I've been saying that for years. A year or so ago I told two elders that I didn't understand how we could say these are the most critical times in all human history. I said that if I had to choose any time to be alive, it would be now. They looked at each and laughed as if they knew exactly what I was talking about.
There's a documentary on the History Channel or one of the other similar channels about the Little Ice Age (beginning around 1350). Life was horrible and bleak - all about just surviving. Most babies didn't live long. Adults lived half as long as we live today. There was rampant starvation, sickness, injustice, pain, horror, misery, etc.
Think of all the horror of the plagues. Think of the time when there was no local pharmacy or Walmart. No aspirin. No relief for toothaches (which can be excruciating), no relief for the misery of itching, etc.
Imagine getting a minor infection on the foot, and instead of swallowing a few readily available antibiotic tablets, watching the infection slowly spread up your leg and cause your body to stink and fester until it kills you.
Imagine the wars back then - close quarters hacking, stabbing, and chopping - with no medical or pain relief for the injured survivors - survivors with gashes, punctures, etc.
Imagnine the horrible tortures employed back then; I cannot even comprehend how humans could do such things.
And yet, we now are living in the worst time of all??? I wonder how many JWs who say that would like to swap conditions now for the those existing back then.