The organization has changed drastically in the last few years... but NOT because of love. It seems to actually be more conniving, evil, and deceptive now than it was before. It changed because it had to. It is a dying cult, and it changed to try to prolong its life - to try to attract new members and retain current members.
It had to become far less analytical and doctrinal and to dumb down its literature because the internet exposed flaws in its doctrine. It can no longer be analytical and doctrinal because if it tries to, it will get shredded to pieces on the internet and exposed. It has to play it safe now. A few years ago, there was suspicion on this site that the organization had hired a PR firm to help it change its image. It produced a website, videos, & music (pop-like music). It began to have broadcast programs like those of televangelist religions it used to ridicule.
When I was a JW, I worked my ass off and slaved in misery for the organization. I don't think JWs do that anymore. The whole realm of JWdom is softer now. For example, back in my days as a JW, the organization and individual JWs were bold. Now, JWs run from questions and challenges and are cowardly.
So, the religion is still a harmful, deceptive cult. What some perceive to be its becoming more loving is actually a weakening.
P.S. They started to do Zoom meetings due to the virus, but, the organization is trying to get JWs to meet back in person now. And, concerning getting time in the ministry, it does seem that it's easier for JWs now. The pandemic changed that. I don't think JWs can or will ever go back to being the way they were in the ministry in the old days. The ministry was weakening even before the pandemic. That's because JWs face more obstacles in the ministry as time progresses. The internet has exposed the failed predictions, crazy past, looney teachings, corruption, etc. People are less tolerant of them, they have cameras everywhere, etc.