We now have Terry's Paypal address, we ran a test Donation, and Terry confirmed that he received the Payment in his Paypal.
If you would like to Donate, please Visit this Link :
Please fill in your intended donation amount, you do not have to fill in the "JWN User Name" area if you do not wish to.. This just helps us keep track of our progress.
Once you have clicked "Submit" you will be directed to a Secure Paypal Donation Page. You will be able to send any amount you like on this page. The Donation will go directly to Terry's personal paypal account.
(If you do not have a Paypal Account, you can pay by credit card as well, there is an option that says "Don't have a PayPal account?" if you need to pay by Credit Card find this area and click "Continue")
If you have already filled out the form, and you just need the paypal link please PM me, or if you don't want to fill out the form PM me for the Direct Paypal Link.
Thank You Everyone!