's about liking things he says he will do and is doing. It's not about voting for the morals (or lack thereof) of a candidate. It's not (or shouldn't be) a personality contest.
I want somebody who will be fair to the U.S. and not let China, etc. get the best of it. I want somebody who will make other nations do their fair share in sending aid, supporting various international entities, etc. I'm tired of the U.S.'s doing more than its fair share.
I want strictly controlled borders. I don't want to be flooded by illegals who get free medical treatment that will ultimately come out of my paycheck. I swear I go to some places in the U.S and get looked at funny because I speak English. I don't like that. I don't want the U.S. to become like Mexico or India or China or Venezuela.
I don't want anything that even remotely smells like socialism; it doesn't work. If everybody would do his best and give the best he could, it would work. However, many, if not most, won't. Through years of just plain living in the U.S. and a decade of regular pioneering knocking on thousands of doors, I gradually learned that there are a lot of sorry, lazy people who don't want to do their fair share and who want and expect the system to take care of them. I encountered countless women who popped out one baby after the other and got a bigger government handout with each one. They referred to the babies' fathers as "baby daddies". Most of the baby daddies didn't pay child support. I'm sick of that, and I want somebody to stop such. I don't want to pay for their babies.
Most left-leaning liberals that I encounter have the peace and love mentality of hippies from the 1960's as if everybody's good and we should all take care of each other. That peace and love experiment didn't work. Hippies ended up sick, hungry, etc. Wikipedia says this concerning the hippies flocking to the Haight-Ashbury district in San Francisco: "The Haight-Ashbury could not accommodate this rapid influx of people, and the neighborhood scene quickly deteriorated. Overcrowding, homelessness, hunger, drug problems, and crime afflicted the neighborhood. Many people left in the autumn to resume their college studies." I really believe that open borders will eventually lead something like this happening in the U.S.
That liberal idealism should be conquered by conservative realism. The real truth is that many aren't worthy of receiving the "peace and love". If liberals think that everybody is so good and worthy, then they should try owning a business and finding good employees. Really good, worthy people are hard to find and I don't want to support those who aren't really deserving.
A lot of us don't like those things you mentioned about Trump, but the issue is much, much bigger than those things.
Suppose you have a malignant tumor deep in your brain. Whom do you want to attempt to surgically fix the situation - the arrogant jerk who's shown he can do it and has been doing it... or the bumbling old nice doctor* who's clueless and has never done the surgery?
* I don't think Biden is any more moral or any nicer or kinder than Trump. Trump is just out with it, whereas Biden is phony and deceptive. If they're both venomous snakes, then Trump is coiled up in the driveway ready to strike, whereas, Biden is hidden in the grass.
edited to add: I also am infuriated by the fact that some (certainly not all) want to come to the U.S. and change it to be like where they came from. Why the hell don't they just stay where they are then? Another reason I want strictly controlled borders.
Mr. Minimus, how do you feel?
by AbelJohn injust going by the topic titles you've been using these last few weeks.. do you think you can survive a whole four years with someone that's not exactly your favorite candidate?.
i know i'm in the minority from what i've been reading here, but i'm glad for the change!.
well, we all can't be satisfied altogether can we?.
glow: Biden derangement syndrome
That's an ad hominem argument - just using name-calling, etc. rather than providing an argument with substance. That logical fallacy is used by people who either don't have an argument or who lack the intelligence to articulate one.
I could just as easily respond with Trump Hate Syndrome or Sleepy Joe Love Syndrome or Lefty Lunacy Syndrome, but there's no substance to such. I don't want to be like you.
Mr. Minimus, how do you feel?
by AbelJohn injust going by the topic titles you've been using these last few weeks.. do you think you can survive a whole four years with someone that's not exactly your favorite candidate?.
i know i'm in the minority from what i've been reading here, but i'm glad for the change!.
well, we all can't be satisfied altogether can we?.
Joe Biden is a socialist?
Not saying that. It actually doesn't matter what Biden is. He won't be in control as was Trump. Biden will maneuvered and manipulated by those behind him - some of whom do want socialism. As I've said before on this forum, Trump was not manipulated; he would fire his own people if he wanted to. Biden is not like that. He will be controlled.
Mr. Minimus, how do you feel?
by AbelJohn injust going by the topic titles you've been using these last few weeks.. do you think you can survive a whole four years with someone that's not exactly your favorite candidate?.
i know i'm in the minority from what i've been reading here, but i'm glad for the change!.
well, we all can't be satisfied altogether can we?.
Do you think you can survive a whole four years with someone that's not exactly your favorite candidate?
That's irrelevant and childish. It's not about favorites. It's about big issues. It's about open borders and eventually sinking the U.S. or controlled borders and preserving the U.S. It's about keeping socialism away.
It's not about all of us being satisfied. I don't want all to be satisfied. There are many, many sorry moochers who don't want to work and who want part of my hard-earned paycheck. I don't give a damn whether they're satisfied, and, actually, I hope they aren't.
The most thrilled topic but why dont people reply with facts/ figures
by Ardian inthe watchtower and awake have been listed as the most popular magazines.the figures are astonishing.
i am not sure whether it is based on reality or not.. source:
i have seen the link on many social media networks.
We've discussed this before. It's ridiculous. The article says the list is "based on their circulation and popularity." Circulation for Watchtower and Awake includes all the many thousands that are not placed in the field and that end up stacked up in JWs' homes, the many thousands that are placed, but, never read and that end up in the trash, and the many thousands that JWs get, but, don't themselves read... also, the stacks that are left at laundromats, those left under doormats at not-at-homes, etc.
The article says, concerning Awake!, "It is among most loved magazines of Christians." What??? There are 2 billion who profess Christianity, but only 8 or 9 million JWs. The writers of the article are clueless. The only Christians who might love the Awake! mag are JWs, and, probably most of them don't even read it.